Cast them for the inevitable Netflix™ Original Series

Cast them for the inevitable Netflix™ Original Series

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Other urls found in this thread:$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf

Reminder than IRA shills are making these threads.

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Millie Bobby Brown as the bald tranny

>be American
>get shot

Reminder that the Russians are doing the Lord's work, when it comes to these opportunistic retards

What happened to the last thread


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I’m putring together a team.

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It's almost as if you think that spoofing the geotagging is an extremely difficult task.

I'm in

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>ripping apart a constitution
as a law man this kind of upsets me

Millie Bobby Brown

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>Ignore the constitution
>Disenfranchise women
>Put niggers back in chains

I see nothing wrong with this

It’s an edit
Tbh it’s what they want though

She's cute. Would fist/10

*gets beaten to a bloody pulp and strangled to death by a man she might otherwise have fought off with a firearm*

okay thanks

>dude in the front wearing fucked up pants
>girl right next to him not wearing any shoes
super classy

More people are killed by firsts than rifles each year.
You know, those same rifles these dumb faggots want banned.

doesn't say woman don't use guns does it user?

This wouldn't be a Netflix Original in its current form. There's no black people or Asians. The girl at the front is just barely beige.

You are why boomers shouldn't be allowed on Sup Forums (or the internet in general). No ability whatsoever to discern fact from fiction.

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If she's at an anti-gun protest she probably never intends to use a firearm

This is what retards genuinely believe.

No this would be better
>The main activists are set to guest host Monday Night RAW
>As the activists do their show opening promo and promote their movement, the crowd boos them heavily
>out of the blue this theme hits
>He is nowhere to be seen
>David Hogg gets speared out of nowhere
>The lanklet gets hit with a Superman punch
>Roman roars
>The bald bitch tries to fight back but she is hit by a more brutal spear
>Roman finally gets over
>The bald bitch gets up
>Suddenly this plays
>Roman,Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins pick up the bald bitch
>Loudest pop since every Steve Austin entrance

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Why is the blonde broad barefoot?
Why would two girls from Florida own such heavy sweaters?
Why are all the boys wearing charcoal colored sneakers?

That's the most autistic....yet funniest thing I've read all day. And somehow I find it plausible.


>its an "Americans think kids getting shot nearly every other week is something they can't fix even though nearly every other developed nation has no such problem" episode

They probably would get booed too. I remember when Nappy Al Sharpton hosted raw and got booed to whole show.

It's more of a "kids getting shot is statistically irrelevant so go fuck your mother if you think you're taking away constitutional rights" episode

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This isn’t happening you kike faggot

>kids getting shot nearly every other week
>~150 deaths from school shootings since Columbine

>well hot dang
>I sure do love muh guns

>school shootings aren't even a significant portion of gun deaths
>most homicides are committed by hand guns -- FAR AND AWAY
>but let's target assault rifles and implement background checks... that already exist


>still spamming the shop
You people fall for everything.

>t. Sergei Andropov

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I don't own any because I'd turn it on myself pretty quickly. I'm fine with other people having them.

>Russia literally has office buildings filled with trolls employed to make shitty shoops

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>it's a Sup Forumsniggers need to consistently be edgy so now they have issues with literal child victims of school shootings because they have opinions they don't like episode

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They’re not victims
The victims are dead

>having the highest rate of mass shootings of any first world or even second world nation isn't something to be concerned about
Yeah psshhhh I mean, most people die of cigarettes anyway right Shadilay XD

not even a boomer
how would I see that it's forged from one time viewing? let me guess you could tell by the pixels right away.

Are you intentionally trying to be retarded? You think there are no victims that were shot, yet still alive? I know for a fact that one of the principle students in the March for Life group was shot abs survived.

Kill yourself for being this contrarian.

Disarm niggers and spics and the number of shooting deaths falls to Switzerland levels. It's not a gun issue. It's a race issue

>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
Funny how the last three major mass shootings in the US weren't even done vy blacks. But I suppose if you were obsessed with race, you'd say that.

It's more that their opinions are just emotional and completely incorrect

Only a boomer would ask such a retarded fucking question. Go back to OldPeopleBook.


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>they are incorrect to want stricter background checks, to allow the CDC to study gun related death statistics and gun safety legislation
Yeah, morons. It can't possibly be that your camp are equally reactionary...

Is this supposed to be some sort of argument that justifies shooting up a school? Do you have autism?

Shame it didn’t die
These faggots deserve death

So, you're triggered by the opinions of actual children?

