Why white people are more likely to be serial killers in america?
Seven killings
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>white people are a majority of population
>white people are more represented in most aspects of society
is that too fucking hard for you Turkish intellectuals to comprehend? even so, it's still a myth. there are actually more black serial killers and you can look this up. I don't know why you think posting an atyicle about literally one white serial killer proves your point. go fuck yourself.
FUCKING LEAF. i didnt not mean crime in general dip shit. i meant the type of criminals
>literally one white serial killer proves your point
nope. most known serial killers are white
being a serial killer requires brains, foresight, intelligence and ingenuity
whites: 51
blacks: 39
yeah the guy in the picture really looks like a chessmaster and a brain surgeon
Whites peaked in 1940 at 90% of the population
In 2010 they were 60% of the population
>turkroaches in charge of understanding per capita stats
stay mad mehmet
all im saying i never heard of a black school shooter
because your iq is in the double digits. fucking kill yourself. how the fuck do you respond to someone refuting you with stats with "hurr I never heard it so it dun must not be true"
Because you're a faggot who trusts Jewish run media.
you sound upset
/thread (again)
>black school shooter
>implying most black people go to school
you're right, most people get angry when dealing with retards. great job pointing out natural human emotions. get back to genociding Armenians, it's the only thing you're good at.
Fucking roach pretending to engage in an intellectual conversation.
Hang yourself, Cenk.
>turkish intellectual
>can't do basic statistics.
because whites typically only kill people if they are mentally deranged in one way or another
The first and second highest scores belong to a Colombian and a Pakistani. It helps when your shitty ass country doesn't care when street urchins go missing.
Are gang bangers serial killers? What percentage of whites are the population? Any more stupidity from you?
There is more proportionately black serial killers in the US. They just get much less publicity generally because their victims are primarily black prostitutes in ghettos so the media doesnt really give a shit.
Just a couple months ago LA sentenced the grim sleeper to death. He had been killing prostitutes in Los Angeles for decades.
>CLAIM: white people are more likely to be serial killers in america
Most mass/spree/serial killers in America are negroes.
>its this easy to trigger Sup Forums
It's good that article brings up the fact that most serial killers aren't highly intelligent. In fact, some were borderline retarded (Henry Lee Lucas, Gary Ridgeway and Ed Gein).
>never heard of a black school shooter
Blacks don't receive publicity because that would go against the mainstream media's narrative.
>literal insect get's BTFO by superior races
>j-just j-joking guyz
Have a nap on the floor, roach.
Brown people too dumb to coordinate effectively?
look at history
we are can dish it out to many
They're stupid so they get caught. The cardinal rule for murdering someone is to make sure you kill someone you don't know. If you kill a rival gang banger, then you'll be the first suspect. The key is that white people may be more likely to be serial killers, but black people are far more likely to b murderers.
>be part of the group that pays for EVERYTHING
>no one shows any kind of gratitude or respect
>get told you and your ancestors are evil
>gee I wonder why these people we shit on snap and kill people
>Why white people are more likely to be serial killers in america?
Most minorities are too impulsive to get away with murder. They don't plan it out they just go to town with a cleaver and get gunned down by the cops.
Japs are an exception; but they usually off themselves before they get into cereal killing; but every now and then they snap and start stabbing people at a home for retards.
Rise of the Black Serial Killers Trailer
>In RISE OF THE BLACK SERIAL KILLER: Documenting a Startling Trend, Justin Cottrell expels the myth that serial killers in America are predominately white. But after sifting through a myriad of newspaper records and books, he's compiled a list of black murderers that is equal too or greater than the number of white serial killers from 1860 to present. Few if any have ever heard any of their names or stories, until now.Based on his findings white serial killers have been underrepresented throughout American history when compared to the percentage of the population they represent by a factor of 1.79 on average. On the other hand, black serial killers have been overrepresented 2.68 to 7 times their portion of the population, with a 150 year average of 4.18. Another startling thing he uncovered is black serial killers have never represented less than 26.83% of the number of serial killers in a given decade, despite their overall percentage of the population never exceeding 13.1%. This trend has steadily increased to the point that in our current decade they represent 88.24% of the number of serial killers apprehended since 2010, yet only account for 12.6% of the populace.
>Aside from trends, this book offers reasons most people assume black serial killers don't exist—from the media prohibition on the subject, to general misunderstandings. Coupled with this is a look into the various factors that breed serial killers, with a look into why black serial killers are on the rise, while white serial killers are on the decline.