Just finished reading 2015 catwoman #43.
I think I'm missing something but she saw Bruce Wayne and looking for batman... Doesn't she know Bruce is batman?
Just finished reading 2015 catwoman #43
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Pre-52, and post-Rebirth, most definitely.
But early nu52 stuff was a mess, I saw an issue where she didn't recognize Black Mask, thus negating Brubaker's run - y'know, the one universally-praised run on the character.
From the last batman comic, I found out Bruce Wayne lost his memories from his fight with joker (though last couple weeks during Darkseid war he sat in a chair so I'm guessing it takes place before endgame?) and is working at a community center??
So during 52 she just forgot?
What are you even asking? Yes, that's what that arc is all about. Keep reading.
The glove on the floor is the same she's wearing it.
Does Darkseid war take place after endgame or before?
After IIRC
Wow, I should just read arcs in a timeline instead of by the week. Takes the immersion out since I know Gordon will stop being batman and Bruce will go back
Though I am enjoying red hood and arsenal during the 52. It's not good but just fun
Literally nobody on Earth would honestly think that would happen
Why does Gordon look younger than Bruce Wayne?
They explain that he had chemical treatments to enhance his abilities and physical condition
Maybe they should do that for Alfred, felt bad seeing his stump of an arm
She eventually finds out but she found out sooner in what was a cut scene of her going to Wayne manor and stripping on the lawn.
Might as well post this.
Guillem auctioned off the uncensored inks of this page that doesn't have the boxes covering her.
Anyone who has, post?
>tfw your dad knows what your gf looks like naked now
Gonna spoiler this.
Pretty sure that person posted it. Let me see if I have it.
Fuck! How far is this from 2015?
I don't know but it was fairly early in the New 52 series. Maybe first couple arcs.
Cause I'm in 52 but Bruce ded and catwoman looking for "batman" and running a mob
Damn! I think batman won. Best superhero wife, sorry Lois and sue
And into the garbage it goes.