What's with all the fucking ads now ? This is on my mobile so they're way more obnoxious

What's with all the fucking ads now ? This is on my mobile so they're way more obnoxious.

Also, sometimes when I try to open a thread I get a ton of redirects to porn/spam

Hiro is making this site worse.

Other urls found in this thread:


Made this steak tonight btw

Jap moot don't give fuk about you, he poor

If you have an Android, specifically a newer Samsung, download Samsung's internet browser if you don't have one already. It has adblock extensions.

What Jeri Ryan looks like now is CRAZY!

>offered millions for one of his sites

Hiro "can't afford to keep Sup Forums running"

that's weird, I thought you'd be eating man-ass with a helping of cock, you cum-gurgling homo

OP is a fag and fuck his thread.

I thought the top ad was a jew nose.

Brad Pitt reveals who he's voting for, and it's not who YOU think...

just use ad block nigga

I mainly browse on my phone because I'm mostly in class and don't want the people behind me to see the shit that gets posted here and think I'm autistic

29 pictures that show JUST how CrAzY Woodstock Really was

Get adguard

Yeah, m00t said he'd only put adds he'd browse the site comfortably with, I doubt Hiro would ever use the mobile version of this site now

For iOS users

Download opera mini.

It has ad block built in.

You have a few options:
1. Stop being a dumb phoneposter
2. Use adblock
3. Use one of the Sup Forums apps
4. Stop being a dumb phoneposter

what ads?

42 secrets brad and Angelina kept from the media.

go landscape mode for old layout candy ass
there is also custom css in the settings menu
you can remove anything you want

gotta get money some how to pay for all these shills. have you been paying attention?

28 dirtiest snapchats ever!?

>putting your knife and fork in the middle of the plate, touching the food

Americans are truly fucking disgusting pigs

Hiro is a lying jew. He never released any statistics of income. Moot said awhile back that the site has no problem running on it's own.

Hiro can't afford his Chinese BULL yet somehow he always finds a way!

He's trying to tell us something.

he already said even with obnoxious ads Sup Forums is probably going to shut down

How are phone posters dumb? Sorry some people have to leave the house instead of shit posting in their bungalow in the outback all day

What is that? I live in Louisiana and we don't have that here.

Richard Branson asked United Kingdom to ban this "video"

That's what you get for browsing the internet using software that doesn't respect your freedom.

Hiro is a greedy son of a bitch that is trying to milk Sup Forums as much as possible with his lies in order to sell Sup Forums passes. Fucking gook, he should have been nuked too

Same I thought I had some weird adware on my iJew


that's bullshit, with Sup Forums pass and google captcha that alone should be enough to pay for hosting

It's a boneless New York strip

Exhaled audibly through my nostrils

Don't know about japan, but here in mongolia we clean our chopsticks before use.

Assniggerailians all browse reddit and don't belong here

20 ripped females who would absolutely destroy you?

Am I the only guy who uses the MiMi app?

>phoneposting faggots getting cucked
I'm ok with this.

Eat shit bitch boy.

>should be enough to pay for hosting
Forgetting profit margin.

>a fucking leaf

Why do people give a fuck if you post on your phone or not ? Seriously don't see how that is an insult.

Ad blockers
For Chromium, Firefox / Firefox for Android, Debian/Ubuntu, Microsoft Edge:
uBlock Origin

For iDevices Safari:

if he's not making big $$$ he can still sell it for millions, no reason to shut it down


What's wrong with being socially adjusted

I made some posts when moot was still the owner telling him to do the same thing

To sell out but he obviously went a different route and literally sold the site, and not even to google. Hiroshi will not make the same mistake

He'd screw everyone over if it means making more money

If moot followed my advice he'd be rich and still doing what he pleased here on Sup Forums

That's what you get for phoneposting, you don't even deserve help.

Because they're all low effort posting corporate cattle normalfags.

Who's going to buy this place for millions?

So are we all going to infinity chan when this shite hole closes or wIll one of u oldfags make a new site??????

Have normie users, get normie ads
Get fucked web 3.0 fag

That place is a hell hole

>No app
>Not even browser with AdBlock
Kys normie

>developed by Jewgle
>literally JewMobile
Go suck a baby dick, kike.

Use the everychan app , no adds then.....

You're dumb normalfags who can't even figure out adblock.

Dunno, fuck gookmoot. Re-enabled adblock since his shenanigans have become clear

firefox android + ublock origin extension
yes it works on mobile

Sad thing about that pic related .... if she pulled the trigger, she would probably live through it. Minus her face.

This is what happens when children grow up in a household that doesn't into guns. Teach your children, anons. Teach them well.

mobile fags complain because the site doesn't work for them, and they can never contribute "because they're on mobile"

Moot, for all the Jew memes and (((parentheses))), didn't care if the site didnt make a profit, or even made some losses

Chinkmoot wants return on his unprofitable investment

>mobile posters getting BTFO
Thank you based Hiroshima. I would have just banned mobile browsers but I guess this works too.

How's it feel being the laughing stock of Sup Forums



that's airsoft
kid's from no guns poland