>they deserve death because they have political opinions on guns that I dislike

This kid was flagged a thousand times over, how many more fucking checks do you want? What do you want the CDC to study? We already have statistical breakdowns and shocker, these shootings are completely insignificant.

Mass shootings take up a small percentage of firearm deaths you dumb kike

Most deaths are whites killing themselves and niggers shooting other niggers

White males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #3 homicide 7.6%
20-24 #3 homicide 7.2%
25-34 #5 homicide 5.2%

Black males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #1 homicide 48.6%
20-24 #1 homicide 47.7%
25-34 #1 homicide 31.9%

Gun deaths, Blacks are 82% homicides (mostly caused by other black males) while White gun related deaths only 19% homicides

U.S. firearm death by type and race
White firearm deaths
77% suicide
19% homicide
Black firearm deaths
14% suicide
82% homicide

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The fact that the last 3 shootings weren't done by blacks doesn't preclude the notion of blacks being disproportionately represented among gun murder perpetrators you moron. Try actually refuting my point next time rather than pulling anecdotal evidence out of your ass

Triggered would imply I'm having an emotional breakdown and crying in the shower so no. I'm just arguing with people on the internet, no big deal.

Yes when that opinion involves taking away my rights.

Currently, the CDC is not allowed to study gun death in any real capacity, give me a reason why they shouldn't.

>bully some beta guy into school shooting
>it's not our fault it's the guns fault!
lmao, this is amazing

Also guns aren’t a disease
Maybe the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL should focus on diseases

When black people commit mass shooting's it's just called gang violence.

Because then it would cause people to realize an AR-15 is not an actual penis substitute?

CDC shouldn't study gun deaths because guns are not a disease.

She truly comes off as an actor to me. Nothing genuine about her at all

>implying mental illness isn't a disease

MUH GUNS!!! is literally the same as trannies thinking they are the opposite gender.

It’s not
>Citing four separate studies between 1988-2004, the assessment from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council says crime victims who use guns in self-defense have consistently lower injury rates than victims who use other strategies to protect themselves (other strategies include stalling, calling the police or using weapons such as knives or baseball bats).
>Hemenway finds more reliable an annual federal government research project, called the National Crime Victimization Survey, which yields estimates in the neighborhood of 100,000 defensive gun uses per year. Making various reasonable-sounding adjustments, other social scientists have suggested that perhaps a figure somewhere between 250,000 and 370,000 might be more accurate.$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf

>Upon interviewing convicted felons, these researchers found that

>74% indicated that burglars avoided occupied dwellings, due to fears of being shot
>57% said that most criminals feared armed citizens more than the police
>40% of the felons had been deterred from committing a particular crime, because they believed that the potential victim was armed

shut your faggot mouth. Why don't we let Toyota study Sup Forums users. You make this much sense.

You’d stop approximately half of all shootings if you banned niggers not guns soylet

Guns aren’t a mental illness
They’re innaminate objects

>She truly comes off as an actor to me. Nothing genuine about her at all
>2,000 rubles deposited to your account

They’re opportunists not victims

Clinging to them is the same as edgelords who cover NIHON STEEL FOLDED 320,000 TIMES!!!!

The deep state will get you if they want you. No collection of rifles will stop them.


Don’t project your insecurities onto others tripfag

If you go on twitter there are a shit ton of people mad about that shop, fucking hilarious.

An opportunist is someone who posts they want to punch a child in the face because they think Donald Trump might like them.

I’m not worried about the deep state so much as a pack of niggers trying a home invasion

God's work, user

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It's an edit of their true intent.

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>>Upon interviewing convicted felons, these researchers found that
>interviewing CONVICTED FELONS
lmao, they still committed crimes, who cares that they avoided certain areas or feared whatever the fuck else? It still didn't stop them from committing crimes. Amazing deterrent.

>Protesting is bad

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They all have to wear clear back packs to school now permanently hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahaha

Yeah, they choose soft targets
Places that love to show the world they’re unarmed
You’re retarded

It's a shop you fucking retard

>doesn't want his fellow white man to not kill himself with an easily obtainable gun
>hates whites
good for you.

So you admit you live in a state of neverending fear.

Must suck.

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Lol what a retarded statement. You seem emotional about this. Are you from tumblr?

Hey Biff! Hows it going buddy?

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>everybody has a sign in front of his house declaring if you have guns or not
sure thing, you mong.

I know that faggot. My statement still stands.

>majority of mass shooting victims are whites
>"Silly goyim, there is nothing wrong with mass shootings. :)"

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It doesn't stand on very strong legs when it's based on a fake shop

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No it’s the same reason I have car insurance. Just in case