I've never seen a movie or tv show featuring Krysten Ritter. But I've become aware of her via her being very hot

I've never seen a movie or tv show featuring Krysten Ritter. But I've become aware of her via her being very hot

Is anything she's in worth my time or shall I just stick to photos

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Don't trust the B---- in appartment 23 is pretty good

Season 1 of Jessica Jones is passable... if you don't mind her getting blacked.

Don’t trust the B was actually funny tbqhwy

too bad her feet are horrifying

She's a very strong 6 who can't act and shucks and jives for her kike overlords in Jessica Jones. Not worth a second of further attention.


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Don't get me wrong, this looks funny but doesn't make a lick of sense.

she was on breaking bad before it went to shit
might have to watch the first season to understand the second though

the one season of gravity wasn't bad, just low budget

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yeah she's extremely hot

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Don't trust the B in apartment 23 is not only actually a pretty funny and good show, but krysten ritter plays a massive slut in it so she wears slutty outfits and is naked sometimes. Definitely worth your interest in my opinion.

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She is in breaking bad and has a funny end to her arc

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How the fuck does this even happen

I like her too

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Tall Slut, No Panties was kino

>no tits
>no hips
>no ass
>rat face
>one of the most disgusting feet ever

>very hot

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Breaking Bad is good

Jessica Jones is watchable, but frustrating in that the main character is superpowered but sorta never bothers to use her powers for anything

please stop before i vomit

go away pedophile

>Looks like a bad XXX porn parody

How the fuck do """""adults""""" watch this shit.

>Funny end to her arc
The fuck is wrong with you?

>VERY fast manlet running at incredible hihg speed

Attached: kristen ritter.jpg (703x393, 20K)

She is not attractive.

A fucking Nosferatu

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