I might actually commit suicide if he loses. I love Trump so much. He's one of the best candidates I've ever seen...

I might actually commit suicide if he loses. I love Trump so much. He's one of the best candidates I've ever seen. He's so energized, and he has great judgement, and he's done an amazing job of exposing government corruption. If he loses to a murdering globalist traitor like Hillary, it's all over. I will lose all faith in this country. We can't let an amazing candidate like Trump slip through our fingers.

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robotictechnologyinc.com/images/upload/file/Presentation Military Memetics Tutorial 13 Dec 11.pdf

I feel this. Please go out and vote for Trump. Everybody must vote for Trump.

even IF he does, the movement wont die. it will be alright user, gen z is WAY more conservative and in 2020/2024 there WILL be a hyper conservative candidate that will win.

Watch this before you kill yourself:

Will we even make it to 2020? I feel like the whole world hinges on this.

Nope lol, conservative alternate reality is super amusing

You don't have permission to kill yourself faggot! We need you for the war if she wins! Now man up maggot.

Same boat. Trump is the last pillar of hope for the west. Any remaining bastions of resistance against globalism are resting on him. No Trump? No future. We can kiss the world goodbye without him.

Silly user don't kill yourself right before the war starts

> gen z is WAY more conservative

nigger are you retarded?

they are more multicultural and more liberal than any of the other generations in recent history.

they LITERALLY all support bernie

why are you so fucking retarded?

they might not go with the establishment but they sure as hell won't vote right-wing


fucking idiots man