So this is the HOME STRETCH! And what better way to celebrate than with I LUV HALLOWEEN VOLUME 3 on our HALLOWEEN COMIC MARATHON

How is everyone doing tonight?



fine i'm happy you didn't forgot about finishing this series



Heeeey cool.
How goes it Dan?



Of course not!

Good! How are you?






You know, I've read this a couple of times and I still don't know if I like it or not, I just keep reading again and again. Thanks for finishing this, Dan.





Jesus, I remember this.

This probably one of the worst comics I've ever read.





Considering that my birthday is on Halloween, the title drew me in immediately. That and I like the art so far and the humor.








































happy youre doing all of this series
its not the best, and i remember people being kinda vocal about not liking it last year since it makes less and less sense as it goes on, but i really liked it, and still do





















shoulda asked for a blowjob










>feto comedy
i cant say i have seen a lot of it

