Black Panther has become the highest grossing superhero film of all time in America with $630 million...

Black Panther has become the highest grossing superhero film of all time in America with $630 million, beating previous record holder The Avengers.

What the fuck happened? Sup Forums said Black Panther would flop.

Attached: best.png (616x646, 36K)

Get mad white boi.

>Sup Forums said Black Panther would flop
That's what guaranteed its success. Has Sup Forums literally ever been right about anything?

Sup Forums was right about The Last Jedi underperforming.

after trump won this was the only option for the democrats to get their dicks hard again

Except they said it was going to flop. $1.3b isn't a flop, even if it was less than Disney wanted.

Sup Forums is dumb for failing to realize that America is dumb enough to buy tickets to this popcorn flick.

Yep, this movie completely destroyed Sup Forums


no really fucking how

do you here that? that is the sound of inevitability

>please ignore my utter lack of proof

Why are responding to a leftie shitposter?

changing demographics and people wanting to see more diversity and less cacs in the media they consume

See the post above yours. Also "diversity," kek.

Turns out blacks were really looking for a fake history of a fictional and impossible African nation to latch on to and adopt as their own and be proud of, or: how jews figured out a way to get niggers to go to the movies.

keep seething

>still no proof
Das a good goy.

>seething hard

cackling harder

Its just a modern retelling of we wuz kangs.

It was obvious niggers would flock to watch it since they dont have anything else to be proud of.

The most interest things that happene to them since the fresh prince was the kneeling shit and Black Panther, thats how sad their life is.

>still absolutely no proof
You can keep delaying all you want, you good goy you, but the longer you drag this out without any the more pathetic this looks. If you can't prove an assertion, don't make it.

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>Lack of proof
>This movies success triggered Sup Forums so hard they were spamming nothing but gore in Black Panther threads


>seething even harder
cackling even harder

>pictures of south african nations is gore
kek I guess youre right

>Sup Forums said Black Panther would flop

It's a fucking capeshitflick with a black power gimmick, who in their right mind didn't think Americucks would eat this garbage up?

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>Black Panther has become the highest grossing superhero film of all time in America with $630 million, beating previous record holder The Avengers.

Is that the world wide gross? That looks like it's just domestic, which is irrelevant.

reminder if it wasnt for me that thread would have died

Attached: wakandan citizen.jpg (650x366, 38K)

>in America

Learn to read, Pajeet


>grossed 600 million in foreign

Worldcucks need to fuck off and quit subsidizing lazy nigger power movies, tbqh

Justice League would flop. Kind of a hollow victory since anyone with a brain saw that though after the previous two though.

>The movie will fail because niggers don't have any money and white people are tired of Diversity
>The movie was a success because niggers saw it repeatedly and white people are cucks for Black and diverse movies
Oh I love the backtracking this board does

Sorry, I tend skim over dumb retard-nigger fuck-stupid posts, saves time from wasting my time or braincells taking any of it in, I'll be sure to just skip over these next time so I don't but-fluster-buster you so much, okay?

>still no proof
What makes you think anyone is going to take your word for it when all you leftwing faggots seem honest about these days is your need to choke down muzzie jizz and arrest pugs? It was happening you should have no problem proving it.

Shouldn't be hard to prove BP threads were full of gore on Sup Forums then should it?

I think the better question is, how did this thread come up in my catalog when I have Black Panther filtered?

That's true. But they also thought it would be capekino.

>movie about literal who hero
>people expect it to underperform
>comes out on like a 4 day weekend and makes $100 gorrillion
its honestly kind of surprising

America: 350m people, grossed u$610m

Rest of the world: 7300m people, grossed u$600m