Does the Rebel Alliance have a screening process?

Does the Rebel Alliance have a screening process?
Why did they allow this fat piece of shit to fly an X-Wing?

Attached: porkins.jpg (480x360, 15K)

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Everyone is weightless in space, dummy.


>join rebellion
>rip a big fart in the seat of your friend's y-wing

Do NOT talk shit about Porkins.
He has accomplished more than you will ever accomplish in your life. In fact, so great were his heroics that there was a maneuver named after him, the Porkins Belly Dive.

X-wing runs on ufo tech engines. In zero g they can propel even ur moma

Xwing was powered by farts and depression

>fat fuck standing by

Top. Men.

Attached: porkins.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

>be fat guy
>be named Porkins
The poor soul was doomed from the start

he's a hero
how dare you sir (or ma'am)

I suppose the idea was that the rebellion was composed of anyone with a skill set that could be used against the empire with a will to fight. His day job may have been flying about blasting asteroids for a mining colony or something.

>this was his last role

suicide bomber. cram as much mass into the vehicle to facilitate penetration of the outer armor of the target.

no shit?

>anyone with a skill set that could be used against the empire with a will to fight.

i think so, they were short-handed they had 16 year old girl pilots in last jedi.

Attached: Star.Wars.The.Last.Jedi.2017..jpg (1920x808, 105K)

gotta represent the fat fans

They weren't even trying to give him a proper name. May as well have called him 'FatFuck'.

That’s a good point, but why didn’t they just strap a hyperdrive onto him, turn it on, and shoot him straight into the Death Star?

Holy shit! Really? I never realised.

Also in Batman.

Attached: eckhardt_look_1195673032.jpg (480x270, 90K)

I still love the "heroic journey" Luke monomyth arc, but I can't ever stop seeing the rebels as wrong and murderous terrorists now. The empire really was right, wasn't it.

They hired him because they were putting together a team and he's the best X-Wing pilot this side of Yavin.

he did it for free

No. Don't buy into this meme. The empire was an illegitimate terror regime, and the rebellion a rightful campaign to reinstate a lawful, democratic order.

>No. Don't buy into this meme.
What meme? I came to this conclusion myself. Sorry if you can only get your opinions from groupthink and running gags.

>No. Don't buy into this meme.
The Empire literally did nothing wrong.

Attached: Star-Wars-Propaganda-Poster-Set_Page_05.jpg (900x1200, 740K)

>The empire was an illegitimate terror regime
Where is this established in the original trilogy? They keep the peace on lawless backwater multicultural degenerate shitholes. The only """bad""" thing you ever see them doing is destroying Alderan, a necessary preemptive strike against a terrorist cell that is trying to upset the peace.

>and the rebellion a rightful campaign to reinstate a lawful, democratic order.
Except they are inherently unlawful and the Empire is lawful. And democracy is not "good guys by default". Where is the rebels' "rightful" claim to rule established?

he's my son

Wasn't talking exclusively to you user.
But good for you. Just quit it then.

>And democracy is not "good guys by default".
This unironically.

Attached: CIS Propaganda.jpg (500x667, 54K)

>goes around blowing up peaceful planets
>lol they did nothing wrong

Probably George's influence. The mind who brought us names like Sleaze Baggano.

what about the banking clan ?
and the trade federation ?
they also had posts as senators

>>goes around blowing up peaceful planets
It was only one and I was necessary to take out the terrorists.

They also use torture and have virtually no respect for due process of any kind under any circumstances. It's pretty much anarchy by way of right makes might.

>waah enhanced interrogation techniques
Cry me a river, sister

Even without taking the EU into consideration it's abundantly clear that they were not only prepared, but planning on doing it again.

The senate voted for the emergency powers. I was completely within the chancellor's right to reorganize the Republic to operate more efficiently.

>make a point
>get called out for it being retarded
>immediately get so assblasted that you have to move the goalposts

>make a point
Yeah, you should try that sometime, libcuck

>The Empire interrogates terrorists
>It doesn't give length trials to murderers and saboteurs and intel leakers who ultimately ended up being responsible for the deaths of millions aboard a government installation
OH, YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART. Yeah, that definitely makes the murderers and terrorists in the right. They should absolutely use whatever means at their disposal to destroy the strongest force for order and peace in the galaxy because they disapprove of a few procedural issues

Palpatine engineered a conflict of galactic scale. He was a narcissistic asshole, but more importantly a traitor and a criminal with no actual claim of legitimacy.

I'm a conservative you brainlet.

Requires due process, so nope, the empire doesn't provide that.
Empire literally goes around randomly blowing up peaceful worlds, so nope to that either.

Give it a break, Nazi-boy. Star Wars is not the love-letter to Hitler you want it to be. Too bad!

He was a good pilot and beggars can't be choosers.
In one of the x-wing books they mention his problem what that he flew with his inertial compensator set to full so he wasn't able to tell that he wasn't pulling out of his dive. Everyone else flew with it at like 90% so they could still have a feel for the direction they were moving.


>Requires due process
Empire isn't America, fucko.

>Empire literally goes around randomly blowing up peaceful worlds, so nope to that either.
They don't "randomly" go around blowing up worlds. They attack terrorist cells who are bent on causing chaos. In all other instances they're providing a stabilizing effect on a lawless and chaotic galaxy.

