What did they mean by this?
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What did they mean by this?
Pic Related
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Bump for decoding the pedo code
hope you are well. i sopied ou in on a little email i sent to III. he got screwedovc.
with: . just like andcountlessothers...
thepictureswill help. youwill seethat theyhaVeagroupof sexual predators, deviants ruftil
rampantoverthere. no, theyarenotjammingguysintheasspersay, buttheyare shay/C.1;
judgenment. i thinkguysinthisbusinessareprettymuchsomeof thebest and some of (kw
worst. it isthecompaniesresponsibilitytoprtect thegoodfromthebaduntil they show
uglyheadsandcanberemoved. inthiscasetheuglyonesarerunningthedamn thing or in
in the event Mfails to inform you. peeing on people, eating potato chips out of ass cracks.
vodka shots out of ass cracks (there is video of that one), broken doors after driiken bravrlf;
have 1.-)
terminated, like because he would not play their games and his slip up gave then
i knowthisentirethingisgoingtomakelifeless,bearableovertherefor all of us. i'll
alcohol tosomesane, accountableleadership. i amheadingbackonwedp.m. before !(
wantyoutoknowthattheiraresomegoodpeopleovertheredoinggreatwork. we are it;).
scoutsbutthereshouldbesomeexectationofprofessionalisminonesleadership. AGNA
beenblindtoall thisandthosegoodpeoplearegettingwornoutandchewedup over it all.
waytheDOShasturnedtheirbackstotheguysonthegroundandlettheprostitution and g;,
shitcontinue. (note:i havenotspokentothem, buti knowoverall thistimesomeone had to
dropthat dime.)
Bump, where do you have the picture from?
The blacked passages are not in the email.
The emails are shortened. We need to know which are and what passages are blackened
click 'attachments' on the site in OP
Outdoors here?
Fuck, some graphicfags get in here and make the photos visible. This might be something
last one i got for now
GET #theyarenotjammingguysintheasspersay TRENDING
After doing some research, my best bet for AGNA is "Affinity Group for National Associations." Googling that brings up a dead webpage, but there's two snapshots archived. Here's the most recent.
Appears to be a group that "builds support" for NGO's. I don't have the time to research further but this may be a potential lead.
Sliding hard. Bump
im tired. i go sleep. have a bump
Seeing this email gives me hope, it's good to know people on the inside are disgusted by this and very well aware of it all.
That is a man peeing on someone?
i lied. i do one more bump
I'm gunna try popping these into photoshop, I'll reup when all is said and done. Hang tight.
jesus. checked the catalog less than 5 seconds after my post went through and shit was at the bottom of the board. one more bump then off to bed
hurry leafbro
da fuq?
Don't let us down, leaf. Popping em into an editor on my phone - probably won't come up with much, but may be able to increase definition.
>3142 John captcha - huh, wonder if that corresponded to a verse
I believe in you.
Agna is "ArmorGroup North America" and they have been at the center of a number of scandals in Afghanistan, including sex trafficking.
Pure coincidence.
Ok - there's really not much left to do with the pics. I'll try to give a brief description of each. They're each heavily censored and photocopied in a shit way.
nice singles
I have faith someone with photoshop skills will make these disgusting pics able to be seen better
>user will deliver
Sorry to disappoint guys. Raising exposure / playing with brightness and contrast doesn't do fuck all.
Ass in guys face. His head is on an angle with his right ear facing us.
tfw I have to have faith in a leaf.
>John 3:14
>Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up
>line 2
>so the Son of Man must be lifted up
mfw leaf failed to deliver.
peepee poopoo
John 10:31-42
31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”
33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”
34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’[a]? 35 If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside— 36 what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? 37 Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. 38 But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.” 39 Again they tried to seize him, but he escaped their grasp.
40 Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days. There he stayed, 41 and many people came to him. They said, “Though John never performed a sign, all that John said about this man was true.” 42 And in that place many believed in Jesus.
What the flying fuck is this shit
Bump. We must go deeper
This one I'm on the fence about.
Guy is smiling unzipping his pants / could be peeing on someone, but there is a third hard to see figure beside the man on the ground. Hand in his lap?
WOah holy shit...this links Omar Mateen
"Security for the Embassy is provided under a Department of State contract with ArmorGroup, North America (AGNA), which is now owned by Wackenhut Services, Inc. (Wackenhut)"
>Wackenhut is now g4s services....OMAR MATEEN WORKED THERE
I ain't going to prison.
somebody do a googley on thnis one
>I ain't going to shoot myself in the back of the head twice
Why did wikileaks instead of attaching the real pics including blackened and alienated black and white scans instead of actual photos?
This is real proof I guess and they didn't want to become attackble to distribute the sick DNC pedo stuff. Everything with attached PDF emails could be something.
This seems to be old news: en.wikipedia.org
TL;DR: British private security company involved in sex trafficking, amongst other things
>do it
>now have fully visible child porn on my computer
They wouldn't need to kill me.
Yeah first picture is clearly someone peeing on someone.
