Just finished this

Just finished this.

In true Sup Forums-fashion, tell me what to think about it.

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It was decent escapism with excessive nudity, shitty writing, mediocre acting, a terrible open ended climax, and the few likable characters die while the annoying ones live happily ever after.

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respond please

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I'd like to see this redone with literally any other actors.

I enjoyed the performance by the original asian siblings while I disliked Joel Kinnaman's, it was too hard boiled for my taste, leaving no nuance to the character

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I needed way more Marc Antony and Poe.

Kinnaman, while a good looking man, is a charisma vacuum. Never seen a role of his I enjoyed.

sounds like game of plebs

We can all agree that Rei was the best girl, right?

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he's not good looking but yes, total vacuum and the character was supposed to be very charismatic

The nigress in the fetish outfit was worth putting up with all the other stupid bullshit.

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mediocre cyberpunk crap just like the rest of that shit genre

Her character made no sense at all. Her whole plot point was that she looked like the wife but in this show she was a nigger so it made no sense for richyMcMoney to be interested in her.

agreed with poe. who do you mean by marc antony?

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Yes, she was a great match for the role

The show started out great and quickly turned into SJW trash. The side plot of the crazy daughter turning into le sexy powerful assassin was some of the worst writing I have ever seen.

The politics are about as subtle as a chainsaw and the dialogue towards the end sounds like Tumblr fan fiction. I unironically stopped watching like halfway through the last episode.

I'm disappointed because the premise was really interesting. It's just too bad it became a pulpit for Netflix to preach from by the last couple episodes

Ortega is best girl though

Only watched the first couple of episodes. I love the concept about him solving the guys murder for him and everything to do with the memory cards and cloud saving your memories. Far from an original concept but right up my alley. Everything else was too mediocre and derivative though.

Felt like it was borrowing way too heavily from Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell.

the first three episodes were good but then it devolved into fan fic tier filler till the last episode which was anti-climactic. they completely dropped any sense of noir and devolved into technobabble and deus ex machina solutions.

I thought Takeshi's character made for a better backdrop to tell detective stories. the show would have been much better if they dropped the main story arc and done more of a case-of-the-week format. the main arc this season could have been wrapped up in three tidy episodes and left plenty of room to just do world building and tell new stories.


did they switch writers or something? The quality dipped HEAVILY after the first few episodes.

I'm in the middle of episode 5 and have realized that it sucks. Also
>tfw no Tibetan fox gf

Stop watching. It only gets worse. You get Ortega tits at some point but other than that it gets preachy and cringe worthy.
Awful dialogue

you thought it was faggot shit

forget his character's name, but the head honcho guy who gets killed and starts the whole investigation. the actor played marc-anthony in the Rome series.

it's utter shit
it has absolutely nothing original
Protagonist is a defrosted criminal like in Demolition Man
The detective plot is a poor and pale imitation of blade runner
Class warfare like in Elyseum
Add a sprinkle of Ghost in the Shell concepts and there you have it: Altered Carbon

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walk in the park property/adaptation ruined by the standard "WE HAVE TO CHANGE THIS BECAUSE REASONS" mentality in production

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After watching The Wire, The Sopranos, and Peaky Blinders every show looks cheap to me.

its pretty shit. actually the first 5 or so episodes are good enough to make you upset that the second half of the season sucks ass. like it has potential as a crime drama but then goes into all the bullshit philosophical military 'the matrix' tier bullshit. also the very nature of the stack swapping element lends itself to progressing and needless confusion. IMO the 'swapping avatar double secret triple agent you'll never guess who this person actually is' plot device is the ultimate cop out.
also there are way too many non-whites.

This minus Peaky Blinders.

I just end up re-watching older shows that I like.

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Leave season 2 to me.

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The envoy leader was the worst actress I've seen in a loooong time. Discount Timothy Olyphant was okay though.

Villain was cheesy with a dumb motivation but the visuals were really cool. First few episodes are great before it goes downhill

Interesting concept, let down by mediocre writing and typical Netflix virtue signalling.

to be fair you can break down everything into greek dramas this way

Don't forget the worst camera work I've seen in a long time