Wtf I love Star Wars now!

wtf I love Star Wars now!

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give away all your money then mark. it's only fair.

it's my birthday, say TLJ sucks

>relies on corporate bullshit cookie cutter movies for personal fullfilment and instant gratification
Leftwingers and millenials, everybody.

Where's McCarthy when you need him

Hollywood is the most hypocritical group of people ever assembled lol

Based mark

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>make a fortune through a giant corporation and multi-billion dollar franchise
>capitalism is bad!
Jesus Christ these people are crazy

kek what are you even talking about? Slavs are cutting the cord off Europe, and forming a US & China backed economic corridor themselves.
Being a commie here is a surefire way to get your teeth knocked out.

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wtf does your post have to do with the fact that most people that lived under communism prefer it to capitalism

Read a history book retard to know why that is

Why is it considers okay to say "I'm a communist" in this day and age, but the same sort of people who say that probably make "Bash the fash" memes instructing people to beat the shit out of people spouting fascist rhetoric?

yeah, I'm sure they loved getting their houses burnt down.
Die, kike.

because communism funnels everyone's property into the hands of a few people.
To niggers and lefties this is fair because they don't own anything.

Im from an ex-soviet state and we dont prefer communism, no one does
The break up did however hurt our countries a lot and it would have been better if there wasnt a collapse but instead a steady turn towards democracy and capitalism
Take china for example, they understood capitalism would benefit their society and they built on that
Now theyre projected to be the #1 economy on earth

Funny how there's always people fleeing oppression from communist countries to capitalist countries but never the other way around.

These are mostly old people with Stockholm syndrome and nostalgia.
Nobody in their right mind in EE would want communism back

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i don't know, surely being given wealth equivalent to the GDP of a small country for pretending to be a space wizard a few times a year would give you a pretty good insight into exactly why capitalism is bad

Nu-Star Wars would be better if it was in the hands of the proletariat than the bourgeoisie i.e. Disney

china is also the most populous country on earth

Supply and demand.

>movies that make billions of dollars shouldnt pay their actors a few million each
You want actors to work for free?

why do people need to be the same economically for them to think it is fair? not all jobs require the same effort. i get there is more to life than money, but what is a better system for producing/trading goods than using money? encourages competition and improvement to win over consumers.

India is also populous but its not a growing industry powerhouse, despite the memes
There are less populous countries that are richer than their bigger counterparts

>there's a lot of demand for dumb action movies, therefore there's absolutely no moral problem with poverty

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Hehe, so much for the rational and objective polbabies that believe in facts and numbers :^)

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Why don't you move to Venezuela then? Stupid faggot

Unironically this. I have an extremely hard time taking "leftists" seriously when they memespout about entry-level Marxist economics jammed between tweets about just LOVING the latest capeshit movie and how they just spent 300 dollars on Harry Potter merch.

I’m originally from a former communist country faggot

I literally lived under communism

How is it my fault poor people are too retarded to not be poor?
The Soviet Union also produced movies and nukes while my family was starving with no chance to get a higher-paying job unless i knew someone higher up


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>why would I move to a fascist state capitalist shithole in the middle of a civil war
Well you are in the minority :)

Who are you quoting?

How are leftists still a fucking thing, read a book kids

your parents were just dumb as fuck bro, that explains your low iq and inability to understand graphs :)

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A small minority of people in EE nations want communism back, who get inflated in news outlets because of a combination of Russian-backed media efforts, western capitalist media sources having this weird fixation about how communism wasn't all that bad after all, and sensationalism.

It's actually very ironic because it's a case where literal Russian propaganda outlets and western "progressive" liberal media are advocating for the same thing - the former for power, the latter for ideology. Everyone hates Eastern Europe.

>blood blood it’s all lies
You are just in the minority little kiddo. I bet this graph triggers you too.

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lol, what a misleading chart. Why is it looking at such a tiny time frame?

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Cool ad hominems
How is a graph from 1933 about industrial output supposed to tell you anything about how living under communism was? Make more things = keep everyone fed huh

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>I've got a bunch of TPUSA memes saved on my hard drive

*destroys your narrative*
facts don’t care about your feelinngs

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Ah i see
You’ve changed my mind
Collapse of the Soviet Union was a mistake
Should reunite right now and show the western world whats good

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If you are going to post graphs post the source

Its just apopulation graph it has nothing to do with the conversation

hat do the soviet and American populations over time have to do with anything?

Because I reverse image searched the graph and can't find the source. For all I know he made that graph himself

u guys are getting baited dont you realise that

Yeah /leftypol/ comes on here from time to time to push their shitty propaganda

>muh communism starved people
except it kept up with USA growth rate, all the more impressive cause of the baby boomers there :^)
kek post any population graph they are identical

>Have to be a destitute laborer who only watches Dardenne films to be Marxist
lel fucking retards

>statistics, polls, and charts
I have not seen a single polbaby refute these yet :^)

fyi pretending you came from a former soviet country and crying is not a refutation

Fuck you pos, I hope someday you will live in a communist dictatorship then you will forget how it is to be smug

You realize that Americans developed a significantly longer life expectancy over that period?
Also birth rates! Just looking at population totals doesn't tell you anything about national food shortages. Also, saying "they didn't all literally starve to death" doesn't mean communism was good

Post the source then

>I hope someday you will live in a communist dictatorship
most of the people who lived under it want to go back :)

>muh industrial output
>muh birthrates
How about you feed your citizens you retard

>"industrial output" (no mention of what that is supposed to mean)
>from report of Stalin
>4 year window
>like 2 data points

sick graff >:D

People like you would be the first one to die in a mass purge under a communist dictatorship

there is no possible way that is true

>t. someone who has never met anyone that lived under communism

post whatever graphs you want that refute me, do not give me stupid rhetoric
>durr it’s not good
people who lived under it prefer it to capitalism at least :)

Source is UN census. Oops, there goes your narrative :^)

There is a difference between just watching low brow movies for fun and being a consumer bitch and Disney's shareholders cumbucket, and a self-alleged communist simultaneously.

