How long would Uma Thurman last in a fight vs Bruce Lee?

how long would Uma Thurman last in a fight vs Bruce Lee?
hard mode: it's a sword fight

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They're both actors with no combat experience, who knows.

bruce would have her blowing his massive fucking gook chode in under three seconds

she couldn't even handle a dirt road let alone Bruce Lee

Real life: Bruce Lee
Movie: Uma Therman
Disney movie: Bruce Lee. They're desperate for the Chinese market

prime Jet Li would annihilate both of them at the same time

>Bruce Lee
>actor with no combat experience

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Does Uma Thurman have a sword and Bruce doesn't, like this picture suggests? Then I go Uma. If they both have Samurai swords, Bruce, granted I doubt that was ever really his thing. Most weapon fights follow similar principles, and Bruce probably had some kind of experience traditional Chinese Kung Fu weapons. Hand to hand, obviously Bruce.

The more interesting question to me is how would Bruce in his prime fare against modern pro Martial Artists. Probably not terribly well given none of the styles he studied had comprehensive systems to deal with grappling, but it's neat scenario to think about. Granted, if he were alive and in his prime now that UFC is a thing, I have no doubt that he would study and incorporate high level grappling into his own system and probably do quite well.

>They're both actors with no combat experience, who knows.

That's not true. Bruce actually did compete in real street fights. Uma Thurman has no fighting experience at all. Plus she is a woman and would be beaten into oblivion.

would still go with Bruce

Bruce Lee because he's male

in fighting, yes, not in acting and likability.

how strong was really Bruce lee ?
was he really exeptional ?

Bruce Lee obviously. With or without swords.

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>implying she wouldn't immediately spread her legs for the ricing

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He was a tremendous athlete, to be sure. His movie career came about because he was a martial artist, not the other way around as is common of most action stars. If you're asking how good of a fighter he was, that's a lot harder to answer accurately. He certainly had an exceptional reputation, but like, how good would he be if you were to pit him against someone like Georges St. Pierre or Anderson Silva (or even Royce Gracie back in the day) is hard to say. Kung Fu and other traditional martial arts aren't as practical as people once thought (which is not to say they are "ineffective" or don't have their place, simply that they weren't ONLY about actual fighting), but Lee was clearly an exceptional striker.

But to answer your question, yes, whichever way you spin it Bruce Lee was quite exceptional at doing what he did.

>how good would he be if you were to pit him against someone like Georges St. Pierre or Anderson Silva (or even Royce Gracie back in the day) is hard to say
It's an impossible comparison. Had he lived, he would have adapted to the changing trends in martial arts. I have no doubt he would become accomplished with Brazilian jiu-jutsu and would probably even make a few developments in that area. He had a real mind for that sort of shit.

I agree with that 100%. I actually wrote which had a similar sentiment. I was just trying to answer the other dude's question in the way it sounded like he was asking. But yes, it's apples and oranges depending on how you look at it.

to deal with grappling
you do realise most of that shit is useless in the world of concrete floors, rabbit punches, soccer kicks to the head, stamping, eye gouging, ball busting etc?
In a street fight boxing is superior to bjj and pleb tier mma standup skills.

>Disney movie: Bruce Lee.
Hum, no sweetie. Unless Bruce Lee becomes a black transgender. And that's a good thing

He's asian though. Uma's white.

it won't show on camera

Does the Asian market trump the strong girl?

God damn thats a big belt.

Uma wouldn't last very long

According to eye witnessess, bruce didn't really do any fancy kung fu shit in his street fights. On one account they said that he just locked his opponents right arm and than just pummeled the shit out of his face

>street fights

I mean, I've given you know reason to realize it, but you're preaching to the choir. I think the idea of comparing which martial art is "better" than another is innately stupid. I grew up doing Tae Kwon Do, which has an almost cartoonishly terrible reputation in the overall martial arts community at the moment, but I think even that is undeserved. When choosing which martial art to study, the only thing that really matters is assessing your goals. Now, is the reason you want to take up martial arts because you want to be a professional fighter and compete in the UFC? If that's the case, then yeah, choosing to do Tae Kwon Do/Karate/Wushu by themselves and nothing else is going to be a really shitty way to achieve that goal. Is your goal self defense and being a badass in some sort of street scenario? Then get a concealed weapons permit. There is a staggering number of high level athletes who have tried to throw their weight around on the street and ended up dead because, surprise surprise, bullets kill MMA meatheads just as dead as anyone else. At the end of the day, combat sports are still sports. Some will do better than others when pitted against an unarmed opponent in a cage, but who fucking cares? If your goal is simply exercise/discipline/being a more well rounded human being, then take your pick. Wushu and Taekwondo look really fucking cool, and that level of discipline and athleticism will make you a healthier person in general, regardless of the style. But there's a reason these things are called "martial arts" and not strategy. Take Royce Gracie on his best day and drop him unarmed in the middle of the desert in Syria and tell him to go fix ISIS, and he's dead in a heartbeat. That kind of thing really shouldn't factor into it.

One died in bed and the other had longterm injuries after a minor car accident. Neither will walk out alive.

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This and fuck Bruce Lee fanboys who say he's a real fighter.

Delusional. Like all slopes he would end up looking like a crime scene against his first Brazillian opponent.

Gomi is the only asian who could throw hands and fight like a real nigger. Sakuraba was legendarily tough and also deserves nothing but respect.

Where else do you think you can get street cred from you loser?

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found the faggots

Bruce Lee would destroy every modern MMA fighter. Disgreeing means really enjoy sucking dicks.

He didn't fight competitively, but he obviously knew his shit and trained together with top competing martial artists of his time.

>Probably not terribly well given none of the styles he studied had comprehensive systems to deal with grappling,

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