Webm Thread

Post what you have

Attached: Rogue One - Test Webm.webm (1200x506, 2.97M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Can't get over how much that looks like concrete breaking up

Attached: 1401015968705.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

I'll never post a webm on anywhere and (you) can't make me do that.

why is it falling down, there's no gravity

stop making threads with this garbage webm

low quality bait

It gets posted about every 50 threads or so user. There are 2-3 Webm threads a day.

This is a good thread starter since it colorful and gets replies.

Attached: Rogue.One fleet arrival.webm (1500x632, 2.51M)

Attached: Band of brothers Speirs takes command.webm (1200x676, 2.98M)

That, and I am about to go watch a basketball game so I wanted to keep it bumped while I was gone.

Attached: Dead Zone Test.webm (1000x556, 2.76M)

numerically speaking just how big was the rebel/alliance fleet? Would anyone know?

It is concrete, it doesn't weigh anything in space so it's the perfect material.

Attached: 456456456.webm (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Attached: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.webm (1280x720, 1.04M)

Now you suddenly realise that the Earth is quite literally falling into the Sun but because it's moving faster than it's falling we miss it every single time.

Attached: fighting the alt right.webm (960x400, 1.63M)

Attached: 4chan argument.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

This is such a fun movie.

Also lol 9mm

>wait I have this great idea!
>yes, what is it admiral?
>you, in that tugboat. You should all just fucking kill yourselves.
>yeah just fucking do it. kill yourselves


Attached: Allure.2018.1.webm (720x324, 2.65M)


Attached: 9mm vs 45.gif (240x103, 1.59M)

Attached: Chocolate dojo fight.webm (640x358, 2.86M)

>no milky posting
You guys fucking suck at this

What is stopping the second star destroyer from moving when the first collides with it? Shouldn't there only be a light collision between the two and not the catastrophic damage you see?

Attached: 43534.webm (1280x704, 2.81M)

What is this from?

I did like the CG for this movie


Attached: Actress shows how she earns roles (BSG).webm (1000x562, 1.81M)

Attached: AffectionateDelayedLamprey.webm (1280x528, 764K)

Attached: 1507431401170.webm (1920x816, 888K)

Attached: Thor.ragnarok when the power up hits.webm (1200x502, 1.93M)

this is the most ridic scene in star wars, and they've done a lot of shit

Attached: funny filename.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

Attached: 1521532443945.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

This is so fucking stupid, do they not even look into physics and tactics beforing making shit like this, why would 2 star destroyers fly that close?

Attached: Blade fist pump.webm (1236x816, 2.91M)

fucking kino, girl power would be legit if they are this dedicated

Fargo season 1

Also we never landed on the moon

Attached: giphy.gif (495x486, 99K)

Attached: A black sherif.webm (720x390, 2.88M)

> Motion smoothing shit

Jesus, what are you doing

>why would 2 star destroyers fly that close?

Attached: battle[1].jpg (622x261, 28K)

That video was proven false

Attached: 1521781513635.webm (1280x720, 163K)

Attached: Wotw.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Show me proof or you are a liar.

>why would 2 star destroyers fly that close?

Attached: 0Evdb[1].png (700x303, 236K)


We are all on the same orbital plane Moran. Use your common cents

Holy shit that looks awful - haha. Is this real?!?

Attached: 1520711432908.jpg (395x387, 18K)

Cool scene, but why did that camera work when the emp knocked out all electronics earlier?

Attached: slagetha.webm (720x404, 2.92M)

Attached: Arnold Intesifies.webm (1280x546, 2.97M)

So you dont believe there is a giant black hole in the center of the galaxy we are swirling into?

while this video is kinda off-base
I do keep forgetting that the sun actually moves as well

I've always felt it was weird that X-Wings could go FTL. I feel like that kind of engine power should be limited to the bigger ships and X-Wings have to be like fighters on a carrier.

Attached: You think this is the real Quaid [Interogation Mark].webm (960x520, 2.91M)

As a former navy sailor, ships tend to stay a good distance away from each other. There are too many variables at sea and moving takes wide swaths of space, it seems stupid.

such a great movie

it would have been fine without the water on the camera lens effect

Attached: Wrong.webm (1920x1040, 1.44M)

Attached: Give me the goddamn page.webm (720x306, 2.92M)

black holes suck at sucking


fast motion makes everything loop crappy

Love that movie

hey you can't do that

Attached: convenience.webm (1250x660, 892K)

What did they think was going to happen even if the Falcon didn't change course? Is this a Blues Brothers movie?

DS9 season 7 episode 09, the one where Miles played a prank on Bashier in the holosuite and disengaged the safety protocols

Attached: attack of the giant turks.webm (768x320, 2.92M)

Because it fucking looks good okay

Attached: War Of Worlds 3.webm (640x360, 2.16M)

a basement

jfc make the punches and kicks look like they hurt and not just like light taps, fucking horrible scene

Why is this always posted?
Don't get me wrong, the girl is a top-shelf girl next door, and a good actor, but what's so special about this scene?
I'd like to hear it with sound.

Attached: Visable Autism.jpg (184x184, 7K)

i think it's a great depiction of a high intensity massage

Thor confirmed for M. Bison reskin.

Attached: Moonraker.1979.BluRay.720p.webm (1280x544, 2.79M)

And the file naming Oscar goes to!... user!

Attached: images (4).jpg (199x253, 6K)

he should've finished a can of 7up before standing up.

...Space Mutiny got a sequel?

Attached: When you look at your phone at 3am.webm (640x360, 174K)

Attached: EAM.webm (982x408, 725K)

I love that Winters comes storming back and Horner starts to chastise him further, and Winters just cuts him off and starts giving orders to the runner

Attached: Kaneda! What do you see.webm (1262x524, 2.51M)

would have been funnier if he'd just left it at "a black sherriff?!". Brevity is the soul of wit, Mel.

In spite of the shoddy 3rd act I really love this movie. The first half is alien invasion KINO

Attached: 1513445796095.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

*Wins Best visual effects

Attached: 1521431885208.webm (1920x808, 175K)

Attached: 564654.webm (622x238, 2.95M)

Fuck, user. I laffed.

Tell me about it

Attached: 546.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)

Why this particular moment?

Great show tho. Any shows like this? inb4 pacific

Attached: Sharpe Rifles - Jewish Banker (Subed).webm (900x506, 2.91M)

I like spears moments... Think I made that on request.

there a german TV show that has the sorta feel.

Attached: Band.Of.Brothers Speirs run 01.webm (1000x562, 2.55M)

Attached: Band.Of.Brothers Speirs run 02.webm (1000x562, 2.65M)

Why are Spildberg visuals so amazing, bros?

name one nigger used in a speilberg film, go!

I love how you can tell Arnold from his mouth/teeth alone. Iconic.