>I'm putting together a team
I'm putting together a team
La creatura
I wanna lick >her thighs so bad
honestly its so brave of her to wear the jeans that protected her from so much gunfire
why is the blonde barefoot?
>Hating kids because they don't want to get murdered during geometry class
because she ran barefoot while trying to escape, stepping over her dead classmate's blood and shit
God I wish those jeans were me
I'm in
Yes. Now fuck off.
What is this body type called?
Footfag fanservice
Is that the new Soros production?
Am I the only one that find David Hogg kinda cute?
As criaturas transgênero
>we'll dance your guns away
why do they always focus on the 0.1% types of deaths (school shootings) when trying to get guns banned?
the absolute state
The people effected most by gun violence aren't important to the establishment and are opressed beyond belief
Oh it's a mystery
WTF. The caption is fake ,right?
>”The following announcement has been paid for by the CREATURA WORLD ORDER......”
>Latina rips the constituion paper in slow motion while youtu.be
>the holocaust is fake, I get my worldview from Sup Forums
The absolute state of you
>Holocaust class
>17th century laws
>19th century weapons
these are the people who want to dictate gun legislation
chuck a wig on the dyke then fuck her in the ass
That middle girl has been leaked
>altering not just the founding documents of our country but one of the rights enumerated and guaranteed to us by our creator because some kids said so.
>le 52%
>Today in things i never said: Strawmanning and how to deflect
>tfw you get a zyklon B in holocaust class
That's where all the assault bullets hit her
>le 56% face
Jesus Christ
the "I'm so serious" woke face is a modern scourge
That gif can't be fucking real.
Yeah you're right, if I want to own a AT4 then it's well within my right to do so.
It's not. The paper she was ripping was originally a target or something.
Yeah i'd fuck her, to save the friendship
Holy fuck. Never give a womyn a soap box.
It literally is. If the founding fathers wanted to limit the type of weapon citizens could own they wouldn't have used the colloquial catch-all term "Arms". With the proper tax stampsinfringements you can own an AT4, or an mg42, or any other kind of NFA item.
this can't be real
because at4s are sold everywhere and priced totally within the budget of the average citizen :^)
any more faulty arguments mr. nogunz?
For the same reason why some people think that gun controls means gun bans?
where they even in direct danger?
why those muppets?
why is nobody criticising them for profiting on the behalf of their dead friends?
where they even friends to begin with?
I never realized how good that music is. Especially when Hendrix cuts it up at 1:35
Kek, the state if US, a spic toys with you
They didn't even go to the school. Crisis actors
>"You can count on me"
that hogg guy at least is
>I'm acting.gif
To take the focus off of her creatura face
>you're in?
you can't make this shit up, i feel ashamed of living in the same continent as these retards
Because people expect to be shot in the ghetto.
Kids shouldn't have to be dodging bullets at school.
She's from a poor family.
Maybe they wouldn't have to dodge bullets if they didn't make their fellow student's life a living hell.
>missing the point of the 2nd amendment entirely
Anyone can use google to research what the founding fathers meant it to symbolize, and what the supreme court has ruled on the matter.
>>I'm putting together a team
ave maría santísima protégeme.... ¡La creatura y los luces extiguidos!
>17th century
>19th century
nah bro. ripped jeans like that cost 40-150 dollars. Fashion can be ridiculous too.
they aren't though, like 10 kids of of 60 million die per year from this
>the first comment under the post
come on Sup Forums
To be honest, the "17th century"-text might be a reference to the English Bill of Rights 1689, from which the rebellious colonists took inspiration. It probably isn´t, though, because people who know such historical factoids are rarely part of the idiotic leftist hivemind.
20th century education
Calm down, it's a "How to Holocaust" class.
>To be honest, the "17th century"-text might be a reference to the English Bill of Rights 1689
You and I both know it's not. It's someone stupid thinking the 1700s are the 17th century.
>"lul wut are we protesting again? Oh right guns!! xD"
The absolute state of women.
Goodness Gracious
Thats a pretty shitty edit
what have you guys purchased purely out of spite in wake of these chuckle fucks?
I finally ponied up and bought a CZ ive been looking at, it should be coming in a few days
>Holocoaster Tycoon class
New meme fresh off the presses
looks nice user
Finally got the #1 fun on my list.
you fucking lucky burgers
these kids are this decade's cindy sheehan.
who's cindy sheehan? exactly.
who is this and why is she all over Sup Forums
Why are they blaming guns when they caused the shooting?
>mfw didn't have to go to my mandatory holocaust class because it was penis inspection day
Dodged a bullet there
That's also my #1
What is holocaust class?
I don't like her or their push to ban guns but this doesn't mean they bullied the kid, just that nobody wants to hang out with a violent crazy person for obvious reasons.
Isn't that the girl who went on a podium and publicly defended bullying?
That's what she was wearing when she was shot
>Holocaust class
United States of Israel
Looking to buy a handgun to take when I go /out/. Nothing too intense, just something to give me a little peace of mind. I know next to nothing about guns.
Any recommendations?