any noteworthy recent scifi?
Any noteworthy recent scifi?
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Arrival is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent The Martian, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.
If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.
There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.
Granted, there is a difference between Arrival and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, Arrival has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.
Completely disappointing movie.
>so that just happened
This is a great piece of soy-fi
when that thing descended FOR HER....i cried.
interstellar and martian are shit
arrival is great
Inifinity Chamber
>If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.
Oh snap, this is me. I was so caught up in what the other nations (China, Pakistan, Russia) may be planning to do next, I didn't even pay attention to the hints. Tbqh I don't even give it a try anymore, because I know it will eventually be spoonfed to me anyway.
Interesting movie anyway.
pseud: the post
>Completely missing the point of arrival
Bravo Bravo
>You know what surprised me the most? It wasn't meeting them. It was meeting you.
I could forgive all its flaws if it wasn't for that single painfully horrible line of dialog
dishonest pseudointelligent soypost
that's how normal people think and talk tho
>gulhghlgh guuglghglh ghghghghgluhg
>can you translate that? Hear any words? Phrases?
>i can't translate like that. I'd have to be there
>you didn't have to be there to translate farsi
>cuz i know farsi
show me more retarded scene in movies. I'll wait
>part of a recent series of movies
This pasta is part of a recent series of pastas I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger pastas. Along with the BR2049 pasta and to a somewhat lesser extent the Villeneuve pasta, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are pastas designed to make the brainlets feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the brainlet's hand the entire way through until there is next to no buzzwords left to use.
If you didn't already know the empty point of this pasta by the time it starts the second section AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the brainlets I am talking about.
There is no reward for being smart while reading these pastas because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge meaningless buzzwords. Any clever bait is made so transparent that even the most reddit in the thread will get it. It also removes any reward for reposting or trying to figure out what you just read.
Granted, there is a difference between this pasta and the Villeneuve pasta. I think where Villeneuve pasta was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, this pasta has a brain that it is refusing to let the autist use.
Completely disappointing pasta.
>so that just happened
call your third world english teacher and let her know that she did a terrible job at teaching you the most basic english
There is no woman more interesting than an alien encounter.
strawman fallacy
t. flaming turbovirgin
This looks interesting. Don't know if it got picked up for distribution or not though
globalism is good, the movie!
you can add annihilation to that list
very good post, add the excrement that is annihilation to the list, it's the very definition of what you wrote, only part i disagree with is Interstellar, sure it has most of the problems you mention, but it has a bit of heart and the visuals are groundbreaking, i think it's superior to Arrival
The new Blade Runner, that's all I can think of
Ex Machina, Under the Skin, and Melancholia are the last kino sci-fi, change my mind
you first
Anime did it better. Infact, its just a reskin of west world.
>adding ex machina to that list
you almost made it user, other 2 are masterpieces
unironically this
predestination (hawke)
Ex Machina is fine. It's more of a psychological thriller that is incidentally sci fi
>BLACKED the SciFi episode
Not that recent, but still good.
This unironically. Even had the nuance to place Interstellar on a lower tier than the other two.
Pure kino
The Martian and Interstellar are both flawed, but not terribly so. Worth watching if you enjoy Sci-fi.
Is 11 years old 'recent'?
I guess not, just watched it the other day and didn't realize how old it is.
What "brain" did Arrival have? Spoonfeeding is one thing, but the twist itself was trash. The movie hinged entirely on amazing you somehow at the end and what we got was some time travel bullshit. Villeneuve is a great director but he seriously needs to find some better writers to work with.
There are no movies left for me to watch are there.
Thor Ragnarok is actually a pretty solid action / comedy flick. I was very surprised by it.
is this any good? it has terrible rating
nope, same here.
Yeah I was really disappointed with Arrival. I've read Slaughterhouse 5 so I figured out the alien's almost immediately. And once you do there's really nothing more to the movie.
There was nothing special about Arrival. It had no new ideas. It was well directed and well shot. That isnt enough.
you have no heart
I love sad movies. Why exactly was I supposed to care about a child we never meet?
so you rather have no scifi films at all?
not talking about the child at all.
Arrival just isnt a great movie. The drive to get women into sci fi will fail. It will not get women into sci fi and will further alienate white males.
