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QotD: What are your thoughts on Moana?
Thread theme: youtube.com
QotD: What are your thoughts on Moana?
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Haven't watched it.
>Disney animations
There is no complex dialectical montage construction in any of Riefenstahl's work. Once again, she, a female, only gleamed superficialities from her influences. She was not consciously intelligent, she was an aesthete of dynamism, ultimately a poor and shallow dance choreographer. I am not an aesthete, I am an engineer. Conscious observer and constructive thinker. Females are only good when they're being told what to do. That's why you see more female actors than you do directors. The canonization of Riefenstahl for doing absolutely NOTHING of value only shows the lack of achievement by female hands and their catty attempts at historical revisionism.
Trimuph of the Will is shoddy propaganda built on the same rhetoric built 30 years before it just with a bigger budget. Tearing down a flag and putting up a new one. It only worked for those foolish enough to fall for it from the beginning, and that is why they failed. Now go ahead. Name a single original contribution by Leni Riefenstahl, otherwise known as the only pre-war female director liked by the dumb fucks that think Robert Flaherty is too boring. By the dumb fucks that think Maya Deren is noteworthy whatsoever.
best non-Pixar Disney film in the 20+ years since Aladdin
a huge man with huge hands, a huge heart and a huge brain
should I keep going with Friday the 13th?
she makes me so happy!!!!!!!!!!
>"I never knew you cared so much about me!!! I love you!!!"
post tunes, /lbg/
what are you watching tonight anons
your moms sex tape
Is BLM the biggest pleb indicator in the history of mankind?
What a fucking awful flick. Not scary at all. Me and my buddy laughed the whole way through back when we were tikes. Do not watch
what's up you little shits?
hearty recommendation to buy this from the official good boys at videonomicon
DVD Special Features:
"I Survived Science Crazed: Terry Jones Speaks" Interview with star Cameron Klein!
"Cameron Klein's Science Crazed Q&A at Shock Stock 2014" Audio Interview with star Cameron Klein featuring Stills Gallery!
"Cameron's Grim Stitch Factory" Interview with star Cameron Klein!
"Science Crazed Changes Everything" Interview with Pontypool author Tony Burgess!
Audio Commentary with Canuxploitation.com's Paul Corupe and Rewind This!'s Josh Johnson!
Original Home Video Trailer!
DVD-ROM Content & Other Surprises!
David Lean with Katharine Hepburn on the set of Summertime, 1955...
The commentary and interviews are really good
The idea that Triumph of the Will was a groundbreaking accomplishment in filmmaking is itself a piece of propaganda created by the Third Reich to convince the world of its own power. The film didn't introduce any new techniques, it just did them on a bigger scale.
I love it. It has a lot of flaws, but I just love sea/island settings, the songs are great, it has good animation and a delicious thicc waifu
t. asianfag
>23yr old filmmaker from australia
Do you have a BA in films?
frozen was better
What does /lbg/ think of pic related ?
Is it kino ?
yes, I have a degree in filmmaking. I directed an independent feature film at the end of 2016 which I will be releasing soon. The film is called Hard Yakka. Have you studied film?
Watched when I made my Catechism. It was shit.
It was an alright movie, but I'm absolutely sick of it because my daughter has made me watch it about 20 times.
Why do you hate Iñárritu ?
Quite good taste actually
It was worse than even Frozen.
he is one of the biggest hacks currently working
>The exact moment in which Alejandro González Iñárritu shows his full hand comes close to the end of the film - where he holds his camera for a prolonged amount of time on the audience of Keaton's broadway production. As the audience is engulfed in furious applause, it becomes infuriatingly obvious that the film equates to nothing more than two hours of smug self congratulation, produced, written, directed, and most importantly starring Alejandro González "capeshit btfo" Iñárritu. Swapping structural gimmicks for visual ones, it has never been more apparent that Iñárritu has nothing worthwhile to say.
>Halloween II
Say it with me
>it has never been more apparent that Iñárritu has nothing worthwhile to say.
Cinephiles LOVE being told what to think!
Cinephiles lack layers, cinephiles lack irony. Cinephiles take everything at face value, any "subtext" they cry for is the immediate and obvious not the prolongued and hidden. Cinephiles lack true irony.
>As the audience is engulfed in furious applause, it becomes infuriatingly obvious that the film equates to nothing more than two hours of smug self congratulation
Ah yes, let's ignore more than 3/4ths of the picture. Let's ignore the examination of showbusiness institutionalization and conditioning. Let's ignore the bureaucratic exploration of ego. Not let's disregard all of this and cherrypick misread transitional sequences at the very end.
Birdman SOARS
>Swapping structural gimmicks for visual ones, it has never been more apparent that Iñárritu has nothing worthwhile to say.
is emma stone the biggest pleb filter in history?
It's like Tangle, Frozen, etc. A fun swash buckling journey of two different people learning to work together. Better Pirates of the Carribean than the actual franchise.
>money mon money money money money, money money money mon money money money money
is warren beatty the biggest pleb filter in history?
