What's up my brothers

What's up my brothers

Just sent in my ballot for Trump, am I one of the good ones?

you're not fooling anyone

>NZ flag

That's not how Maoris look like!

bump lol

stylish hat my nigga

good BOY

i wish i could vote for trump in nz

Sheep fucker.


Is that you?


is this going to stay a nightly repost? if yes then no

He looks like what Viper probably looked like before he started smoking crack

Apparently anyone can vote now. U dont have to be US citizen:

you are an american before you are black, but don't ask for handouts.

You loo like a decent bloke tbf mate.

Sup bro. Where you located? I'm a kiwi who wears a red MAGA hat too. We should get together and have a beer

Shoutout my negga. Not enough of us out there for Trumperino good on you. I voted last wk

OP don't get doxxed by these faggots

uncle tom cuck

Get him drunk and shag him m8.

Viper, kill yourself my man

NZ flag
> pretends to be a nigga who voted for Trump..
We all know Trump Corp will build own and run thousands of concentration camps to house and kill niggas, fags, spics and Muslims when he wins.

Make sure to vote, leaf.