Pic related has me speechless.
This is the first time I've seen an actual anti-semetic argument that isn't stupid. Can I get some more facts and history on the Jews like in pic related? I want to learn more. Apparently I've been wrong all along about them. I thought it was all just Sup Forums being dumb.
Pic related has me speechless
Other urls found in this thread:
>the Bible
just read Culture of Critique
Keep digging.
Excerpts from "Web of Debt" - it's worth a read.
Modern Jews are the synagogue of Satan. They are literally Satan's minions. Its amazing how much hatred they have for the true messiah Jesus Christ. But they will soon learn.. may they burn in hell!
Anons, I'd recommend saving these away for later as you go.
These threads tend to disappear fast these days.
Look for a guy with a Portuguese flag. "Nationalist View" is his usual handle. He's Mossad. Disappearances have been suggested to be linked to him. Be careful on the boards.
As the mods themselves are not incorruptible. Seize opportunities like this thread.
And remember to fight the slide. For yourself, for your nation and people; indeed, for everyone.
Hitler was paranoid about them.
Stalin was even more paranoid about them (Read the Doctor´s plot, Stalin literally tried to purge all Jews from high-end positions )
Stalin´s success could be in a sense attributed that he was even more paranoid than Hitler, he literally trusted no one, not even his relatives.
This much from someone posting in a conquered land. Remember me and take care.
Pure coincidence goy
Guy I'm Jewish and I feel marginalized by these threads..
Bunch of Nazi apologist bullshit. The truth is, Hitler was a pawn that was used to attack and destroy Russia, much like Napoleon, which he failed miserably at, so fuck off with your “real history”, nazi apologist piece of shit.
>talin attributed to then-Bolshevik Grigory Aleksinsky:
Not less interesting is the composition of the congress from the standpoint of nationalities. Statistics showed that the majority of the Menshevik faction consists of Jews—and this of course without counting the Bundists—after which came Georgians and then Russians. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of the Bolshevik faction consists of Russians, after which come Jews—not counting of course the Poles and Letts—and then Georgians, etc. For this reason one of the Bolsheviks observed in jest (it seems Comrade Aleksinsky) that the Mensheviks are a Jewish faction and the Bolsheviks a genuine Russian faction, so it would not be a bad idea for us Bolsheviks to arrange a small pogrom in the party
>talin attributed to then-Bolshevik Grigory Aleksinsky:
Not less interesting is the composition of the congress from the standpoint of nationalities. Statistics showed that the majority of the Menshevik faction consists of Jews—and this of course without counting the Bundists—after which came Georgians and then Russians. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of the Bolshevik faction consists of Russians, after which come Jews—not counting of course the Poles and Letts—and then Georgians, etc. For this reason one of the Bolsheviks observed in jest (it seems Comrade Aleksinsky) that the Mensheviks are a Jewish faction and the Bolsheviks a genuine Russian faction, so it would not be a bad idea for us Bolsheviks to arrange a small pogrom in the party
Good.Though why would you come here?
That eternal irrelevance has made you pretty salty, eh Lad?
To engage in civil political discourse
You wouldn't happen to started coming here after finding out you were part Jewish from your grandmother telling you? As you liked to not have life sugar coated for you.
Far from it friend
My father is orthodox as well
I've seen it all
And yes, it's all true
Oh I mistook you for someone else.
>greatest story never told
Lets not pretend its all Jewish people who are conspiring against everyone else.
It's honestly incredibly fucked that people view the innocent masses which are most Jewish People in that same manor as the few which fuel the negative reputation.
rut roh. I was btfoing him earlier in a holocaust thread with a German bro. Should I be ready for v&ing?
I like that the timeline doesn't describe anything leading up to these "acts of antisemitism." They just suggest that the Jews entered a region, DID NOTHING WRONG and finally the entire country had enough of them DOING NOTHING WRONG and drove them out.
Fuckin A. Pathetic wehraboos trying to salvage some cred for their defeated uni-bollocked kraut dictator. Cant admit they just sucked ass and got btfo. We dindu nuffin, bitte. Everone started a war with us cos joos. Ffs.
Of course it's not all that are doing the same thing. The moderates just stand by and profit. Make no mistake though: They all have to be managed.
Read this thread from just very recently.
Their reach does not just cover the Western world. They will lay their siphoning tendrils anywhere they can manage it...
>labor for labor
>only a couple of years
good god
Only if you posted your personal data. An user who was compiling information on a specific alleged massacre of WW2 once linked the project's page in a thread where NV was posting. The website went down and that user did never make himself known on here again. Poor fool mentioned he had evidence on hand too.
>Germany lost WW1 (a war in which they were not the aggressor: France and England attacked them.)
>not the aggressor
Germany wuz a gud boy, he dindu nuffin
Like take this one:
>1290 July 18
>Edict of Expulsion: Edward I expels all Jews from England, allowing them to take only what they could carry, all the other property became the Crown's. Official reason: continued practice of usury.
