>Sup Forums expects Osama but happier to beat disney
The breadwinner
Did she win the bread in the end?
>Sup Forums expects literally anything to beat Disney
The Breadwinner could literally be the objectively best cartoon of all time, and Disney'd still beat it.
Waiting for an Oscar? Who cares about that? I'm waiting for the Rule 34
ITT we continue to bitch about Disney and the ignorant academy members.
Fuck, did the old thread get deleted already?
Literally no one thinks this or anything will beat a Disney/Pixar film for """"best"""" Animated Feature in present day academy.
Sup Forums really shouldn't give one bit of a fuck about this award. It's beyond me why we even discuss the contenders when we know the whole award means fuck all.
What if we infiltrate the academy and fuck with the ballots?
so did she get OSAMAED?
Because we like to get indignant every year about it.
You know we won't
But that's the thing.
No matter how angry you get at it, literally nothing is going to change.
You will keep getting angry at the same exact thing knowing they will keep doing this every single year a Disney/Pixar movie is out.
So why care?
Why discuss it?
Why not let this topic die in the abyss?
It's not like there are any new angles that can be discussed.
If this movie was exactly the same, but animated instead of live-action, do you think it would've won Best Picture?
Depends, is it up against a Disney or Pixar film?
It would've lost to Zootopia because the voter's grandchildren didn't see it.
Nah. Much happier ending.
if i remember,she spend the rest of her life as the wife of a fatso right?
Because it's fun get mad. Nobody actually thinks it'll change, at least with how it currently goes.
Something like that.
>fund Taliban against Soviets in cold war era
>destroy Afghanistan's sociopolitical condition with Taliban just to fuck with Russians
>apparently decide to invade Afghanistan to clean up Taliban and the mess you've made after 9/11
>fund Hollywood stars to make some cgi garbage about Afghan people to cater fake sentimentality
>People eventually fall for this bullshit
>implying any of that was wrong
>he wanted a commie afghanistan
Afghanistan is in the exact state of Sup Forums right now. Bunch of retards who are against degeneration yet try to get laid with everything except for women.
user is wrong about the breadwinner being based on it though. They are just very similar stories.
Starburns' upcoming Bubbles stop-motion biopic could be THE movie that finally beats Disney at the Oscars.
good post
Why hasn't this been answered?
Sup Forums can't answer the real questions
That's not Breadwinners you lied. What's this crap?
It's an Irish film.
They'll find those weapons of mass destruction some day
I saw a mad magazine comic strip about that once. They were digging graves for fallen soldiers and found the wmds.
>Thinking that Mexican themed Pixar movie won't win one year into the Trumpreich
Boy, you guys are retarded.
No. That's why I described the film as osama but happier.
Ask someone who's read the book.
>a Mexican-themed movie
>directed by a white guy with no Hispanic heritage
If SJWs make a big fuzz about it, maybe the Academy won't give it the Oscar.
she is discovered to be a girl after being hung inside a well where she is being punished. as she is hanging she menstruates. she then is taken to be publically killed but is spared when an old man takes her as a new bride where soon after she is raped by him. HIs crying wives wish for death. THE END