Movies that are better than the book they're based on

Movies that are better than the book they're based on.

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All of them solely because they waste only about two hours of your time. Nonfiction is a horrible waste of time.

why everything has to be so polarized and childishly striking?
why can't you have a regular opinion like a normal human being you fucking cunt

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The Prestige

Rushmore is better than Catcher in the Rye

Nah, DADOES is better than Blade Runner and Soyrunner 2049

That's because the catcher in the rye is the most overrated book in history.

It's basically about a Sup Forums + /r9k/user.

Blade Runner
The Shining
The Godfather
Rosemary's Baby

movies that were about as good as the book:
Clockwork Orange
No Country for Old Men

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Pic unrelated.

The book is way better. The movie just looks good.

^p much this the battle with the russian decided in fractions of seconds after a well placed laser in his head
the escape of the fake cop precinct
final battle decided by a benevolent psychic benefactor
rachel being very close to a real woman

the list just goes on and on

nah, PKD was more of an "ideas guy" than a great writer, aside from A Scanner Darkly which I enjoyed

every Kubrick movie

not Lolita

not Eyes Wide Shut


t. pseudo intellctual

Pygmy Guinea > Orange midgets
Dahl wins again.

lol no

Any cases where the book was actually better than the (critically acclaimed) movie?

The Shining, Kubrick's rendition not King's buttmad remake.

Heart of Darkness is much better than Apocalypse Now.

maybe not critically acclaimed but The Road gets a lot of love here and the book is way better

The book was a standard housewife thriller with a bleaker ending than most. Ultimately, I forgot most of it immediately after I finished it.

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Blade Runner isn't based on the book you fucking posers.

Like 70% of it is.

>cormac mchacky


The Road, the book. Was total dogshit. When ashes fall. The road ahead is long and bleak. Lack of grammar and apostrophes, doesnt make a good writer.

But papa, why do we not use quotation marks? Writer is a hack son. Rain falls to dust.

Gone girl was a kino movie

Honestly this.

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LotR movies

>inb4 muh pages of elvish songs

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Minority Report and Total Recall too.
Philip K(uck) Dick is the biggest hack in "classical" literature. Everything he writes is unreadable tripe.