What it also doesn't mention were the nearly seven hundred Jews caught in a network of coin shaving/clipping. For those that don't know, the reason modern currency has ridges at the end of the coins is because certain unscrupulous individuals used to shave down coins and melt them into bullion and the like. They then used the new shaved coins as currency as usual and obtained more coins, thus over time debasing the entire currency of the country.
At the time, there were approximately 3,000 Jews in the country, including women, children and the elderly. When 700 of them are involved in counterfeiting, that's nearly a quarter of their whole population.
But naturally, history just remembers that ol' Nazi Edward the First picking on Jews for literally no good reason.
This much Historical inaccuracy made me drop at the second paragraph. Apply yourself.
It was not before the invasion of France that he annexed Alsace-Lorraine (a French territory) in the Reich.
>Can I get some more facts and history on the Jews like in pic related?
no, it is retarded fairy tale
Bullshit. The germans couldnt understand their defeat in ww1 so they invented the myth of the 'stab in the back' to explain it. The enemy without and within to unite the people. Ffs Goebbels was quite clear about how this works. We do it here:
The "stupid" runs strong in this fucking kangaroo...
So the Germans invented the last few thousand years of Jewish persecution? ...are you even reading the conversation you're responding to?
>Germany wuz a gud boy, he dindu nuffin
>tfw you find out where and when the first GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY WAS.
>Berlin, 1931
(((They))) literally cannot help themselves, subversion is in their DNA
You're pretty gullible if you believe any written text without any sources put under it.
However, it is mostly right. Judeo-Bolshevism was a scourge for Europe and Germany specifically. It is unfortunate that it won as we can see nowadays in our globalized, cosmopolitan, world.
Good stuff guys. Can't wait for election to be over so we can get back to old /pol for the big redpills. Rarely see natsoc general threads anymore.
I was talking about being the aggressor in WWI, champ
So lets see.
>Christians blame jews for jesus death, cos Rome
>Jews are forbidden from most occupations in medieval times except money lending
>Loads of lords etc. end up in hock to the kikes
Guess what might happen next.
I lived in York, where until a few years ago the whole town was under a kike curse. The whole yid population was slaughtered under cliffords tower in 1190 due to religious fervour from the crusades.
Don't forget all the evil goyim who kidnapped the poor niggers.
Yep, Jews never do anything wrong. It's just PURE COINCIDENCE that every single time they enter a country some economic upheavel follows that they personally benefit from that ultimately gets them expelled from said country. Could happen to any race, really. It just so happens that it's only happened to them. Consistently. For thousands of years.
Damn those antisemitic Carthaginians! Sure, they'll let infant sacrifice go, but these literal Hitlers just had it in for those poor dindu nuffin Jews!
That WWI history is wrong, to start with. Germany was effectively landlocked by the superior british navy and had very few ways of acquiring the immense material resources that the entente allies had through their colonies, that's what bankrupted the Germans. The Americans were brought into the war because the German subs started to blast all the US's merchant navy ships out of the water in order to weaken the entente which was being fueled by America. Communism arose in Russia because the Germans shipped Lenin in a sealed boxcar from Vienna to Moscow so that he may spread communism to the Russians. This made the Russians drop out of the war, but not before their troops started spreading communist propaganda to Germany causing disobedience in her troops. WHen those German troops were moved back to the Western front they spread their ideas to a demoralized and starving soldier population even further.
Some bad goys in this thread. You all need to rewatch Schindler's List and visit your local Tolerance museum at your earliest convenience. Don't forget the gift shop.
>I was talking about being the aggressor in WWI
That would be Austria and Russia, comrade.
Hell, even the bongs jumped into that shit faster than the krauts.
why were they a scourge? are what the posts saying about central banking true?
Coin clipping has been an issue since the first coins were made. You think soft alloys like gold or silver can hold a ridge pattern for very long?
Sup Forums is always right m8 and remember at the end of almost every rabbit hole, there is a jew
This. Kevin B MacDonald has done lots of sociological research on the nature of Jews in various societies.
Only happened to them bollocks. All through the ancient world tribes and groups were expelling and wiping out others carthago delenda est etc. Plus they were often gone and back, tiberius and claudius expelled them, nero had them back etc. And that was for fomenting rebellion against rome - peoples front of judea shit.
If we are being serious, no this is still retarded
but ya gas the kikes
bongs entered because germany invaded belgium to get to france, a young neutral country that britain had signed a treaty with promising its protection
Also, the Germans had been planning their invasion of France for decades
The beginning of the first battle was literally called Der Tag by the Germans because they'd been anticipating "the day" for so damn long.
Jewish Israeli nuclear policy is terrifying too, read up on the Samsung Option
How long do you have?
Spend the next few weeks watching this.
The thing is "Hitler did nothing wrong" started as a meme. It started as a joke, something edgy to piss people off.
But the more arguments people on the internet had, the more people researched the is history of WW2 the more they realised this wasn't a meme or a joke at all.
They uncovered the facts and the facts are clear.
Hitler really did do nothing wrong.
The more you look at accounts of the holocaust and the actions of governments at the time, the more you realise the truth of this statement.
>are what the posts saying about central banking true?
Think about that for more than two seconds.
You and I are the only two people who exist.
