Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Chadwick Hopson, apparently.

Idris elba/John boyega

James Franco in 127 Hours: The Last Hours

Wtf was that asshole thinking?

I have the same shoes

Amy Schummer

That's not the dude who died though, it's a different dude.

I've never seen this picture before in all the nightmare fuel threads to have brought up Nutty Putty cave. Reverse image search gives me Reddit, is there any way this is actually legitimate?

why do people do this
legit why
are they insane?
are they looking for dwarven gold?

you should go find a story called Ted the Caver on creepypasta

I can't handle this level of claustrophobia

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Because fuck it

Fake image. Here is the original, and he's coming down through the hole and gonna be ok.

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ted the caver is great, that fucking fanfic version of it where the monster is revealed is so fucking gay though

Immortality complex.

is that the guy that they had to break his legs to get him out?

Well how do I know if I'm reading the right one?

>tfw you die in a cave
>tfw you don't just die in a cave but you die painfully after an elaborate rescue attempt goes stupidly wrong
>tfw they can't even remove your body
>tfw they have to seal up the cave and you're forever there in Cummy Tummy Cave

What's worse, that, or this?

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Love how the main barrier against just yanking his ass out was that it would break his legs so they decide to just let the motherfucker die rather than break them.

They would have had to, they didn't because that would have killed him anyway. And apparently no it isn't.

>why do people skydive
>why do people do parkour
>why do people drive lambos on the highway with 300+ kmph
Tho, i kinda agree with you, i can see the excitement and the adrenaline in those examples, while extreme cave exploring is just plain retarded to me, but different strokes, i guess


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ted the caver is the original (I'm pretty sure) and is based off of those forum posts with pics. the other one is written in more of a fiction style but is basically the same, the other one has an "ending" where as ted the caver doesn't

This. I'm not claustrophobic, but the rock compression around me would be too much to handle.

You can always just swim back up

The question is can you get to the top of the basement stairs before the skeleton catches you.

yeah I couldn't believe how awful the ending was in comparison to the first 95%, really one of the most scary things I've ever read

*record scratch*

>The question is can you get to the top of the basement stairs before the skeleton catches you.

Imagine this but underwater.

original ted the caver ends in a cliffhanger unless you're referring to the bits about him and his friend being in their houses hallucinating and in a constant panic

well this one lives so....

Well, if that caver had any upper body strength he could've pushed himself out.

It's not. You can even tell by how much room there is there.

wrong. every caver knows to go in head first

>You can always just swim back up
Sure about that user?


no it was the monster part that seemed like it was written by someone else entirely, the part at home with the friend was horrifying

I don't think even the bulkiest meathead on /fit/ would have the upper body strength to compress his own legs like an accordion.

I read the story a long time ago and placed the camera in a hole and his feet are hanging out of the entrance point. He can easily pull himself and the camera out

Why, how exactly was he stuck? Maybe the photo isn't accurate?

How do you go head-first 90 degrees downwards?

Is there any movie with this aesthetic?

Holy fucking YIKES

easy just let gravity do its job lol

That's not a real photo of the guy who died. I have a diagram of the accident somewhere but I'll probably never be able to find it. Could someone who actually organizes their Sup Forums pictures post it?

You don't, probably why he fucking died.

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did he die?

>that moment when the squirrel stops moving and realizes hes fucked

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Holy fuck, i kinda understand those cave explorers tho, look at those uncharted caves, shit looks like a fucking Alien movie prop, outworldy

did he just die from a heart attack?


Notice it's only white people who do this dumb shit.

Thanks for the excuse to post this

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Pathetic. The shrew is far more impressive: youtube.com/watch?v=UB_37encRCI

you mean exploring undiscovered areas as opposed to staying in your mudhut? yeah

Yes. If it means me being safe and not doing stupid shit.

Anyone else think that the worst form of torture would be to be put in a rock/metal tube like this where you can't move but you can breath. You know you're going to die, they don't feed you but you're laying there in agony. Can't itch, can't sleep, literally stuck for days until you would die of starvation.

Even worse: Having people poor water down it so you don't die of dehydration, instead you would literally have to wait a month till you die of no food.

Extreme: They have IV's hooked up to your feet where you can't unhook them, and they contionusly feed you for years/

It was probably just relaxing itself knowing it wasn't in any immediate danger. Same thing happened to my cat when it got caught under our bed in one of the springs. It was freaking out. Then relaxed. Then easily came out.

>only white people who do this dumb shit.

As opposed to shooting each-other up in our ghetto's and selling crack?

What are you getting at exactly?

How do you even fucking get into that position, what a retard

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>You can always just swim back up
Actually that place has killed dozens of divers

That's the mentality that kept you from a written language and crop rotations.

Idris Elba


>you will die from written language and crop rotations

Mmm, right.

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I've had dreams where people try to catch me and I move incredibly slow, heard it's common too

there is a longer video that shows the outcome on youtube.

boy fuck you i almost got a panic attack reading this shit
If you want to go even deeper down that path,they could force feed you with a tube so that you'd gradually get fatter and fatter.
That way you would never get used to the narrowness because it would get increasingly worse with time until you'd probably die suffocated from your own fat.

he needs to lose his other arm

please don't give me those thoughts man

>Rescuers concluded that it would be too dangerous to attempt to retrieve his body; the landowner and Jones' family came to an agreement that the cave should be permanently closed with the body sealed inside.

So what, did they kill him or just let him die in agony?


when i went to Europe i visited a torture museum and they actually had this. they built little holes in the bottom of the floors just big enough for a person to be inside and they would leave them there till they died.

Aren't your nigger cultures like dying from famine and AIDS and some other shit?

You read wrong. He's dead and they sealed the cave to prevent other retards from meeting the same fate.

This is wholesome. Thank you Satan.

Even after all these years i'm still convinced that they should've broken his legs
If you're just gonna leave him there anyway might as well try it

he's talking about the image in the post he replied to, not the guy who got stuck upside down.

For me, its the Brazen Bull

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He would have died from shock. By that point he had been stuck in that position for several hours and the blood was pooling in his head. He was dead no matter what they did

I didnt need to see that video of that diver recording his own death

Based shrew

Let him die

Couldn't they atleast overdose him on morphine or something

smart little bastards

Yeah,that's why you might as well try your luck and go for it
Leaving him to die has 0% chance of getting him out alive
Trying to rescue him as AT LEAST some sort of a chance,there have been bigger miracles.

absolutely comfy

he died before they could make that decision

Yes, but can they float?

Pussy shit

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The police pretended not to notice his father euthanizing him while unconscious with the help of a doctor.

pussy ass bitch

any sauce for that
