How exactly does an orc know what a "menu" is?

how exactly does an orc know what a "menu" is?

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can orcs not have eateries with several choices?

There were restaurants/pubs/eateries in Middle Earth. They are shown in several scenes.

Orcs had a society of their own -- and not exactly primitive. They were obsessed with industry and forges etc.

It stands to reason that when not mobilized in racial holy war against Elves and Man by the Dark Lord, they've got their own places to stay for travelling orcs, including rudimentary taverns/inns.

What's middle earths tipping policy?

I don't know. That's sorta like a Klingon starship designer. I'm sure they exist, but the thought betrays everything we know about the species.

mordor was an industrial nation, orcs had the most advanced society out of any race

Please let this revive loadposting

a huge plot hole OP
up there with the eagles carrying the ring imo

hol up so youze sayen we wuz orcs n shit

thats not a plothole, eagles are dicks

The orcs were very advanced

Because he eats you fucking retards
It doesn't have to have several choices. If the menu at his military station says "Monday: Troll Loin" then that's still a menu

Why do they have English accents?

middle earth is in the middle of the earth, just like europe

same reasons given the last 10 times this was posted.

How many orcs do you see in those scenes?

Why didn't the eagles just fly Dr. Pavel to the high ground?

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>Ogres can cook (The Hobbit)
>Ogres work with the forces with evil
Want me to connect the dots for you?

this is the most interesting question I've ever heard

You understand the orcs are resurrected/corrupted elves, right?

There's no still no canonical answer, like when people used to ask if Bane said he was a big guy for CIA or if removing his mask would have been extremely painful for CIA, until Hardy answered on the reddit AMA Sup Forums raided. After that it stopped


Who were these men and boys?

Does Sauron collect sales tax from the Orcs eatery purchases? If so, how much?

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

Orcs are descended from East Elves captured by Melkor, their minds and bodies distorted and corrupted.

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Forgot the comma

>what about their penis's, they don't need those
What did he mean by this?

Ah superintendent Grishnákh, I hope you’re prepared for an unforgettable luncheon.

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I always got weird vibes when the orc was violently trying to bite at pippin’s penis

the earth doesn't have an actual longitudinal middle as it is a sphere

Why didn't they just put the ring back on the menu?

It's not a plothole, but not for that reason. The eagles are maia. Carrying the ring would have corrupted them.

we know fuck-all about orcs in the first place user

As a rational thinker, I disagree.

Aren't they corrupted Elves? They probably remember some stuff

>"The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain, & not only in South Africa. Unfort[unately], not many retain that generous sentiment for long." ― Letter 61 — Written to Christopher Tolkien who was stationed in South Africa during World War II

>"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White." ― From a Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959

>"I must say that the enclosed letter from Rutten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries? ... Personally I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine." ― Letter 29 — in response to Tolkien's German publishers asking whether he was of Aryan origin

>"It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil at heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace." ― The Two Towers, "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit"

you dont put the ring on the eagles fucking talons dipshit.


bullshit, gandalf picks up the ring with tongs and doesn't get "corrupted." Sean Bean can hold the ring BY ITS CHAIN and not get corrupted. Multiple characters have showed that carrying Frodo does not equal carrying the ring.

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Do you think Orcs raped people in the villages they raided? haha


"What's that in the kitchen?"

Do eagles have large talons ?
was it kino?

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Orcs were advanced AF, while the Hobbits were in the "what will we eat?" stage of civilization, Orcs were beyond them in the "where will we eat?" stage.

good times

The eagles are not Maiar. Jesus you don't even know the plural form and here you are talking like you know shit. What video game said the eagles are Maiar, either? Maiar could turn into eagles just like anything else but the eagles in Middle-earth are birds and if you think otherwise I'd love to see a citation from you proving so, because unlike you I've actually read Tolkien's written material and I can tell you that the eagles are not Maiar.

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Please dub Pacific rim 2 trailer song

1) flying the ring to Mordor would have done nothing but save time. Time didn't matter. It wasn't an issue until Aragorn goaded Sauron into launching his attack on Minas Tirith ahead of schedule. Frodo had the ring for decades until Gandalf uncovered its origin. The Fellowship took a month's vacation in Lothlorien halfway through their journey. It had been about 3,000 years since the wizards arrived in Middle-earth to deal with Sauron to begin with.

2) The ring couldn't simply be dropped into the caldera of Mt. Doom. There's a reason why Frodo didn't just drop it into the first lava flow he came across. The ring couldn't be destroyed outside of the forge. It could only be unmade where it was made. Why? Because magic. But that's how it worked.

3) Sauron had a strong military presence in the Plateau of Gorgoroth. He had an entire army stationed around Mt. Doom. Sauron himself was sitting at the top of a tower. I hardly believe that either Sauron or his tens of thousands of soldier would fail to see a giant eagle, or that an eagle could make it unimpeded to subterranean forge.

