>Hey Ton', who'd ya vote for the election?
Hey Ton', who'd ya vote for the election?
I think we all know he would have voted for jeb
Brainlet. He would have supported Chris Christie.
why the fuck are they playing with cash
not one of them ever thought, hey why don't I go down to walmart and buy a 15 dollar set of playing chips?
Probably wouldn't have voted at all
It was a fuckin' joke guys. I voted Trump
>Fuckin politicians don't do shit. Why the fuck would I vote? Huh? So I can put some louse in power to do nothing? All I get in return is having to serve in jury duty. Fuckin waste
>Muh fridge door
Who was in the wrong here?
SILVIO: Ehh......no disrespect 'Ton, but doncha think you should fulfill your civic duty?
>Tony finds out Carmella donated to Hillary
>Doesn't matter what youse vote anyways. The jews controls everything. Hesh told me
the gag at the end of the episode would be that the day before the election they all decide to vote for the first time in their lives but none of them realize you have to register
AJ would be a diehard Bernout
>"Hesh told him." Heh. Kid, lemme tell you something: the Jews bow to the Bogdanoffs. You know they own something like 99% of all DNA editing research facilities on Earth? Fuckin' Eastern Island lookin' frogs.
>Again with the fuckin Bogandoffs?
>Deny it all you want my friend, just don't say I didn't warn you when they take over. Me? I got an entire bunker underground at my ma's place for when they do. Stocked to the rim with her special spaghetti sauce she used to make when I was a kid, heh heh.
>You don't believe me?! That flying saucer I saw over East Rutherford, back in -- now what was it, Ton'?
>[Tony rolls his eyes and doesn't answer]
>Back in 2001 -- and you think that's a coincidence? *Niiiine eleveeeen*? THAT flying saucer -- the Bogdanoffs are in communication with aliens!
Are you dubsters good at imitating speech or have you just watched Sopranos a million times?
Autism mostly
that would be Meadow. AJ would be a libertarian retard and defend Gary Johnson to people.
No, Meadow would be full on Hillary
AJ Bernie
I'm Italian
>That's fucking bullshit Paulie. That moolie on tv, what's his name, Mike Degrasse Tyson said it was a spy ballon that picks up long rage soundwaves from the russians
>Phil: I just wanna say how happy I am that we finally have a real man in the White House. And not FAGGOT ASS, FREE HEALTHCARE GIVING CORNHOLING COCKSUCKERS. HE SHOULD FUCKIN DIE.
>tony: alright alright. Just take it easy. I'm willin to forget the whole Obama administration ever happened. Let the past be bygones.
>little carmine: in the interest of prosperity and good business lets all agree that some bad decisions have expired and that we can all move on
Phil and tony reluctantly nod their heads and shake hands
>little carmine: the democratic primaries, Russian collusion....
Phil and tony nod
>little carmine: Bernie Sanders, whatever happened there...
>Phil: whatever happened there?
>Carmine: he had a good run, huh?
>Phil: Whatever happened there? I'll tell you what happened. This piece of shit's candidate flipped 6 caucasus' on the kid with no provocation whatsoever
>tony: my candidate lost
>Phil: fuck you
tony stands up
>Sil: hey, hey, hey
>Carmine: we were making progress, i didn't mean to...
>Phil: fuck what you meant, cocksucker
Fucking kek
Tony is a registered democrat.