Be me

>be me
>be a kike
>hate kikes
>so hate myself

Give me some movies with protagonist I can relate to

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that's dumb

Bobby Fischer in Pawn Sacrifice.

Why do you hate yourself
>muh kike kabbal
Yeah I guess the christian are on it too since their pope is pushing for diversity.

The Believer.

dont be sad matzonigger, kikes are getting jewed too by other high level kikes, so your hate is natural.

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That movie with the Goose

not all kikes are bad kikes
be a good jew like Kubrick and expose all the filth and fight against your peoples way

yeah good ol kubrick, i havent seen him in a long time tho

>he fell for the self-hate meme
>he doesn't just block out all the memes made by angry autists against his kind
You cucked yourself.

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This, don't be a self-hating cuck. Jews are great, watch some Mel Brooks movies and cheer up.

wow, what's with all the Sup Forumscats stinking up Sup Forums today?
guess they were tired of embarrassing themselves on Sup Forums and now want to embarrass themselves on Sup Forums

go for it Fredo, you're smart, not dumb like everybody says

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Why do you people like to scheme so much? Is it in your DNA or culture?

even Nazis had honorary german jews
be a good jew and dont be a scheming kike

Don't hate yourself, Chaim. Just move to Israel and constantly pressure your family to do the same. If your people all went back and stopped being rootless parasites there would be no problems with Jews (other than normal problems between different countries).

>be me
>be mexican
>don't hate myself despite all the Sup Forums hate

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>There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

Oh here we go again.

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literally half of this board is decorated in spics and mutts, so you cant possible hate yourself more than they do

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the only thing worse than a nonwhite is a self hating nonwhite

mfw newfags dont know that Sup Forums is a Sup Forums colony.

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>Jews jewing Jews
A story as old as time

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Hating jews is for low IQ stormfags

hating determinated jews for their actions is the trve redpill


>hating yourself unironically just because of Sup Forums memes

it takes a high IQ to be anti-semitic