What do you think of the new story direction in the Sonichu comic book series, Sup Forums?
What do you think of the new story direction in the Sonichu comic book series, Sup Forums?
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Somehow even shittier than the old direction. I think.
Never bothered to read these damned things.
>giving girl a fursona for no reason
>is not even a sonic or pokemon character this time
oh boy he's going pure furry now
>the new story direction
I really dont like it. I much preferred it when the characters were simply self-inserts, obvious mary-sues, or scenery chewing stand-ins for real world antagonists.
Now there's TOO MUCH autism
>Chris added Mlp to his sonic/pokemon sona
Please tell me this shit is fake
>Please tell me this shit is fake
You think a run of the mill user could cook this shit up?
With the tranny angle it's taken on a new level of disturbing.
How do trannies feel about Chris chan? It's not like they can say he's not a tranny since their new doctrine is anyone who believes they're trans is trans.
Chris has to dot his i's with hearts now because he thinks that's something girls do
>"I'll stop inserting myself in the story"
>Proceeds to turn one of the hedgehogs into his self-insert and a tranny
>Pickle Rick and Chris Chan
Chris chan also liked one of Shadmans lolI drawings recently.
I'm still surprised that transgender thing wasn't just a phase and he's actually sticking with it. I was sure he'd be over it by now.
"""Transitioning""" hasn't really impacted Chris' life negatively.
People always treated him like crap, he always looked like shit, etc.
Actually things might have improved for him because he can wear maxi-pads and protect his underwear from his stress induced incontinence
Actually, it's come to light that his "tug-boat" is getting reduced and his mom isn't doing so well. So in all honesty, the future of sonichu if not Chris as a whole is at risk
Calling it right now.
Barb dies next issue
I shared the documentary to a friend who's a tranny. """She""" said """she""" was disgusted and didn't wanna hear anything more about it.
I find it so annoying that he thinks being a woman equates to just doing stereotypically girly things in addition to what he usually does and I don't really know why.
>cwc's ponified self
Well shit. I guess these comics are b& on almost every board now?
>I don't really know why.
He's nuttier than Squirrel Girl's shit and has a warped view on pretty much everything.
See the "Chris and" articles on the CWCki if you really want to understand his diseased worldview.
I see he still doesn't realize you can't copyright or trademark your "OC" derivative characters.
I thought he went ponyfag.
Many of the mlp vas are horrible people but I love how willing they are to call chris out.
Yeah but who wouldn't.
I'm really just surprised it took this long.
Somehow this is worse.
inb4 Dobson begins defending her
Wait, this thing is still going? I thought this would have died back when it was no longer popular.
What the fuck even is this?
I'm more interesting in Chris' logic. So Sonichu is just Sonic paited like a Pikachu and given the tail of one, that's seemingly defensible under copyright law. Asperchu, a parody of said uncreative character, is not.
Chris' latest fake girlfriend had or purported to have a feederism fetish and Chris tried to appeal to that by inserting weight gain and inflation shit into a few dozen pages of Sonichu.
"She could become cannon"
Chris really believes this.
I don't think he uses logic during arguments like that and just says things that he hopes will make bad and unpleasant things go away.
To be fair that's the normal human reaction to Chris.
Is like he's getting more autistic by each year.
He was openly a fan since the first episode and had a applejack avatar in some sites since fim started, he's literally the original brony.
he liked gen 3 toys and shit
>"Gomu Gomu Dobbo!"
>He was openly a fan since the first episode
He's been an open MLP fan long before the new show.
In the first video he posted over a decade ago he shows off a my little pony
Her mane and tail don't match
I'm very angry
I hate Alan moore is writing it now
So she tried to turn him to Dobson?
More like kipteitei, he specifically cited breakfast with sister a couple times
>breakfast with sister
What? I noticed that too but WHAT is Breakfast with Sister?
He'd be that size with or without her. It is funny seeing him embrace the fat instead of downplaying it like he used to though.
He is eating a lot of soy sauce now because he thinks he can get estrogen from it.
do you realize, do, you, realize.
Do you realize...? Do... you... realize something? Let me tell you: If the Rebel Alliance sees those Death Star plans, that you put in the damn droid, they could destroy our base, and we would have to move out of it...?
I honestly can't tell if hes laughing at himself or not.
A deviantart user who makes fetish comics about anime girls getting fat
needs an update
so much has happened since then
Now I just have more questions!
He's gotten really into it.
>Read through the CWCki
>All those early/mid-2000s references
Is it weird to get nostalgic when you read stuff about old CWC?
I'm working on it!
Sometimes when i lie on my bed in the middle of the night i think about chris-chan, is (s)he being serious? is it all just a mastermind prank? will chris someday be like "I have just been pretending this whole time"
and i realize that will never happen
i just want it to happen
chris-chan is such an unbelievable asshole that everyone can hate her immediatly, but when you find out more about them
you can't help but feel extreme pity
absolute disgust
and just- you just want to cry
not out of joy, not out of sadness, not out of anger
you just need to cry
Chris is nothing but pure suffering brought to life
i want to stop reading this comic
i want to stop visiting the cwcki
i just want chris to be
to be
I want chris to realize what is happening
but she never will.
she never will.
