What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

No breasts? Worked for an insecure man-child? Called herself Mirage? Knew she wouldn't be in the sequel? Wanted and didn't get >Insert clever Mr. Incredible dick pun here

Did she have a problem? She just seemed like an ordinary henchwoman to me. Oh wait, is this a shitty bait thread?

I remember Brad Bird explicitly saying he was influenced by James Bond movies for the Incredibles. She's a James Bond archetype and a plot device for them to get the rocket jet off the island.


She didn't had a skimpy superhero outfit.

Weird nose

Didn't she have a Fetish for powerful people?

She's a toothpick

Hook, line, & sinker.

Weakness for men with power/money.

She's the most realistic portrayal of a female in all of Disney history and this pisses off women just like it would've pissed off guys if Bob would've made her his mistress...which honestly, I still can't believe he didn't do ANYTHING with.

>have a beautiful wife he has kids with
>some stick with bleached hair and probably had more miles of dick in her than airmiles comes on to you
Risk/reward and all that

>he'd risk a lifetime of thicc for a fling of the sticc

Some sort of secret agent that took a hard fall from the game and was forced to seek protection from a corrupt CEO super genius?

>Knew she wouldn't be in the sequel
She won't? Fuck, could have been nice seeing her work at some kind of hero agency.

VA is dead.

She was hassled mercilessly about her accent when she was younger. Cute accent btw.. french? ..swedish?

she wanted the big white aryan cummies and Mr Incredible wanted the tight south-east asian pussy,

She was a good girl who just wanted an Incredible pounding.

Ah, yeah i think i saw this somewhere. Shame.
But they could always find someone similar i guess (or as you said, scrap the character completely if her role wasn't that big to begin with).

Guys have thrown away hotter wives for less. Bob is a middle age guy (who grew up in the 40'sor 50's) going through a mid-life crisis now here's some younger chick going on and on about how awesome he is and they're drinking while flying on jets to secluded jungle islands? And he figured his wife would never know?

Yeah, him not at least making a pass or slapping her on the rear seems a bit reserved. He would considered her part of his compensation.