Now that the dust has settled, what're Sup Forums's thoughts on this movie?

Now that the dust has settled, what're Sup Forums's thoughts on this movie?

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excellent movie

Dr. Turk I’m Damascus

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Amazing first half, decent second half. Should be mandatory to see it on a big screen sometime if you're a cinephile.

Bit long

Islam propaganda

if you liked it watch Dr Zhivago

>3 hours
I had to marathon this movie by watching 45 minutes of it everyday

just marathoned it in a week. Blade runner 2047 was better.

Holy fuck! I just watched that film in 70mm a hour ago at Eye Film in Amsterdam!

I use MKVtoolnix to split movies into 20 minute segments, which I watch over the course of the week,

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Even the normies I was with and saw at the cinema could watch in one go without looking at their phone or being bored. You are a pleb!

r*ddit garbage
no different from shit like spotlight and other oscar bait, but because it's old plebs believe it's good

I see what you did there

I watched it in accelerated webm format (pic semi related) and thought it was extremely overrated. The cinematography in particular was underwhelming, and the plot was confusing

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Say are there any villains? Like villains who did nothing wrong? How about anti-heroes?

Technically is "good" but still a complete snoozefest like most movies made that long ago

I'm jelly

One of the most impressive and best films ever made. Couldn't have been done before or after it.

I saw it in 70mm around christmas, so cool

Too slow paced and boring. Lots of long, drawn-out scenes where nothing is happening, it could have been a lot shorter.


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I’m bumbo