Now that the dust has settled, what're Sup Forums's thoughts on this movie?
Now that the dust has settled, what're Sup Forums's thoughts on this movie?
excellent movie
Dr. Turk I’m Damascus
Amazing first half, decent second half. Should be mandatory to see it on a big screen sometime if you're a cinephile.
Bit long
Islam propaganda
if you liked it watch Dr Zhivago
>3 hours
I had to marathon this movie by watching 45 minutes of it everyday
just marathoned it in a week. Blade runner 2047 was better.
Holy fuck! I just watched that film in 70mm a hour ago at Eye Film in Amsterdam!
I use MKVtoolnix to split movies into 20 minute segments, which I watch over the course of the week,
Even the normies I was with and saw at the cinema could watch in one go without looking at their phone or being bored. You are a pleb!
r*ddit garbage
no different from shit like spotlight and other oscar bait, but because it's old plebs believe it's good
I see what you did there
I watched it in accelerated webm format (pic semi related) and thought it was extremely overrated. The cinematography in particular was underwhelming, and the plot was confusing
Say are there any villains? Like villains who did nothing wrong? How about anti-heroes?
Technically is "good" but still a complete snoozefest like most movies made that long ago
I'm jelly
One of the most impressive and best films ever made. Couldn't have been done before or after it.
I saw it in 70mm around christmas, so cool
Too slow paced and boring. Lots of long, drawn-out scenes where nothing is happening, it could have been a lot shorter.
I’m bumbo