So what did Sup Forums think about Punished Jackie's movie?

So what did Sup Forums think about Punished Jackie's movie?

Attached: Jackie-Chan-The-Foreigner.png (700x479, 452K)

was cool

Very kino-esque if I do say so myself

The fact he runs a drug and child trafficking ring IRL really changes the perspective of this film.

You know I'm gonna need a source on that. There's no way, jackie is pure...

It was alright. It was barely about him at all and in the end the whole situation was more or less resolved without him. His sole purpose in the story was to fuck over Pierce Brosnan.

Name 3 drug and child trafficking rings that aren't Jackie Chan's

clinton foundation
uk police
jackie chan


I saw it somewhere on AGC

holy shit i have been mentioning this online for months but no one else seems to pick up on it.

I really wonder if it will ever reach the mainstream that this guy took all of his Hollywood cash and multiplied it in the human trafficking industry

While you are correct, his other goal was to be the one to exact his revenge on the group of bombers too which he got to do
1. Mr. Koney's home for happy Lolis
2. Magnum Opioid
3. Ten Cent Toddlers

I thought it was pretty good.

Can you hit a man up with a source? I've been trying to find where I saw it, but can't.

bretty gud

Pretty fucking great.

Did he do anything wrong?

Attached: haggusmyboy.jpg (647x364, 27K)


well, he did order some bombings to pressure parliament into pardoning some IRA members and get a bunch of votes or something along those lines, I can't remember
But he did cop a lot of shit for refusing to re-enter the cycle of vioelence

it was ok

He fed

For some reason, it being set in the UK really bugged me, feel like it could have been set in NY or something.

Fight scenes were well done, though.

Jackie Chan's character was not essential to the plot. Everything would have ended the same even if he didn't go on a rampage.

Yeah jackie chan running around a hoard of fat people while school children get shot. Great movie. Not really action if all the baddies are having heart attacks and dying on their own.