Don't you read replies, Nazi-boy?

I don't reply to simple lazy pretend-leftie ad hominem posts with no argument, no. Except for this meta post explaining that fact, of course.

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Porkins is canonically a legendary pilot.

They say that the Tarkin doctrine requires fear, and a show of force, but they dont actually reveal what the death star is before using it. Tarkin also rattles of a list of other planets he might hit. It's more than an implication that more worlds will follow.

>They say
Ok so murder and terrorism is justified in the name of hearsay

Due process isn't about america, retard. You just can't have actual order without it, even in autocratic regimes. The empire is worse than fucking Iran, Russia, the US or China at actually providing anything even remotely ressembling order.

Holy shit

Glad to know you don't Nazi-boy! How does it feel, knowing that even the "Aryan race" you worship despises you? :)

>Prequel Republic
>run by a religious cult that wanted to kill the highest politician because he followed the wrong religion

>OT Empire
>run efficiently by a powerful space wizard
>Blew up a planet full of terrorists which is basically the equivalent of bombing a hut in the middle east on current day earth

>Sequel Republic
>dumb as shit
>didn't even bother to look into the Empire 2.0 and why they were building a planet sized weapon

>Sequel Empire
>run so efficiently they were able to build an even bigger Death Star than the Empire under Palpatine in even less time

“They“ being high ranking imperial officers (namely Tarkin). You didn't even watch the movie, did you?

And they would have won, if they got the ME-262 built in time! Yaa, yaa, Nazi idiocy...

Actually Tarkin makes it quite clear that FEAR will keep the systems (which are now autonomously governed, mind you!) in line. Meaning, further violence is no longer necessary so long as a sufficient display of military might is provided. Kind of like America under its current leader as opposed to America under neocon warhawks and regime-change democrats.

Don't pretend you are a Trumpster, Nazi-boy!

He says that BEFORE the destruction of Alderan, so blowing up planets is obviously part of the plan.
Actually watch the movie and return to discussion then.

>so blowing up planets is obviously part of the plan.
No shit sherlock, we already said that. Got the short term memory of a gnat? We already established destroying the Alderan terrorist cell was a necessity.

>Actually watch the movie and return
Ahh, the dogwhistle of the "I know I'm losing the argument so I need to create an out for myself" guy

Obi-Wan: "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

You are a great guy, Nazi-boy!

Alderan wasn't a terrorist cell - as far as the movie is concerned, there were TWO people on Alderan with any connection to the alliance. That's like blowing up Boston after the marathon bombings because the perpetrators were also there.
You utterly logically impaired fucktrumpet.

Rebels:We want the Republic back, but without the bureaucracy
Empire: Fucking Rebel Scum RRREEEEEE

>hasn't seen the movie
>still tries to save this somehow

This is getting really embarassing...

Imagine being so terrible at arguing that your last hope is pretending there's someone in this thread who hasn't seen STAR WARS

>waaah! stop arguing with me! I lost and I need you to stop btfoing me! please desist!

The rebellion was a political move by Mon Mothma and a few other senators to seize power and turn back progress
Palpatine's ascension to power was completely legal, justified and wanted

Poor widdle Nazi-boy! :'(

The only reason why the empire is considered bad is it's controlled by a Sith Lord.

>abolishing due process
>discriminating against 99.9% of species
>regressing from democracy to tyranny

Your idea of progress is beyond ignorant.

Poor, pooor widdle Nazi-boy!!! x'(

That, and the enslavement of entire species and the destruction of entire worlds.

Yes. If by “only“, you mean apart from all the other legit reasons.

Why are you arguing with a 12-year-old skinhead wannabe? Ridicule the silly little wanker!

>it's only progress if it goes in the direction I want
A corrupt bureaucratic system in full rebellion, controlled by a religious elite is not an ideal government
>abolishing due process
just like the US with Guantanamo, that's how you deal with terrorists
Thrawn still managed to reach the highest military position and Jar Jar was a treasured friend of the emperor
Democracy leads to Tyranny, not the other way around, it's not regression, it's the corruption of the system and inherent flaws of democracy

Didn't say that.

0/10 reply, don't even try again.

If they hadn't wasted that desert kid's caretakers with their loose-cannon foreign policy and lack of restraint, maybe he wouldn't have joined the terrorist ranks.

>wanting the Republic back
The prequels established it as a piece of shit
>without the bureaucracy

Yup. Not as incredibly shit as the empire of course, though.

They allowed the Sith to rise in power right under their nose. The Republic's poster boy was a sith appreciate.

And the empires official leader was an open sith, soooo...

The common man in the emore didn't even know the Force existed and thought it was just an old wives tale.

Look up “comically missing the point“ on TV Tropes.

>loyal grunt assigned to Scarif.
>Hey not too bad, don't know whats here, but we have a hugeFuk shield, what could go wrong.

>Fucking navy shits manage to lose two capital ships AND the shield ring at the same time. >It's a small strike force, and we have those freaky dudes with the Director. We can handle this shit.
>Battle turns, fuck this guys, mop up time
>Big light, big rumble. wtf?
>See monstrous battle station, wonder whose it is.

Team Killing Fucktards.

Hearty kek. This.

Don't forget Flash Gordon.


And this is how threads die. With thunderous braps.

Joke video aside, I love how they tried retconning his name to Jek, when Biggs clearly says to eject.
