Pink Flamingos... fuck this

What is the actual fucking point of this stupid piece of shit "movie"? Calling it a "film" is just offensive to the art itself. I stopped watching 40 minutes in, the completely unnecessary real life killing of the chicken for a scene that is neither funny, thrilling or shocking is plain disgusting.

>inb4 "fuck off vegan fag"
I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, I just find pointless killings or other such depraved acts infuriatingly moronic and pointless.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You know what sucks about this movie's existence?
The director/writer isn't even jewish.

they ate the chicken after the scene. Also you are a pleb.

I'm a pleb for disliking a genuinely awful "movie"? Fuck off you pretentious cunt.

But he is gay. And its bizarre considering only fags found this offensive.

>piece of shit "movie"
It's not that hard to understand John Waters OP, that's exactly his objective.

Oh, ok, sure, that justifies it! If you ever had or have a pet, have someone kill it in a painful manner during a terrible sex scene in an overly campy and terrible piece of shit flick, have the death of the animal have no real weight in the film, or anything really, and then have the cast eat it right after. I'm sure you'd feel great about that, because they ate it afterwards.

>he doesn't understand Waters kino
What a fucking brainlet

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Go ahead and try to "enlighten" me you edgy dick heads. The "not understanding" comeback can be used for just about any director or artist - but most of the time it actually makes sense.

John Waters is not fucking hard to understand, you stupid pieces of shit, I can understand something and still dislike it.

>neither funny, thrilling, or shocking is plain disgusting

You seemed pretty shocked m8, it's almost as if the movie intended to upset the viewer.

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>What is the actual fucking point of this stupid piece of shit "movie"?

If you have to ask you will never know.

fucking kill yourself facebook faggot

anyone else think Divine is hot?

t. soyboy who's never been to a farm

I'm angry that this dumb "movie" exists. The scene literally made no impact on me except for wanting to look up if they actually killed the chicken, and they did.

>"facebook faggot"
is that the best "insult" you could come up with you braindead cunt? take a look at the mirror for a reminder as to why you're such a worthless piece of shit.

Alvin liked it

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Let me rephrase for you morons.


would've let Divine POZ my neg hole tbhfamb

Domesticated animals are bred to be tools and resources you overly sensitive fuck wit. Go cry into your soy milk faggot.

That's the point though. You're proof that the film succeeds in what it went out to do.

>"understands" the movie is supposed to be off putting
>is off put by the movie and gets upset
Is Water's the best director of his era?

Wow you must have shit yourself during Cannibal Holocaust

Female Trouble and Desperate Living are great pieces of cinema.

fuck off back to Sup Forums you heartless piece of shit, you're a stupid cunt and that's all you'll ever be - besides of course further destroying the reputation of right wingers.

For the record, I've seen movies of this kind before, and had no problem with them - actually liked quite a few of them like 'The Greasy Strangler'. But 'Pink Flamingos' is just terrible, has no real craft and doesn't take out any emotion from me apart from tiredness and annoyance.

I don't care for the chicken scene, but I like the movie anyway. I wouldn't consider it even close to the best John Waters movie, but it's his most important one without a doubt.

>liked The Greasy Strangler
>hated Pink Flamingos

Imagine being this much reddit.

imagine being this insecure

>inb4 "without x you wouldn't havy y lol"
there are countless times when the remake/parody/homage was better than the original

So apart from somehow making his career hit off, why do you consider it "his most important one"?

What is the actual fucking point of this stupid piece of shit "movie"? Calling it a "film" is just offensive to the art itself. I stopped watching 40 minutes in, the completely unnecessary real life killing of the cat for a scene that is neither funny, thrilling or shocking is plain disgusting.

>inb4 "fuck off vegan fag"
I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, I just find pointless killings or other such depraved acts infuriatingly moronic and pointless.

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a real life cat wasn't actually killed though you actual fucking retard

>I like to think we made that chicken's life better
>it got to be in a movie, we fucked it, and it became famous

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>haha I'm an edgy old man who makes intentionally terrible films

I don't know who's the bigger retard, you who falls for an obvious bait, or OP being offended at a chicken getting killed in a scene when OP is probably a mutt that gorges at McDonalds very day?

What John Waters movies would you guys recommend besides this? I don't want to watch Divine eat shit.

oh fucking hell, the irony in this reply is hilariously high

What's important about it?

Cry baby

Oh, I didn't know that was him, I saw some of it a very long time ago. I'll check it out. Thank you.

Anything else?

>Is supposed to be bad lel
>you're not supposed to understand it!
That's all op if you ever make a film and it comes out worse than a big pile of burning shit, just tell your critics those 2 lines and you will find people willingly to defend your crap.

It's one of the most influential midnight movies of all time and showed that you can become a success making weird shit for yourself on next to no budget.

Polyester, Female Trouble, Serial Mom, Desperate Living to a lesser extent

That's a compelling argument and I feel like it would be helpful as someone trying to make a weird cheap movie, but I really don't want to watch Divine eat shit or a chicken get shot.

I watched it once. It was trash, but that's the intentional genre of such movies. Like just a bunch of degenerates decided to make the lowest budget movie doing senseless degenerate things like eating dog poop and fucking chickens for pure shock value. I don't get it and have no desire to see it again.

That's completely fair. Honestly, I've only seen it a couple times in my life. If you're trying to get the whole swath of John Waters as a director or a taste of midnight movie history I think it's very worth seeing at least once, but John Waters has done better imo.

So if I shot your fucking mother in the cunt, that'd be ok if I was "intending to upset you"? Retard.

I wish she had been shot in the cunt - before you were fucking born!

It’s ugly for the sake of being ugly. Literally dog shit in movie form.

>the scene where she shows her cock is BRILLIANT!

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>getting this upset about one of the first meme movies

>The scene literally made no impact on me except for wanting to look up if they actually killed the chicken, and they did.
If you bothered to look it up it properly effected you in some way.

It's funny

>jokes on you, it was SUPPOSED to be bad! xD

reddit: the film

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This was my entire thought process throughout the scene:

>Ughhh ok here we go
>Should probably turn down the volume so the neighbours don't think I'm watching porn so loudly at 1 am
>Awh, those chickens are actually real, that guy's being quite rough with them
>Abrupt cut... hmmm... what happened? Is that real blood? Let's quickly research
>Oh wow, that was terrible

If you aren't vegan but are triggered by a animal killing on screen you are hypocrite.
>but but you didn't eat it
Literally irrelevant

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Girl can’t help it

no, there's a difference between torturing and killing an animal primarily for the sake of a shit "movie" and instantly killing an animal for the sake of eating, you fucking moron.

besides, I made mention in this very thread that they eat it afterwards and that to me it doesn't justify it. learn to fucking read.

you're an idiot

So you are a hypocrite then, by eating any kind of animal you are doing exactly what they did.
>learn to read
I don't end paragraphs written by literal retards, it's pointless

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oh wow, you are actually dumber than I thought. no wonder you're such a failure, I can sense it.

to piss off soyboys

No argument? I accept your concession.

>only fags found this offensive.
What small percentage of your brain still functions?

Maybe I'd feel better watching it with people.

nah that's some bullshit I eat chicken I don't want to watch it get murdered though