I think is fascinating how he is the perfect internet steryotipe in every single way, white american young man,manchild,no social life,virgin, nerd, fat,literally autistic, racist and sjw at the same time,questionable transexuality, pokemon,sonic and mlp fan
Is too perfect, is almost like he don't exist at all,like a living satire.
To be fair, it's not his first pony OC. He's had them longer than G4 has been a thing.
I just miss the days where there was less interference and it was Chris being himself that caused his misfortune opposed to man-made "arcs".
Most people who become internet memes out of cringe eventually learn, but not Chris. He is a permanent fixture on the internet.
Not sure if he is worse than the guy who rubbed poop on himself as a defense against molestation charges. Because Chris has never been accused of any crime that serious.
Damn. Barneyfags need to die.
He's just an autistic manchild and all around shitty human being. There are plenty of autistic people out there who hold down jobs and are productive members of society. Chris hit a business owner with his car twice, maced a GS employee, and uses his own mother to get free money for toys.
It's funny how he thinks being a "woman" means he doesn't have to get a job and means he's going to be supported...only he's so homophobic he wants an actual woman to do it instead of a man. The irony escapes him.
I've been calling her "her" since she came out, but it's not like the trans "community" feels she's been redeemed for her autism or anything. I mean, Chris-chan is still a living, breathing meme and it's not like being trans has changed anything other than what she wants people to call her.
Damn. Barneyfags need to die.
>do you realize, do, you, realize
>this world is totally fugazi
>he creams
>And he creams of eventually getting married to his true future sweetheart
Wew Chris
Thing is that even /mlp/ doesn´t want him.
Does Chris even interact with the fandom? I don't see him having an mlp forums account or whatever that doesn't give away who he is. He only uses twitter afaik.
ok it got me
>tfw Chris has better handwriting than you
Yes, sometimes
Mostly he just tweets/sends fanart to the voice actresses
He went to bronycon this year too
>He went to bronycon this year too
Yeah, not long after he posted a video with his mom begging for food money. Con trips are expensive, I'm about as big a brony as you can find and yet I havn't made the trip to Bronycon yet because it's fucking expensive.
He is dead serious.
No, fuck that. I won´t pander to this bullshit. Chris is not transgender, if anything he is transfat. Genderissues are something very complex that need a lot of introspection and years of therapy to figure out. Chris had neither, also he has neither the intelligence nor the maturity to figure out anything more complex than a jigsaw puzzle. Its his brilliant plan to get lesbian pussy and to get an easier life because he thinks that women don´t have to do anything. This all being fueled by him being a horny, lazy, stupid, fat fuck.
>Genderissues are something very complex that need a lot of introspection and years of therapy to figure out. Chris had neither, also he has neither the intelligence nor the maturity to figure out anything more complex than a jigsaw puzzle. Its his brilliant plan to get lesbian pussy and to get an easier life because he thinks that women don´t have to do anything. This all being fueled by him being a horny, lazy, stupid, fat fuck.
That's a lot of denial, user...
While it would be amazing to have Chris pull a Parkourdude, he is, unfortunately, very much the real thing.
i mean, the resemblances are very subtle. it may not even be chris in this one
I think any gender issues Chris may have are from hating men rather than anything. He must have been bullied by guys pretty hard in school and his only "friends" were girls.
You actually could argue Chris always trended towards that direction (remember crystal? his fake exact twin sister who was hot as fuck). It's just once his dad died all bets were off.
>remember crystal?
Never forget
>And that man had long hair
That's been the case for a few years now, the trolls pretty much backed off after Bob died, with a few minor exceptions. Everything for the last ~5 years has been all him.
Bate is far worse. Chris has done his fair share of shit, but he didn't molest a child or jack off with his own shit.
i wonder how much weight they made him gain
Help, my friend is a chris-chan in the making and I'm trying my best to save him; I got him out of sonic and mlp but now he's watching rick and morty.
I'm curious, has anyone ever tried the DENNIS method on Chris yet?
>but now he's watching rick and morty
You're letting memes eat your brains. Let the poor sap live his life.
>Demonstrate value
Chris inherently places an extreme amount of value on all boyfriend-free girls.
>Engage physically
I commend anyone willing to complete this step.
>Nurture dependence
Chris immediately becomes emotionally dependent on any sweetheart
>Neglect emotionally
See: Jessica Quinn
>Inspire hope
The only thing Chris hopes for is finding a girlfriend. I doubt you could inspire him to get a job for example
>Separate entirely
He'd have a fucking meltdown. Like when his pretend girlfriend deactivated her facebook he posted ?v=yMRfEv-Vwsc within a few hours
Honestly, the Un-Clit has long topped DCB as the go-to Chris bodily phenomenon.
Looks like to me that Chris see genders as nothing more than a role people play on society like a second job, probably because he don't understand what a transexual is,he see them as men that simply want to be women for pratical reasons,
Is kinda suspicious how someone as autstic as him never let out any signals about being a transgender before, he can't hide his thoughts at all being the msot open book possible so how the fuck no one could notice that he was a transexual before his 30s?
His crippling fear of anything even remotely homosexual didn't tip you off?
Isn't "muh logic" supposed to be a defining trait of autism?
>dat serious look before "crying"
Trying to fake human emotions
The only unbelievable one here is you.
He's probably homosexual but too stupid to realise it.But not really a sign of being a "lesbian transexual"