First time on Sup Forums. What is the general consensus for House MD ? is it the death note of tv series? (baby's first drama) or is it considered good?
If its my favorite tv show, what others might I enjoy?
First time on Sup Forums. What is the general consensus for House MD ? is it the death note of tv series? (baby's first drama) or is it considered good?
If its my favorite tv show, what others might I enjoy?
its quite shit, especially the last two seasons
as predictable as scooby doo,introduce new characters and get rid of old ones instead of character growth,every single patient(at the center of the story of the episode)only have one of 3 archetypes:spiritual,wiseass(as smart as houses assistants),or very emotional,no personality variety.over all bad show
comfy but somehow braindead
definitely babbys first drama.
when that show came out my friends and I were all freshmen in high school and we thought it was a great show. enough said lmao. the reality is that its a trite show. super predictable. it appeals to high schoolers and redditors due to the le grizzled snarky man trope.
old Sup Forums liked it
it's never lupus until it is
he was a smug faggot pillhead that I wanted to punch in the throat. fuck this show.
What is Sup Forums's general opinion on Cuddy?
It was old Sup Forums's favorite show.
The last couple of seasons hit a decline but when it was good, it was very good.
Butterface jewess.
Both Sides Now >>>>>> House’s Head
TV shows are ghey. Havent watched hospital shit since ER or any shows other than walking dead.
Super comfy, pretty formulaic. Later on it had this feeling of being a little too absorbed in itself. Hard to pin down exactly, but things like "yeah but it's House, so it's okay" whenever he did something ridiculously stupid or crazy. The first season had the best doctor drama, but the acting is a bit forced at time. Later seasons you realize you don't follow the illnesses and treatments very well. Less effort was put into that in exchange for personal relationship type stuff. You actually knew what was going on seasons 1-3, and the arguments between the team were more interesting because of it.
Massively, massively formulaic, but it was still pretty fun for the most part.
A better Sherlock Holmes show than Sherlock.
One of the very rare shows where the main character is so fun that the formulaic format doesn't get in the way as much
same plot almost every episode, but a lot of creativity and variety with the dialogue
great from start to finish
The first three seasons are fun, then it starts spinning its wheels into a burning crash.
The best part is when he goes to rehab
Predictable but House is the asshole we all wish we could be so it works.
>regrets not lopping off his leg
...why doesn't he just get it amputated now?
And fucks that bored housewife slut? BOOOOO!
I love house... It has interesting episodes (if you do not count that every episode they are asking about Lupus or sum shit and it is never lupus... Except once)
It has great characters.
And fuck me ending is just happy and sad at the same time so hard that you just eill cry!
Wrong thread...