Its possible he's just saying it because it was the guys birthday request you know

What is this spic blog bullshit?

>muh starvation
USSR has better population growth than USA :^)
oops I triggered some polbabies with facts and data :)

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The means of production ARE in the hands of the proletariat, and all they do is whinge about having to produce stuff instead of getting gibs.

>keeps posting about steel production
Yeah how about you feed the people dumbass instead of smelting everything that is made of metal into crude steel

you wanted where the graph was from, that graph uses data from the UN census... oh sweetie i know it must be rough for your narrative to be shattered by facts and statistics but you have to live in reality :)

Are you just posting random charts?
None of these even suggest the soviet union was good. What do any of these have to do with anything?

Then why did you link some spic blog bullshit?

>Yeah how about you feed the people dumbass
Read my post sweetheart
>USSR has better population growth than USA :^)

>except it kept up with USA growth rate, Poles just ate grass soup for 50 years because they liked the taste

I wouldn't mind Communists if they either won't all retards or if they were all dead.

>lel fucking retards
a real commie leftist would have pirated it

... because that is where the graph is from? sweetie, you asked me for the source on the graph, and the graph maker cites UN stats... do you understand how that works?
i am merely debunking dumb polbabies while I wait for the gf to come over :)

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So they procreated more doesn't mean they were properly fed retard. Read a history book

>because that is where the graph is from?
So it's from some spic blog bullshit? This is where you get your facts from? No wonder you are so retarded

>Communism is good because the USSR almost made as much steel as America sometimes
>and also because they didn't die from starvation faster than they had babies
>and because The USSR had more "industrial output" over a super conveniently cherry picked 4 years during the depression
Is this a serious argument?

>i am merely debunking dumb polbabies while I wait for the gf to come over
What have you debunked?

how do you explain the fact that most people that lived under it want to go back? nice lies about muh soup by the way, literally every single statement i made has been backed up by primary sources i have included whereas you have provided none :)

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>how do you explain the fact that most people that lived under it want to go back?
This is literally not a fact

Communists are brain-dead drones

I am sure its just a coincidence that the former communist countries that have embraced American capitalism like East Germany, Poland and Estonia are doing so much better than the one's that stayed with the authoritarian left like Russia, Moldova, and Belarus

>everyone starved meme
why do most people that lived under “starvation” (lmao) want to go back :^)
you can look up the un stats honey, they match the graph
starting with this guys denial of the fact that most people that lived under communism want communism back, and then everyone who replied after :)

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>tfw you try to defend communism on the internet but no one respects you

There is a difference between a starving population and starving to death. Constant food shortages are bad even if you aren't literally dying from it

See here’s some more

hmm i wonder who will be the first to reply with facts instead of rhetoric :)

>everyone starved meme
It's not a meme you retard. People that lived under communism had to resort to eating grass, tree bark, and the flesh of other humans. Sometimes when they cannibalized another person the person they were eating was so malnourished that they hardly got any sustenance from the act. Is that what you want to go back to?

lol, saying that Russians regret the loss of their political power and domination over their neighbors does not suggest they think communism is a good thing

Its like asking if America was better under slavery but only polling rich southern landowners

>The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

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>The feelings of regret are most pronounced among people who are elderly, poor, less educated, or rural
Rural and suburban retards strike again

>tfw you post primary sources and statistics but people reply with unsourced propaganda that capitalists have drilled into their smooth brains from childhood

prediction: the next thing they will pivot to is crying about communism being a jooooooish conspiracy to destroy civilization

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If the USSR had such superior birthrates to the US then why does the US currently have roughly 200 million more citizens than the Russian Federation? Where'd all those superior commie babies go? Losing over 200 million people in 25ish years seems like it'd be quite the achievement, even for Communists.

What does that have to do with suburbs?
Suburban living is the exact opposite of poor rural living

>He doesn't realize jews were behind the communist revolution
wew lad

fucking obviously those people live in countries that broke away from the Russian yoke

>muh death tolls
>implying I care
would gladly have classcucks and bootlickers like you killed to be honest, we can add to our body count :^)

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>muh death tolls
>implying I care
What else should I expect from an insectoid communist drone

>Communism solves hunger

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Real Communism doesn't exist just like certain chemicals can't exist freely in nature and reality without either isolating them from some real world natural phenomena to retain their volatile nature, or allowing them only to fester within papers and books.
That's Communism. Only armchair Communists believe in the reality of it since they are confined in books, but once it is brought up into the real world by practitioners then Communism only works by either changing its chemical makeup as you realize its follies through practical application (China did this after the great leap), or isolating the world around it as it is forced to exist in a static non-evolving environment while the world around it advances.
You can see examples in both present and past, with no deviations.
There is a good reason there are more ex-Communists than actual Communists in the world.
The real shame is that the people advocating anti-Capitalism always take up the venomous and radioactive Communism as its antibody even though it is far from the only solution, indicating laziness and cognitive stagnation in the anti-Capitalist movement.

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