
When did this show become unwatchable?

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Season 7. I might be in the minority but I really liked season 6.

After S7 ep22. Literally never watched beyond that point.

I fucking love season 6, my favorite after seasons 2-3

and yes, show turns to shit in season 7 as soon as the first few potentials walk through Buffy's door with Giles

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I get the joke but I've read the plotlines for season 8 onwards on Wikipedia and it sounds absolutely ridiculous.

Season 4

When they introduced that retarded sister.

>Harry Potter

How did this board become so bad?

There have always been Buffy threads on here you filthy newfag

>types as half of the board is capeshit threads


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how the mighty have fallen

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new dawn for the show

The "expelled from heaven" forced drama.

S3 > S2 > S6 > S4 = S5 >>>>>> S1 > S7

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Even Whedon admitted Season 8 was a mistake. I read all shit. Awful. Even a dream sequence with Buffy getting getting DP'd by Angel and Spike couldn't save it.

It really dragged on for a while with Riley, such a boring character. When Buffy was depressed from being taken away from heaven was cool att first but also dragged out a bit. It picked up after that and ended well.

When they stopped making episodes

>When they stopped making episodes

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Season 3 > Season 4 > Season 2> Season 1 (underrated) > season 5 > season 6 > season 7

No one appreciates how comfy and genius most of the season 4 one-offs were.

i don't give a shit about rankings but Season 3 is overrated, Seasons 4,6 and 7 receive way more hate than they deserve

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when she got blacked

Season 6 had a lot of shitty stuff but it also had a lot of outstanding stuff. Definitely watchable.

it might be, but it's also the high-water mark. When everything came together, classic arcs, just most everything worked that season. The only stinker of the season was angel-returns, which was to set up for the spinoff, but w/e. Without season 3 you probably don't have the same cultural impact. Season 2's arc made it catch notice, but season 3 is kinda what cemented it.

Season 7 gets just the amount of hate it deserves, but 4 and 6 are extremely underrated it's true

Have to disagree with you on season 3, it's just about perfect. Sure, it lacks the emotional impact of season 2 or 6, but it has the strongest run of episodes with the fewest duds of any seasons. The only episode from S3 I don't like is "Dead Man's Party," the rest range from good to great.

Also it has Faith, so... yeah

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>when she got blacked
we're not talking about a certain other female character kek

When she took like 5 episodes off to work in a Fast Food joint.

Never happened buffy remained pure

I really like s4 all of it, including the iniative Riley, adam everything, I do not understand why everyone hates the iniative so much, I suspect tumblirinas who hate Riley cause of muh ebin angel romance

>the toxic white male nerds were the true monsters all along
Unironically Bravo, Joss.

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Well no the angry, junky lesbian was the true evil all along, bravo joss

but those episodes were kino

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You didn't like double meat palace? wtf is wrong with you?

Warren was great and an (unintentionally?) sympathetic character. My favorite Buffy villain

I wish it had turned out that Doublemeat Palace really were feeding people long pork instead of it just being another demon

La creatura...

That would've been fun, but where do you go with it? Buffy fights the evil fast food corporation? actually that sounds great yea it should've been people

wait that's not the HD

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And thats a good thing. Buffy HD is an abomination and a crime against humanity

sounds like the SP Leviathans, aka I'm all in

He got his skin ripped off by a psychotic man hating dyke, i'd say that warrants some sympathy

Yea it really does, except Buffy would've won by stabbing people en-mass instead of ya know cleaning products

He did everything in his power to ask for it.

I'd say she asked for it first

even better

I feel he was lonely and frustrated, with some real emotional problems and needed help. Also his gf was a total cunt and that scored some sympathy points with me

fallen onto my dick

The Buffy/Spike relationship destroyed Season 6 for me. Also, Buffy was pretty vacant throughout most of the season. Season 5 was absolute kino.

How the mighty have overeaten.

Looks like they've found the craft services tent.

>sounds like the SP Leviathans, aka I'm all in
ha, I was gonna say it but I was busy posting the webm here and also bumping the Supernatural thread kek
>Yea it really does, except Buffy would've won by stabbing people en-mass instead of ya know cleaning products
the Leviathans were almost like Wolfram & Hart tier in their organization and scope of planning in eliminating threats against their plans. Buffy would have a hard time. Unless of course Dick is dead, then they are easily disposed

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The "rape" scene was so contrived it killed the season for me.

>Even a dream sequence with Buffy getting getting DP'd by Angel and Spike couldn't save it.

Bullshit. That never Fucking happened!

