Is mike judge a genius?

is mike judge a genius?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>created king of the hill
>created beavis and butthead
>is he a genius

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quality over quantity my friend. the commentary offered in these shows is unmatched in modern sitcoms. also
>created silicon valley
>created idiocracy
>created office space
give credit where credit is due

Just by creating any of those you can be considered a genius.

>created silicon valley

Is he even still involved with that? i swear it felt like he was only actually around for the production of season 1 and maybe a bit of season 2 but not all of it.

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he still serves as executive producer, couldn't tell you how involved he is in the writing process though.

I love KOTH and Beavis and Butt-head but I lost a lot of respect for the guy after he did that promotion for Alex Jones and InfoWars.

im not sure how you think it's mature to lose respect for someone because their politics don't align with your own. accept he has his own opinions and you have your own.


I think there's a big difference between standard conservatives and Alex Jones.
Plus also didn't he also completely destroy Winger out of pure spite? He's a bit of a cunt.

I don't care if someone has a different political opinion, but Alex Jones is a known spreader of misinformation and the conspiracies he peddles aren't just a difference of political opinion, but pure batshit insanity.

Naw, but mike nelson is.

>I don't care

Naw, but Mike Love is.

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alex jones is definitely an interesting personality but not all the things he talks about is completely unsubstantiated, it's just his approach which throws people off. anyway, within today's political climate we've got to accept there will be extreme adversaries on both sides of the political spectrum and theres no right or wrong side in regards to this.
you can tell mike judge is quite an enlightened individual and i doubt he's been "conned" by alex jones, but respects that enigmatic style that alex jones is (in)famous for.

>be mike judge
>be a genius, not a judge
he had one fucking job

short answer yes

ok thank you. i have this essay due tomorrow and i was hoping someone would give me an answer

idk but hank hill is the best animated character in history

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office space changed my life in 1998

King Of The Hill is one of the most important artistic achievements of the 21st century.

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im inclined to agree, a very consistent and grounded character, founded on a just will and good intentions. his naive nature is very endearing


meant 1999, I saw it in the theatre, made me rethink my life.

>Movie is called office space
>They never leaver planet earth on the whole movie

He's a fucking hack.

Mike Judge is a murderer.

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Why did he involve himself in that shitty kid Cudi album?

thats my point

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Get off my board, globalist scum.

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Office Space is great. Idiocracy is meh. I don't watch cartoons.

winger are shit anyway. besides, if mike judge can absolutely destroy a band's reputation overnight singlehandedly, this is a good sign he's a genius

I unironically agree with this.

>Idiocracy is meh
I agree, ridiculously over hyped.

>KOTH will never come back

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>I don't watch cartoons
Good, because King of the Hill is actually Anime

it doesn't need to, the original episodes are perfect (particularly seasons 1-3)


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they're thinking about rebooting king of the hill.
says he'd probably age them all a bit