let's discuss horror films! Seen any good ones lately?

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Does Bait count as horror? I watched it after we had a shark thread the other week and it was actually better than I expected it'd be. Not amazing, but you can't really be picky when it comes to shark movies.

films about killer animals are a type of horror.

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It's pretty ridiculous how well Anaconda works for being such a weird idea.

I saw a Dutch movie called The Pool (it's actually a pond) that was pretty good for a low budget dutch movie. Feels kind of like a non-found footage version of Blair Witch mixed with Yellowbrickroad.

Watching The Strangers today, and probably gonna go see the new Strangers tomorrow.

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speaking of yellowbrickroad, that was a that was mostly shit but still managed to spook me real good a few times.

I fucking LOVE yellowbrickroad. It's a tad low budget but the film overall has a great story and great turning point in to the horror of it. I also love how some of it is almost experimental in the ideas that came across.

If you liked it enough, another low budget really surreal horror film is called Specter. The movie if fucking nuts; having no real plot. I admit it's not very good, but it's just wacky as hell. I heard about it years ago from this trailer and was so excited after like two years of waiting I ended up messaging the director on Facebook and being like "when the fuck is this movie coming out?" lol.
It did not hold up to those expectations, but it's worth atleast one watch.

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Shit movies for plebs.

I watched Amityville II last night. It was a pleasant surprise as it was nothing I expected it to be!

The Amityville Horror + Poltergeist + Exorcist III

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I watched the original The Blob. I really liked the other kids helping to search through the town and believing them instead of acting like assholes like they would have in a modern movie.

It was kind of funny how much more terrifying the ending was when watching it today.

Yellowbrickroad has issues but I love it for some reason.

Had no right to have such a stacked cast

Stagefright/aquarius is the greatest slasher of all time

pretty good serial killer film an user recommended. Owen Wilson is a poisoner who travels from town to town killing people who come into his life.

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Why are they so comfy bros?

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literally who?

They post movies and cut intermissions into it where they discuss the movie, it's pretty smooth listening

The Deathmaster is a cool vampire hippie exploitation gem from the 70s.

Starts goofy but turns very dark.

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How is A Dark Song?

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this is literally the funniest movie ever made. it's also fucking fantastic.

watched the borderlands, because you guys shilled it every horror thread. started off promising, but it's literally "nothing ever happens" - the movie
ending was shit also.

pretty good desu

>Jon Voight makes up his own accent

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Quite good. Must see if you like movies with a lot of occultism.

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this little kino is a must see for any horror lover.

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Great film but I wish the ending was better. The Vietnam stuff made it seem really unfocused

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JLo was fugly in this movie.

Don't waste your money on Unsane. It's terrible.

i didnt understand the ending tho if he did die in vietnam after he got stabbed tben what was all the shit about his friends, drugs and new gf and army conspiracy all about?

I thought it was total shit. The only good part was when the guy tricked her into undressing so he could jerk off.

The whole movie is his death vision, the last thing he saw was a fellow US soldier stabbing him the chest, so his dying brain conjured some shady conspiracy to "explain" it all.

This movie is pretty kino

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John Carpenter sucks.

Only made 2 good movies: The Thing and Escape from LA. Yes, LA, NOT NY. NY sucks. LA is kino.

I was a bit disappointed by it.

>assault on precint 13th
>big trouble in little china

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Except for Assault on Precinct 13, Halloween, Escape from New York, Big Trouble in Little China, Prince of Darkness, They Live and In the Mouth of Madness exist

You're either retarded or retarded and trying way too hard to get hipster cred.

literally all shit

shut up faggot

arnie is not a pizzaface like i headcanon him, aka not good christine film.

Ignore this tryhard

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>movies that wouldn't be made today

Can you imagine the Sup Forumstard's reaction to that ending? "MUH BLOB IS A METAPHOR FOR MUH GLOBAL WARMING BOOGEYMAN! GOOD GOY" etc

It's not so much scary, it's more stylized. I remember watching it as a kid so part of my enjoyment is nostalgia.

>It's not so much scary,
Not the reason of my disappointment. It just wasn't as crazy entertaining as some other similar 80s horrors; Fright Night, Demons, Vamp etc.

The Similars

no sir, not any good ones. i thought cold skin was ok, but hardly a horror movie, more a fantasy type movie

>Shiri Shama...

The only good horror films are The VVitch and ^^egan is ^^issing

Gonna rewatch Anaconda now thanks to this thread. Cheers for reminding me of its existence, lad.