...........I was born in it

...........I was born in it............

Attached: Bane_TDKR3.jpg (470x706, 49K)

You're a big guy OP

how does bane eat?

he pull the mask off

it would be extremely painful for (You) every time he eats then

that's part of the meal

Nice dub dubs

molded by double digits

You came back to die with your city?

Attached: index(19).jpg (242x209, 3K)

Molded by it.


I like big dubs and i cannot lie

..........I didn't feel until i was already a man.........

Attached: 853544.jpg (465x456, 28K)

>Bane thread
where do I upvote bros?

go back to r*ddit

Im a baneposter but even I can tell what was trying to say

Kill yourself retard

>Im a baneposter
stopped reading there

gib bane pusy

Attached: gib.png (778x512, 45K)

You're honestly such a fucking idiot. I would put any money that you're underage.

Fuck you.


You're honestly such a fucking idiot. I would put any money that you're underage.

feeling homesick there, bud?

is baneposting dead
fuck you samefag

Attached: Capture.jpg (491x222, 25K)

>an unironic samefag asking for penance


Attached: Mr. Potter, I am DEH.jpg (637x358, 54K)

he only eats pudding and yogurt.
Or he has a feeding tube.