>YWN do haram things with Kamala's butt.
YWN do haram things with Kamala's butt
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This picture probably got someone killed in the middle east.
Worth it.
YWN secretly date Kamala.
Completely Hiram.
And Kamala will love it anyway.
Jesus H Christ, user!
Don't go posting pics like that without warning; some people have heart conditions!
Kamala gets pregnant out of wedlock when?
Chubmala is best Kamala
She can also make her tits bigger.
Kamala's existence alone probably got someone killed in the middle east, mainly comic book sellers.
Kamala loves doing haram things with infidels.
>Exposing her hair like a blasphemous slut
>Calling anything else haram
Kamala deals with teen pregnancy when?
>Comic is just her father burying her neck deep and throwing large rocks at her head
I don't think it would go over well with fans.
Or her moving in with Carol.
Jesus Christ Carol how many women do you have to impregnate!?
It's not Carol's baby. It's Bruno's.
>that very first time she transforms into this variant after she wakes up and gets her powers, and she comments something like "and i learned she doesnt wear underwear in this costume" after she saves the day and runs away
And I would teach her to enjoy it.
>barely any kamala hourglass expansion art
>having a fat/chubby/inflated Kamala without me writefagging for it
I need more Kamala suffering.
Kamala sex slave when?
>sex slave
>not morbidly obese, heart-attack-prone, alcohol addicted, drugged-up brainwashed sex slave
user, you disappoint me. I expect more ambition from you. See me after class.
Kamala is cute but she's due for a big loss. Not the 'life lesson' kind of loss but more crushing defeat that questions if she should even keep going in the cape business loss
I would go with brainwashed sex slave Kamala with some Stockholm syndrome added in.
Wasn't that what Civil War II was for? She loses any respect she might have had for Carol and her love interest makes it clear that he despises her.
>tripfag has shit taste in fetishes and comic books
What else is new?
Oh well
Kamala gets mindbroken when?
Is kamela able to transform herself or only change her size?
Size change only.
>ranking fetishes like one form of arousal is superior to another form
Oh no, it has autism.jpeg.png.gif
Whenever I get a good suggestion for a weight gain / hypno / stockholm fic, really.
Forced breast and butt expansion when?
Kamala gets kidnapped by a supervillain and slowly broken down until she is just a obedient slave?
>jerks off to balloons
>calls others autistic
>can only communicate in file extensions
She can transform herself. She just prefers not to.
>can only communicate in greentext
>YWN see Kamala in a bikini.
I want Kamala to discover the joys of being a sexual dominatrix by tying me up and grinding on my face.
I need to catch up on this comic sometime
YWN have end of the world sex with Kamala.
Inflates himself, just like a balloon
You think you know autism? You know nothing. You are like leetle baby.
THIS is autism.
Is Kamala a nice person?
I want Kamala to interact with more with the classic Marvel characters
Reminder that one of Kamala's Jap VAs is fucking Goku
She'll be nice to your DICK.
>ywn give Kamala your infidel meat
Kamala gets gangraped by supervillains when?
>Bruno shit
>The Robbie Reyes ordeal was Just bait
I want Kamala to discover the joys of pork, alcohol, and being friends with jews.
As soon as one of us ponies up the cash to commission it or some fine drawfag to depict in in lurid detail.
Or greentext.
but who would be ideal to defile her? Cannon arch Beckie St. Jude asserting her authority over her? Carol drunk and wants a teach her a lesson on turning her back on her? Or a group of B/C listers tired of all these new legacy/kid capes running around like they own the place and decide to make a special tape starring Kamala to teach them their place
Beckie showing Kamala her place as Beckie's pet.
Classic Captain America, dead set on integrating her with patriotic dickings.
FUCKING THIS. Taboo behavior is so fucking hot. Also, Drunk Kamala eating bacon by the bucketload, and going hunting for dick. Would make a great "what if?" issue.
Or Mystique being her usual spiteful self around Marvels.
How about Beckie asserting her authority over Kamala?
I always thought Backie writing slash fiction where Kamala becomes her willing sex prisoner and then unknowingly gets into heated comment section arguments with Kamala over them as a funny/cute way of doing it
Only if you're nice to hers.
Or Beckie deciding to train Kamala.
I am legit surprised Kamala hasn't inflated yet
Only if it's Drunk Kamala, who gets so dizzy and turned on and confused that she willingly submits to getting FRECKLE'D.
See, I always picture it starting innocently enough. Invite her to a party, turns out to be a hog roast or a barbecue, she gets pressured into the merriment.
If it's the kind I personally attend, she's eventually glutted on pork ribs, drunk as fuck on hard cider and Fireball, then engaged in a sloppy makeout either on the couch or in the backseat of a car.
And than she wakes up as Beckie's slave.
Wondering why she has a leather blindfold on and why her butt feels weird.
And than Beckie starts talking.
Beckie mindbreaks Kamala when?
>all this Becky posting
Give it up, she's gone. She's in jail and she's not coming back. She will not become Kamala's arch enemy. Not until she becomes a true threat willing to kill Kamala.
She's willing to use missiles, HYDRA, and a cucked boyfriend.
when she saves up enough to hire some psychic backup
To do what? She didn't try to kill her.
When she gets some funding from HYDRA.
How about drugs?
Do you still write on commission? I'd kind of like to have some of the stuff spitballed in these threads made into a proper story.
Becky overcompensates too much. Mystique does far more damage with a few choice lies, a shapeshift or two, and a rusty knife.
It's weird right?
Fuck you guys, we're in desperate need of Kamala giantess art.
So Kamala is never getting a live action portrayal, be it movie of tv, because of the whole Muslim thing right?
But I want to see Becky overcompensate and still break Kamala.
To be fair, animated Kamala is better.
Kamala gets captured and broken by HYDRA when?
Well DC's Legends of Tomorrow (a.k.a. trash the show) does have a new muslim girl and she is probably going to be the lesbian love interest of White Canary as much as I heard.
I take inbox suggestions.
Who could even play her?
Some no name Paki or muslim-Indian (other Indian wouldn't do that) girl or do you think maybe some other brown teen actress would do it (latina or half negress maybe)?
Who could or should play her?