What an utterly ignorant statement
Its really not.
arrival has certain completely unique things in it. i've never seen anything like it before. and it's entirely thanks to villeneuve that they're there.
That first contact scene was easily one of the best executed first contact scenes in cinema history.
It was an actual experience watching it in cinema, Villeneuve knows how to create tension.
Okay tell me ONE unique thing it has. ONE.
you have no heart and don't read poetry.
This is just bait isnt it? I dont care enough about this movie to argue with you. It was boring.
Annihilation didnt try to be smart, it didn't try to introduce complex scientific concepts it was straight forward that it's about alien form which we don't understand
Even if you watched films 24/7 for your entire life you would not get through everything that is worth watching.
A statement like that only indicates that you most probably don't even watch films released before your birth year
Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.
What you find boring others can find riveting and vice versa. Some people are immensely bored by Marvel flicks, some of them think they are just pure fun.
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>you have to watch every movie ever made
>no matter how obtuse
>no matter if the film was intended for your demographic or not
No. Make me sci fi movies for 20 to 30 year old white males. I will pay money for that. Everything else can fuck off. Ill pirate.
My mood while watching Arrival was bordom. It evoked an intense feeling of bordom. Evoking emotion is art. So I guess you could say it was a very artistic movie.
not him but i'm in my 30's i've watched every scifi worth watching, just have to wait for more to be made or watch 4/10 rated netflix original tier crap
Ex Machina
That’s it. Arrival had a good concept but ended up being dumb. Annihilation was dumb and had nigger shit in it. The Martian was pure reddit. Moon was a great concept but mishandled by having the twist in the first 30 minutes
>you have to watch every movie ever made
No one said or implied that you moron, I was merely pointing out how your statement where you imply that you saw every good film there is is ridiculous.
>no matter if the film was intended for your demographic or not
Jesus christ, if you watch films that actually have a set "intended demographic" then there's no hope for you
I have seen all good sci fi movies. You cant deny that.
Yes, you were bored, no one is denying that, but to say that a film is boring/fun is no argument of quality at all, because clearly there are a lot of people that find the same films you find boring extremely riveting and engaging.
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>Get better arguments
Take your autism medication. I am telling you that movie sucked because it was boring.
>It was boring
Everybody says this film is sifi, but a story is really about a personal journey to overcome the obstacles, though. A protagonist apparently deals with the invaders who tries to communicate by the language that nobody seems to understand. That is all about it. It’s simple as fuck user.
Prove it wasnt boring.
You are making the claim it wasnt boring. You need evidence.
What did you think about Alphaville? Woman on the Moon? Timecrimes? Delicatessen? On the Silver Globe?
I think they are really really old movies that I dont want to watch.
They were alright
>woman in the moon
i mean it objectively is. real life isnt EU4
>I am telling you that movie sucked because it was boring.
And I am telling you that you saying the filn was boring is as much of an argument as someone else saying it was riveting, or in other words, it's no argument at all
>Prove it wasnt boring.
Whatever I say here you will here just reply with "yeah that was le boring" so why even bother. As I've said, fun/boring are merely personal statements of mood which vary greatly depending on the person, most clear by the case of Marvel flicks which people are extremely entertained by or extremely bored.
You found Arrival boring, while others were so engaged by it that they went to see it multiple times in theaters. None of them are arguments of any kind.
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Prove it was boring.
You are making the claim it was boring. You need evidence.
Prove anyone seen Arrival multiple times in theratres/
Gonna have to second this. Annihilation (and Deus Ex Machina) are just sci-fi thrillers, and they're fine for that. The misconception that they're trying to be deep (and failing at it) is coming from brainlets who must think any kind of sci-fi that isn't capeshit must be trying to become the next 2001.
A movie being boring is the null hypothesis. You dont need to prove it. Any claim otherwise has to be proven.
>a movie from 2007 is now considered as "really really old"
Are you perhaps 12 years old?
Atleast stop ignorantly claiming that you saw everything that is worth seeing then, these are not even obscure picks
literally no
I am not angry at Deus Ex or Annihilation. They were both thrillers with sci fi elements but they were pretty average movies and I do get irritated with people that praise them as great science fiction.
It made decent money
>following reddimdb ratings
just watch it faggot.
Lol just seen that arrival was made for 40 million US jew bucks. Thats cheap.
Prove that a movie being boring is the null hypothesis.
Hard to Be a God