What's the best theater food? why?

what's the best theater food? why?

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crab legs

For me its the complimentary floor cucumbers

Durian. Preferably very ripe.

i always being a few tins of tuna, mayo, pasta, a portable stove and a saucepan


deep fried falcon wings

crab legs dunked in hot sauce

Onion soup.

I usually just get a black coffee, but if I am hungry some popplers.


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pic related+any cold drink like Pepsi or Monster

nice dude

>nigger food
>looks like the map of Argentina
resonates my peanuts



Most American thread of the day


battery acid with a side of fried honey

I'll order a pizza and get it delivered to me in the theater. It's great, I don't even have to leave my seat.

Are euros really so poor that they can’t afford a tasty snack with their kino?

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>the avengers be like: lets get some shwarma
>you all like: bitch I already got it right heree

I'll take a nice big plate of bondeggi please!

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for me, it's the mcchicken

>be American
>get tickets for Black Panther to prove you aren't racist
>get in the movie theater and sit down using two seats cause body too big just for one
>realize 30 minutes have gone by without eating
>call nearest Pizza Hut before movie starts
>pizza gets delivered just in time during the trailers and whole cinema claps

who is doing this

pretzel and cheese

>eating at the theater

even i could do a better poached egg.


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For me it's spaghetti, preferably just like grandma makes it (if I can't get her to go with me and cook on location, I always at least bring some leftovers from home in tupperware and microwave it)

For me it's a Khlav-Khlash and crab juice

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This, I can’t stand when I visit a cinema and it doesn’t have at least 2 microwaves in each auditorium.

>what's the best theater food?
Nothing. Focus on the movie you're watching fat ameritards

kaykino youtube.com/watch?v=4WPfdTuUlkQ

Cheeky five pack of Greggs sausage rolls.

falcon legs xDDDD

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Anyone else like to get drunk in the theater?

these bad boys are easy to sneak in and will have you buzzing pretty good by the end of the flick

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>only niggers like chicken

Popcorn and Cookie Dough Bites, with a Diet Dr. Pepper.

just sneak in some nips

Patrician taste, my man.

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>open big-ass can of surstroming
>whole theater clears out
perfect for those annoying crowds during midnight premiers

Me? I feed on seeds.

someone sold me a pulled pork sandwhich at the black panther showing, it was good

i stopped because it makes me have to piss half way into the movie

I have brought whiskey in before, but I end up having to get up to piss a few times. I like to drink and watch movies at home that was I can pause it make real food not meme answers and smoke cigarettes,

are those even washed?

mike and ikes

No meme, my legitimate favorite is some cheddar biscuits.

For me it's sneaking a Jimmy John's sandwich in and slowly eating it with little bites for two hrs. I do buy a big drink because my local theater has Mr.Pib and it's awesome.

Subway sandwiches don't work due to the wrapper style, Fire House and Jimmy John's is wrapped in a way that makes it easy to simply hide in the sleeve of a jacket or cargo pocket.

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Das krab

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Crab legs with yellow sloth fur sauce.
Poppy seeds for my falcon.

you monster