4) The only chance the fellowship had of success rested on the fact that Sauron didn't believe that his enemies would attempt to destroy his ring. He believed that no one could overcome the ring's corruption (and was completely correct in thinking so, too). Aragorn tricked Sauron into believing that he had the ring. If he knew that the ring was approaching Mordor, or was not with Aragorn, he could have surmised what Gandalf was planning. A suicidal air raid on his HQ would have been a fairly obvious tipoff that something was going on.

5) The eagles themselves would have been susceptible to the ring's influence, along with whomever the eagle was carrying.

Also I'm 90% I'm responding to the same faggot I was arguing with in that other thread who scampered off with his tail between his legs after he couldn't find an actual citation supporting this bullshit in any of his stupid LotR video game wiki articles.

Unlike the rest of the know-nothing "lorefags" on this board who picked up everything they know from fanfiction video game bullshit I can tell you first hand from reading Tolkien that the eagles are not Maiar and anyone who tells you otherwise is an uninformed, wannabe, semi-literate, tryhard secondary pretender too fucking God damned stupid to read Tolkien's own written word.


> They also speak like this in the book

When did you realize Tolkien was a hack?

Speak like what?

war ready?
im thinking dubbing
when it comes out

Now's not the time to fly doctor
That comes later

Pacific Rim 2 has so much potential tho

to add on this post, just get every autist to yell "WAR READY" and let the magic happen

Right. It feels weird to me, too. But it's something that has to exist -- just like Klingon chemists and teachers and janitors, etc.

The Hobbit and the Appendices of Return of the King offer a SLIGHT look into Orcish society. First, they confirm that Orcs have children: Bolg was the son of Azog. Second, they confirm that Orcs feel attachments to their parents (at least enough to want to avenge one's dead father). And finally, they reveal that Orcs have a concept of hierarchy, rulership, and inheritance. Bolg, son of Azog, rules his group of Misty Mountain Orcs after Azog's death.

Moreover, the existence of Goblin-Town implies that the Orcs are able to create their own cities/towns outside of Sauron's influence or occupying destroyed Dwarf/Elf/Man towns & forts.

We don't get a lot out of the Orcs because the Lord of the Rings is mythical -- it's not meant to go into detail about the bad guys. But we get bits and pieces.

Jesus christ, its so fucking cringey but actual kinda funny.

Sounds racist. They're Uruk Hai - canonically capable of more complex social interactions than normal orcs. so the idea that some would provide food for pay and would have more than one option is not that crazy

And yet all the evil races have traits that sound like a nazi describing people of color

-slanted eyes
-dark skin
-wide noses
-large mouths

well then why didn't they just take a bucket of lava back to rivendell or whatever?
they just have a couple elves sneak up to mt doom with a bucket and steal some lava, sauron would be busy focusing on the ring


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Tolkien described Orc skin as "sallow", not dark you illiterate faggot. He never said any if hose other things either, stop projecting. And I know you won't come to terms with being wrong but at least fuck off until you have an excerpt from Tolkien with these descriptions. You won't find one whuch will keep you out of here, you ignorant faggot.

2) The ring couldn't simply be dropped into the caldera of Mt. Doom. There's a reason why Frodo didn't just drop it into the first lava flow he came across. The ring couldn't be destroyed outside of the forge. It could only be unmade where it was made. Why? Because magic. But that's how it worked.

Sup Forums ruins everything

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Sup Forums can't have Tolkien as much as they try to force it because he'd hate their racist guts.

i'm saying bring the forge to rivendell you idiot, it shouldn't be harder then taking the ring to mordor while sauroman is watching u

>inLetter 210Tolkien describes Orcs as such:
>...they are (or were) squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types

>just carve out this entire interior space of a volcano containing a magical workshop and move it away in one piece

Retard, is English not your first language?

>Chilling at barracks back in mordor
>Time too eat
>Get in line at the lunch stand
>It's a tent with a couple of orcs standing behind a giant, rusty pot
>Next to them there's a wooden sign with some chalk writing on it
>"Todays menu: Rat Stew"

considering gandalf can teleport around and shit and come back from the dead, and sauron can make wierd creatures out of dirt, i don't think moving the "magical workshop" or whatever would be that hard, since that workshop is literally just a cliff and some lava. you wouldn't need to take all of it, probably

>gandalf can teleport around
Not even in the movies is this true.

>that workshop is literally just a cliff and some lava
Thank Hackson's lack of imagination for that.

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Why didn't the eagles just fly the menus to Mordor?

nice argument

>Time didn't matter
the more time frodo spent with the ring the more corrupted he became by it

Yeah after like 500 years as with Gollum maybe. The effects of being closer to Mordor were far worse. The ring grew exponentially more powerful the closer it was to the forge, the nexus of Sauron's magical energies.

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keep trying

>how did this subhuman race know something that only white people should know about?
ive never seen a more republican thread on this board

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