Books that should be movies

So when is pic related finally going to become a movie? What other books would make great kino?

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just imagine all the butthurt

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Kafka or Goethes Faust Part 1

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I love this book, but I don't know how great a movie it would be.
A faithful adaptation of Pop. 1280 would be cool.

They would cast Sarah Silverman as Myrna and it would be immediately ruined.

>try to read A Confederacy of Dunces
>am not amused once in 100 or so pages
>give up on it and feel bad

who else knows this feel

>What other books would make great kino?

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Yeah, there's a good chance some hollywood bigwig would totally fuck it up. But as a smaller budget indie cult comedy along the lines of Napoleon Dynamite I think it could be great. Under the right director, Galifinakis has the potential to be a hilarious Ignatius.

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Ai dooo ai dooo!

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shit man I read Walker Percy's "The Moviegoer" and liked that. b-brainlets don't do that!

You just have pleb taste then, which is equally bad

It would ruin this board desu. Ignatius is Sup Forums incarnate.

I think Zach is skinny now and probably too old. John Gemberling would be ok as Ignatius I think.

What about me guys?

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Only the Coens could bring early 60's New Orleans to life.
But casting would be a bitch as stated above if Sarah Silverman gets Myrna or Kevin James(Paul Blart) or Seth Rogen gets Ignatius it'll be a dumpster fire.

It's my favorite novel but I'm incredibly biased because I'm from New Orleans and I go to Tulane. I'm also a massive pseudophilosophical sperg

dear god no, are these all the funny fat guys we have available?
How about a serious fat guy who can "act".
Does it even need to be a comedy?

Actually, I think it would turn out better if it wasn't approached as a comedy at all. The humor in the book is in Ignatius's ridiculous character, not witty dialogue or pratfalls. He should definitely be cast for talent, not for "le funny fat man".

Myrna was obnoxious and self righteous. It would be perfect casting

I want Armando Iannucci to adapt A Confederacy Of Dunces.

Nick Offerman played Ignatius in a play. Just get him.

I want a Swedish version of Vineland where they're proggare instead of hippies and the stakes are way lower.

I'd watch it, but only because this is the worst casting i've seen in my life.

Marmeladov would be a career high for anyone who played him. Would have loved to see PSH in that role tho.

I agree entirely. That's another reason I would like to see the Coens do it, not only can they do American period pieces but the way they approach comedy.
The bank robbery scene in Raising Arizona is a prime example of the character driven comedy they excel at.

Fargo itself isn't a comedy but there are many humorous parts, it's that small town vibe only they can seem to do.

Since it basically turns into nothing but words later on I'm going to count it as a book.

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>becomes a roach
>spend the rest of his days crawling around until he dies

The protagonist is fucking stupid, there was dozens of ways he could communicate with his family

Iannucci and Coens would both make a great film but kowing Hollywood they'd have Paul Feig make it.

>Confederacy of Dunces with Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman, directed by Paul Feig
This is making me furious just thinking about it.

Both already have film adaptations

>Melissa MacCarthy as Ignatius

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>Amy Schumer in drag

It's terrifying and ironic considering how ITR would react to such a movie.

Finally the all female Confederacy Of Dunces that the public wants.

Oprah as Mrs.Reilly


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>I'd watch it, but only because this is the worst casting i've seen in my life.

Post your own casting then mr smarty pants

>teacher makes us read this aloud in junior high
>get to the scene where he jerks off to his dog

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Mein Kampf

Based Flashman

Never gonna happen.

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>That part near the end where the butch lesbians jailrape the woman who owned the bar
>All of the comically exaggerated ebonics
All the shit like that is why I think CoD couldn't get made into a movie today without being completely neutered.

They would turn it into a plain looking zach galifianakis normie type of movie

Nobody on earth who is remotely successful has nearly enough balls to make a Cerebus adaptation with a good budget without censoring a ton of shit or just straight up skipping parts.

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>muh sikrit book
it's a popular pulitzer prize winner with millions of copies in print. It's normie af.

>they adapted the worst Flashman book
what did they mean by this?

Books aren't the same type of popular as normie popular movies, unless you count shit like Harry Potter or Ready Player One which isn't comparable.

See too much of yourself in Ignatius?

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I saw way too much of myself in Ignatius and I fucking loved it.

Same. It was an incredible first read.

>Soviet Iceland bombarded by a fleet of Iowa Class battleships while B-52s do low level precision bombing.
>Full scale tank battle in the Fulda Gap
>A-10 Warthog rapes communist ass and becomes known as the “Devil’s Cross” by terrified slavshit tank crews.

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>Geronimo Stilton
Anyone here remember those books?

why that book got the shopkeeper from the zelda: faces of evil on the cover?

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