Was he really the bad guy?

Was he really the bad guy?

are you new or something? its pretty established that hes not

I came over here from /r/the_donald a few months ago. I though that white supremacy and holocaust denial was just memeing and then I realize you guys were serious and I was disgusted, and now I'm looking into it more and I'm afraid I was wrong.... so... wrong...

My neighbor once met him.
Really warm-hearted fella she said.

Was it during a camp inspection or something?

No one else wants to help?

C-Come on faggots


Stay there, or lurk more.

Is that accurate?

1. the existence of a strong state built upon nationalism unites people of all classes and keeps society united instead of devolving into factions which undermine the state. with a strong state neither the 1% nor the pleb masses can capture the state and misuse it, the state is dedicated to the nation alone. private competition is allowed but regulation also exists to preserve the environment, workers rights and jobs, ensuring a sustainable form of capitalism as opposed to neo-liberal casino capitalism. democracy is flawed as it associates the majority vote with wisdom, breeds a sense of ego where the individual is above all morality and responsibility, and people are ignorant and easily fooled into undermining their own economic interest, either through misguided socialism or neoliberalism. furthermore the freedom is an illusion, as all businesses and media outlets are owned by a profit-seeking few.

2. a meritocratic bureaucracy is necessary to further the state and keep science at the center of all things the state does. nationalism fits into this as humans are collective animals, and need a sense of identity to feel secure and fulfilled. the individual is not an atom, he/she can only understand them-self and feel secure with themselves in reference to a wider community. nationalism is a natural tribal spirit which allows human cooperation, without agreed social norms and values trust among members of society is eroded and division is sure to follow. without this unifying spirit people focus on what they can get for themselves or their little clique from the state, instead of contributing to the state.growing the pie instead of fighting over maximizing your slice of the pie is the engine of progress. under unity we all work together to grow national prosperity, increasing our own in the process. without it, we fight over scraps. this is what distinguishes successful from failed states, whether people have this sense of nationalism and work towards prosperity or hoarding as much of the pie for themselves


You have google, fucking use it.

3. liberalism assumes there are different spheres of human life. personal, family, civil society, church,media, the economy and govt. to name a few. this is an assumption which is obviously false, all have an effect on each other, so in order to guide cultural evolution and ensure stability a state must have a role everywhere. nothing is ''beyond the state'', that distinction is fascicle and exists only in a liberal mind. this mindset is what has allowed culture to devolve so far in the west, as things are seen to be magically divided, when in fact everything under the roof of human civilization is connected in a holistic manner. for this reason fascism is totalitarian, as it is the only logical response to the nature of society.

4. the final purpose of society is to preserve and cultivate its people, both in number and quality. on an individual level, the final purpose of the individual is to raise a family and be part of a wider community, and be willing to sacrifice and lay down your life for these things. with faith in ideals and community do human beings find self-actualization and happiness. liberalism fails to see this and see humans only as rational utility maximizes pursuing private material gain, an empty excuse for a life which leaves many depressed, anxious and isolated. humans are not engines of an economy but a sociable animal, and only by living by this can a normal human find fulfillment. hence fascism opposes liberalism for being entirely misguided on the meaning of life and what brings and individual true joy and happiness.

He made great games.


only children try to make ww2 about good and bad guys. Each were their own side with their own motives. No good and evil.

So... he was the bad guy?

Of course.
Why did you think the Germans disliked the Jews?

Because they were the communists and they were the people behind the degeneracy of the Wiemar.

Reddit is a hugbox. T_D is okay but pointing out the Jew, admiring Adolf or denying the Holocaust are not even warnings - they are outright bans.

I know people say Sup Forums is run by SJWs but we can get away with a lot of shit on Sup Forums free from Jew censorship. The only things that will get you banned here are things that jeopardize the legality of the site.

He wasn't as comfortable with dudes as Truman, I'll say that.

>The only things that will get you banned here are things that jeopardize the legality of the site.
And fishbane

And posting porn on Sup Forums