What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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Problem? Oh, that was merely a test.

Seems you got rused.

Picking the pansy Tzeentch as his patron god instead of Khorne!

Translator note: Plan means Keikaku.

The usual Weisman villain-wank.

His obsessive quest for immortality.

He was Greek.

His patron god is actually Slaaneesh. He just gets off on really convoluted plans.

He liked things going according to plan.

Once you go purple, you don't go back.

Legit this. All the keikaku-memes make people forget he has legitimate personality flaws and isn't just some villainous Mary Sue.

>be Thanatos' right hand
>boss has finally mixed some immortality bath salts
>ok boss, let me check this
>my hand turns to stone
>he goes all lol as expected turns 360 degrees and walks away
>i don't think my insurance covers this

>He even looked like Jonthan Frakes

what the fuck is your problem?
I'd like to see well you fare as a fictional character opposing the heroic and sympathetic main characters in your story.

But you are are fairy trickster who gives zero fucks, and just want to hang around with a stone hand to see what happens.

Great villain, or greatest villain?

For God's sake, he was allowed to say "hell" on a Disney TV show.

Fear of death.

I love how well Brent Spiner was able to change his voice so no one realized that Puck & Owen were the same person, until the reveal.

I mean, it surprised me but in hindsight they did give clues...

His parents were gunned down when he was a kid.

His dad showed up at his wedding.

No, I am Greek.

All according to keikaku.

Jeff Bennett voiced Owen, though.

I loved how his dad is completely unimpressed by his wealth and plans-within-plans methods.