The moment this was brought up my first thought was 'W&H fast food division' the thing is it would have to be a season long arc to deal with a treatg that big, and while the idea of buffy fighting fastfood for an entire season sounds funny af, in practice I think it would've been pretty bad just like spn s7

You realize that happens second to last episode right?

>I think it would've been pretty bad just like spn s7
delete this, the turducken special with "stoned" dean was kino

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oh come on it was terrible, tho I did like Dick he was pretty funny

Yeah, I literally tuned 360° and walked away from the screen.

not as bad as memetron

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true, but nothing is not really a fair comparison


>A warlock decides to remove Buffy Summers as an obstacle by shrinking her down to 3 inches. Unfortunately for her, she's soon captured by a horny teenager, with an eye for a little sex doll.


is that why you think Warren was the big bad for the season?

>this exists

i'm pretty sure it would snap in half

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the vacant thing made perfect sense but it did make for some pretty depressing episodes, they should've done like a memeory spell where buffy doesn't remember she was in heaven so isn't such an emo, then she can remember later in the season and have a breakdown or w/e, that way you don't have to deal with suicidal buffy for an entire season

you don't know me



intentional you dumb dumb

Who said that?

user originally bitching about s6

oh man

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>buffy and co become old and weird looking
>dawn becomes perfect
dawn best girl

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I wasn't correcting you

get out get out get out

I thought this was teen show? Dear lord.

some teens have sex, gramps

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>After wrapping up his wound, he proceeded to produce several spell agents. A moss of blue, a batch of pungent crushed leaves, a vial of red liquid that looked suspiciously like blood, and half a cup of Kool-Aid powdered drink mix. Blue raspberry. He was a resourceful warlock, and knew how to improvise when ingredients were scarce.

>"Alright, Slayer," he said, licking away the remainder of the Kool-Aid. "Let's see you interfere now."

that photo on the right is from 10 years ago. Dawn is fat and gross now. She peaked with Eurotrip.

Even the cast hated this when they were shooting this season. Spike talks about how he felt like a prostitute. Stories about Buffy crying on set, etc... Then some scummy person involved with the show leaked all the dailies of the sex scenes between Buffy and Spike. It got really sleazy in the end,.

Season 8 was really, really bad. Angel: After the Fall was great though, and Season's 9-11 definitely improved over 8 by a large margin.

Angel and Faith Season 9 was fucking amazing, though.

No one likes Buffy/Angel, lol. Angel is a great character, but that relationship was fucking horrible. At least Riley was somewhat interesting towards the end.

Buffy/Spike is the best, of course.

Bullshit. Marsters is just a whiny bitch. There are no stories of Buffy crying on set. She didn't care for the storyline and let it be known.

I liked all the seasons, even S7. I don't get the hate for it.

>muh potentials

Literally took up no screentime.

>I do not understand why everyone hates the iniative so much, I suspect tumblirinas who hate Riley cause of muh ebin angel romance
are (You) me? Because I also actually liked S4, Adam, and understood what Riley's role was for the story. And I also suspect it's the retarded Bangel shippers who throw the most hate, even though Buffy-Angel reads like muh first-ever gradeschool crush romance

>9-11 definitely improved

No, they didn't. S8 was plenty absurd but at least it wasn't painful to read.

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>When did this show become unwatchable?
after it got cancelled unless you have the dvd

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Buffy/Spike shippers hate him too. It really only boils down to someone else touching Angel or Spike's toy.

Why do these cancerous faggots and landwhales have a say on anything again?

Riley was too much like Captain America.

Because all women inevitably become shippers, because they are shallow. On shows with a large female fanbase, you get a lot of people demanding this or that, enough that the showrunners have to listen to atleast some of it or risk alienating a large chunk of their fanbase.
They shouldn't have a say, but in a lot of cases, sadly they do.

>Riley was too much like Captain America
and? Buffy needed to know what she needed in a man for her life. Riley showed her what she did not need. I only really disliked the guy when he ruined his chances and whored himself out to that vampire slut

That really Fucked up his character. He would never have Fucking DONE THAT!

Who says?

nah he's a straight and narrow type who goes off the deep end, anya talks about this a lot, walsh kinda fucked Riley up

every season was good. S4 was the worst

Sarah cried all the goddamn time, she cried for real when filmed angels first death, she did it again when they filmed their last scene in s3, and again when tara died, and many many more, she just fucking cries alot which allegedly would often turn a 2 hour shoot into a all day shoot

>s4 was the worst
fuck you, 7 was the worst

fuck you, it was not