I have a printing press.
I print $200, give you $100 and keep $100.
We’ll use this ‘money’ in place of barter.
I grow corn, which had a horrible yield this year.
You grow wheat, which had a great yield this year.
I give you my $100 in exchange for your excess wheat, to feed my children and animals.
Come spring, instead of working hard to make my yield of corn better this year, I simply print and pocket an extra $200.
Now, we’re equal again—we both have $200 in our pockets.
You created twice as much wheat as you needed.
I created a few bits of paper with numbers on their corners.
We’re both now equal, again
What, exactly, is your motivation to ever produce more than you use?
I do legitmately feel bad for jews who are genuinely good people, because they get pushed to the front like human shields while the people running the jewish show sneak out the back.
However for every innocent jew there is a thousand jews who completely believe in and support the jewish agenda, who despite not actually acting on it will actively defend it and subvert goys.
They are like the 'innocent' muslims you hear so much about. The Saudis have got in on the jewish media game with their oil money and they own controlling shares in AOL Time Warner and Newscorp and Twitter. Notice how all the pro muslim stories in the media are only a recent phenomenon. This is why.
Without self criticism and an effort to (correct the record - ironically) set things straight regular Jews are setting themselves up for a real holocaust.
I worry about it actually. They are fucking stupid if they don't think this will blow back at them.
They've been bought off and paid out by Talmudic worshipping satanists and someday it's gonna backfire horribly.
>lets not pretend if the Chinese or North Korea owned/controlled 95% of the media in the US there wouldn't be outrage
Every American who went through public schooling can understand this. Still remember my mandatory trip to the Holocaust museum.
No no. That's anti-Semitic. But if u point out the slave trade was a black tribal thing then u are racist. If u point Jews sent them in boats u are anti-Semitic again. And don't criticize the banking industry. Cause
that's not how the federal reserve system works though...
it all makes sense now
it ALL makes sense
I have always wondered why we have those ridges on our coins
>being this bluepilled on Sup Forums
Helloooo rebbit
>bongs entered because
they had an empire they didn't want to lose.
Nothing against the Bongs, but they didn't go into WWI because of altruism.
They entered the war because of greed.
Greed is good. It motivates people.
Jews are parasites. They pretend to be German, or Russian, or British, but always behave like Jews.
Jews pretend to be European when it benefits them, but they cry 'special minority' 5 seconds later. They have no loyalty or pride, to their own people or to their host.
At least the ones in Israel are forced to choose a side; their diaspora is a cancer.
Anyone got that image that had the 7? questions that put doubt onto the narrative?
I capitalized it to underscore the absurdity of the question I had to ask, because absolutely nobody on this imageboard should be defending the jews
It really is as simple as "Jews look out for other Jews." They don't integrate well, eventually trying to establish laws that put them in power
I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.
i pity the anons who would actually take and use this in an argument against someone with a good political knowledge of world war 2.
>good political knowledge of world war 2.
Oy Vey!!
What is "mossad"?
A must read for newfags
>mfw I realize the Nazis were the good guys in WW2 trying to save the world from Jewish dominance
We're fucked
>I have always wondered why we have those ridges on our coins
>British education
although in modern usage the coins aren't precious metal so the serrations are to make differentiating coins easier, particularly for the visually impaired but it's helpful for everyone
That's not necessarily true. Most Jews are sheep. The elite is first and worst...average Jews can be productive people, but we shouldn't let them into positions of power
Israeli foreign secret service of a sort. The guys we get all that "Muslim terrorism" from. Wish I was joking.
>(((British))) education
don't hate the player
what are some good books to brush up on this sorta thing?
>what are some good books to brush up on this sorta thing?
Start with the decidedly non-fiction accounts of The Holocaust™.
"Web Of Debt" is good for the economic side of it. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion cover the ideology (remember, "they're a forgery").
>Racism is the modern day word for witch
Fuck that is so true. When you say something racist off-hand around your friends, you can immediately tell if they are uncomfortable and feel like they just witnessed black magic being performed
Anything by Irving is good. You can watch his Goytube videos too. Also check out David Cole's videos.
Good places to start
sweet jesus... imagine the screams of 400 burning children
how do neo-nazis even exist? are they completely detached from reality?
do they wake up in the morning and go "Damn, i wish i could throw 400 children into a fire pit and listen to their shrieks today"
what is the purpose of supporting the nazis?
>Yes goy, imagine this fictional scenario I dreamed up to make an emotional plea to manipulate you.
No thanks, take a hike kike.
Nevar forget the 600,000 Jews who were turned into lampshades.
6,000,000 Jews were loaded onto cattle cars.
60,000,000 Jews were forced to eat other Jews to survive.
600,000,000 Jews became victims whose descendants now own banks and movie studios.
It was real in my mind!!
So let me get this straight.
Do you ONLY support Nazism on the basis that the Holocaust and everything to do with that is a lie?
So what happens if you find irrefutable proof that it did happen and these accounts are factual?
What kind of mental gymnastics do you perform to correct this divergence in your internal narrative?
To secure an existence for our people and a future for white children you fucking kike