Felidae Story time

Almost Halloween Sup Forums. Celebrating by story timing the Felidae comic.

Other urls found in this thread:




















Posting more later if thread's still alive.

I really liked that movie. And the comics as well. Shame we will likely never get more as the author went full Sup Forums.

please do. I love these kind of stories. Think there's a term for it, stories like Watership Down and Plague Dogs, this animal perspective without being the funny animal trope

Back with more.
Was there more than just this comic?


Nah, there was only this one as far as I know, just a typo.


Xenofiction. Oh yeah get ready for the Barbing

>full Sup Forums

excuse me what?

Ah, darn.







That's the term. Thanks.









Is it like the movie or like the book?



Be back in a bit again.

Bump for storytime

a little too much science stuff for my liking. Was hoping for more of a 'realistic' cat conspiracy thing. Nonetheless it's really cool and the art is top notch

Could you please elaborate on that, user?
All I know is that he made book sequels to this, and that's pretty much it.

















You just know someone on this board is masturbating to this page right now







There is no need for a sequel, the movie is perfectly self contained.

And being against mass immigration when your country has a large population already, is not a bad thing.


That's all folks. Hope you all enjoy it, and have a happy halloween!

Like the movie, but with a few differences.



Okay, which one of you here wants the movie soundtrack?

Link us up Twister.




Thank you for sharing this, user.

Yes, please.

since no one linking it, here's a youtube playlist with it. youtube.com/watch?v=hRvTnQRcQw4&index=1&list=PLILJUF69WdPRHy5HmSLFBEHq5MDpzTTVQ

There was a book? How is it?


There might still be copies available, but german Amazon does not always ship abroad.

>people linking stuff you uploaded years ago
Feels good.

It got a physical cd release?

Great movie even if the dream clues were a bit of a cop out. Are the other Felidae stories more grounded?

I think I actually like the movie better.

Is this the movie/book about where the two cats fuck for 5 minutes?

Of course, do you really think anyone was selling downloadable music in lossless formats in 1994?

10 seconds.

I didn't think anyone would be selling it all. It's surprising to see movie soundtracks actually get released.

It introduced me to Anne Dudley. Who also did music for 10th Kingdom. Bought the soundtrack to that. Then watched the show (loves it).

Here is some of the soundtrack:

Oh wait, found 2 copies on sale here:

This site almost always ships to anywhere.

Ouash you faggot, come back to Nombrils already ;_;