2nd photo is profile of someone wearing a cap/sunglasses reaching over to someone on the right, which is overexposed. Could potentially be holding someone? Also somewhat looks like a snake around right figure but that's probably just noise.
i found this, its the original it seems, while looking for a name i saw in the wiki post, "Joe Ordonna"
i think it reads better and theres more in it!
If you can tell me how to do it, I'll go for it
i tried almost everything under Image > Adjustments, didn't really improve the picture.
looks like adults drunk and fucking around with each other though, wouldn't waste time on it
several interesting leads on this thread
one more bump
There are very visible asses in the other photos. I'm leaf-tier effective at increasing definition on my phone and need to head to bed, but I'll make an archive of this thread in another bump.
That's a non-country.
The pics can't really be screwed around with, lads. Hardly changes them.
These were released by the US Government themselves, ya dip.
View as PDF.
I don't think I could give a full rundown, it's muscle memory and very small changes in variables for experimentation on the image.
First off I'd recommend inverting the b/w and then denoise it just a little. That should make the image a little more illegible right off the bat.
I'll try it on the first one, hang tight
"Numerous emails, photographs, and videos portray a Lord of the Flies environment. One email from a current guard describes scenes in which guards and supervisors are "peeing on people, eating potato chips out of [buttock] cracks, vodka shots out of [buttock] cracks (there is video of that one), broken doors after drnken [sic] brawls, threats and intimidation from those leaders participating in this activity...." (Attachment 2) Photograph after photograph shows guards—including supervisors--at parties in various stages of nudity, sometimes fondling each other. These parties take place just a few yards from the housing of other supervisors."
Also add a small gaussian blur and then unblur by a fraction of what you blurred it by, I don't the exact amount. Like I said it's small variable experimentation until you get a decent quality.
but they look like they were FAXED or photocopied, so a lot of the info might be gone in that process
still worth trying tho
Some other user archived this and didn't share the link, I'm out for now
Tried the blur / invert / other tips.
Thanks for the suggestions but nada. Still looks like shit. Cappuccino's right.
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05764032 Date: 07/31/2015 Numerous emails, photographs, and videos portray a Lord of the Flies environment. One email from a current guard describes scenes in which guards and supervisors are "peeing on people"
They were deliberately modified, you can tell almost immediately if something was faxed or photocopied just by the quality around the area where black meets white.
It could have been that they were originally photocopied poorly and then digitally altered, but digital alteration was a large step in their current quality and obviously an attempt to obscure the true image from undesirable eyes.
Of all the smoking guns... Time for some peameal bacon.
No, ArmorGroup (North America)
On 1 September 2009, the Project On Government Oversight sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton which detailed allegations of misconduct by over 10% of the 450 employees of ArmorGroup guarding the embassy.
someone else deal with this
Just looking around and found this
First, as you may have noticed, I am usually pretty quick in responding to emails but this series left me a little speechless (or maybe in today's lexicon, blackberryless). It really meant a lot coming from the three of you. Jake, of all the comments yours was the most accurate. Sadly, you are not the first person to point this out as many people have noted that they picked the wrong half of the couple to be Ambassador. Second, from bringing snow to Pretoria and sun to Cape Town in the middle of the winter you all turned S Africa upside down. I know that S Africa and Africa will be a better place as a result of this trip.
Looked up the date and found this
That's what I was thinking.
If they have actual video or photographic evidence, they had to be incredibly sensitive - especially for the victims - to not reveal identities, and to also not get charged with distributing Pizza.
This is intense
Forgot to spell it out again, these are pics of AGNA employees (ArmorGroup North America) fucking off on their jobs instead of protecting the embassy in Kabul. Side note: Taliban blew up a carbomb that killed 2 outside of it back in August.
pls senpai
So basically This is way more than just fucking off....
This is guards and performing sexual assault, rape, and other disgusting shit on each other and people around them...the embassy and other officially asking Hillary to help them and being ignored for a long time...the black and white pics are the pics of guards peeing on people
This email chain is about ABU GHRAIB 2.0 - This is big
Read the wikipedia article about them. They were also fucking trafficked children, but these pics are not that.
Lets try to put faces together:
it's all over
Still, we need to find more emails with scanned fotos.
Better pic
Can't do much to 1-bit bitmaps. Pixels are just black or white, nothing in between
bump for interest.
>get the leak of the century
>its in 2-bit color at 48DPI
thanks i guess
First pic is of a guard peeing on someone from Armor Group in Afghanistan...
Is this company related to DynCorp?
How do i find the pictures?
The pdf doesnt show them for me
this one has the pics
>G4S has previously been accused of improperly vetting its employees. In 2009, Danny Fitzsimons, a former British paratrooper and employee of a G4S subsidiary, killed two colleagues in Iraq, claiming to be “the antichrist” and saying he “must satisfy” his “bloodlust.”
You sure? This works for me: wikileaks.org
Reminds me of: antiwar.com
Abu Ghraib abuse pics
>No from
>No To
Just in the archive.