>this review was posted by a Mannite and a Lynchian
How surreal
Why do cinephiles pretend to care about history, when they reject pic related?
because watching visually breathtaking and thoroughly engaging foreign films gives me so much street cred in my arthouse bubble, how could I give it up :)
>watching visually breathtaking and thoroughly engaging foreign films gives me so much street cred in my arthouse bubble
Why do people hate Griffith then, even though he did everything first and better?
I just can't help but laugh at the irony that I am being "ridiculed" for caring so much about Silent masters. Not for caring about slapstick, not for caring about reddit's favorites (malick, lynch, mann, etc.), not for caring about obscure experimental garbage. NO. For caring so much about silent MASTERS. Nobody else ridiculed for caring about classical masters, or the GREEKS, or the OLD MASTERS of painting. No the silent screen is solely ridiculed. The cinephile is enchanted by some technical spell, whereby technicalities are paramount. These we were not dumb men, these were not naive men. They were certainly the most intelligent of their time because they had the most influence and ingenue about the future. The cinephile upholds the modernists of literature, but these silent masters aren't MODERN men, they are BEYOND. They exist outside timeplane because of so much they forecasted. It is only proof that any GOOD thing, will only have the absolute WORST consequence (IGNORANCE)
The penultimate irony of this wrangle is that I'm accused of praising Griffith for nothing more than Letterboxd street cred which I never ever cared for (), then the people that bitch and moan about how much of a "pseud" I always am REALLY ARE just attention whoring pseuds.
>The penultimate irony of this wrangle is that I'm accused of praising Griffith for nothing more than Letterboxd street cred which I never ever cared for (), then the people that bitch and moan about how much of a "pseud" I always am REALLY ARE just attention whoring pseuds.
Clara Bow said it best!
Even BIGGER irony is the fact that my presence has intimidated enough users that they want to suck up to me in a vain attempt to be on my side. Aimless drones, they don't even know what side to pick. Originalbrap3 constantly changes his rankings to please me, yet he still confines himself in the Discord hugbox. He's SCARED of me!
silly griffithfag, you're just a shitposter! you have no actual power on this general and we'll keep telling you that until it gets to your THICK SKULL!
>we'll keep telling you that until it gets to your THICK SKULL
And this is why they fail.
>Foolish Wives has been upgraded to #5 as of now
Guarantee this brat didn't understand it, nor even wants to make the effort to analyze it.
jesus christ
Christianity is so silly am i right, unless it's in some flashy art film, in which case I pretend to like it for 2 hours so I can feel TRANSCENDENT :)
anyone have that one clip of the news reporter that asks a girl he's intervewing out for dinner?
>it just did them on a bigger scale
No it didn't. Guarantee there's more people in October, Intolerance, Ben-Hur, any other demille epic. Definitely Noah's Ark
Demille was a master in crowd control
This film features author Ayn Rand as one of the hundreds of people in a crowd. At a time when Rand was a struggling immigrant, Cecil B. DeMille gave her the job to help get her on her feet.
>to convince the world of its own power
Arguably didn't exist
Check it now! I've been readying to make a new pic. October bumped up 25+ spots now! His new list has all sorts of rearrangements. Doesn't even look like previous ones after first 10 spots.
Third REICH?
Third SHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I've been readying to make a new pic
haven't you made enough
Shout out to my BOYS at DISNEY!
>Mickey Mouse meeting a communist
Are Disney and Spielberg the biggest pleb filters known to man?
Old memes die hard
Review by Sally Jane Black
The Crying Game 1992
Watched Jun 11, 2017
Beyond its portrayal of a trans body as violently disgusting and its repeated misgendering, it seems to go out of its way--particularly in its soundtrack choices--in asserting a distinctly binary view of gender. This stands out because it comes off as coyness, a cheeky little wink that contextualizes Dil's gender as a dramatic joke. It turns her into a punchline in the minds of those who view gender in a biological essentialist and inherently binary fashion, and as it focuses its character arc and plot on the cisgender male who dehumanizes her, it shows that this is firmly a film for a cisgender audience.
My other main complaint is, of course, its treatment of the IRA. Any film that fails to support their struggles against British imperialism can completely fuck off. But there, too, is where it fails in basic writing. It sidesteps Fergus's culpability in Jody's death in a way that waters down the characterization and positions him in contrast to the other IRA members, as if disloyalty to them isn't a betrayal worthy of scorn, as if his toxic obsession with Dil--which brings more violence and death into her life than would likely have otherwise--is somehow a noble response to his guilt. It both softly demonizes the IRA--who I may remind you are opposing a genocidal empire--and attempts to pre-emptively forgive Fergus for murdering Dil's lover.
It's a typical shoddy Hollywood cop-out death. Make Fergus an explicit killer (for the cause) and explore sexuality and gender with a little more compassion, and portray Dil with an actual trans actress, remove the disgusting reaction scene and show Fergus's reluctance to be what it is--transphobia and toxic masculinity--and don't make him out to be some hero and this might have been palatable.
talk about a crying game indeed
england is my city
He USED the revolution as opportunity! Why else was he constantly berated by his uppers for subjugating messages? FORCED to come back from Mexico in fear of escape.