Why is she such a spoiled, abusive self-centered bitch?

Why is she such a spoiled, abusive self-centered bitch?

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>didn't watch episode

Because Tara Strong takes all the voice roles for herself.
Oh you mean Unikitty.

Was going to post exactly this.

>When Tara was sperging over the nuPPG casting and referred to Bubbles as "me"
Jesus lady, you're the single most well-off person in the voice industry and normies will always want your autograph. Let it go.

It's already out?

They released a halloween episode early. I don’t believe the show is actually gonna officially come out until later

this, i've never seen someone perceive themselves as being so heavily important as she does

Whats with shows for movies that havent been relevant for years. This, the meatballs show. Hotel whatever. Like damn.

Because repressing all negative emotion is extremely unhealthy.

^ This
It also ignores the fact the kids who watched the movies have grown up. People seem to forget that age demographics are constantly being renewed.

Friendly reminder that tripfags that contribute nothing but their irrlevant opinions are attentionwhores and should be filtered as such.

What a strange way of doing it.

rick and morty aprils fool episode

This is why she is successful and you're not.


That's why people hate tripfags.

Begone you annoying bimbo thot of a voice actress. You only have like 7 voices.

That's the only allowed way to portray women in media nowadays.

She surely dodged a bullet then.

>You only have like 7 voices.
I can only think of 3.

>shitting on the best pone's voice. Fucking plebs.

Tara's voice is fine, it's her as a person they're talking about. Like when an artist is insufferable to be around but you can't deny their artwork is good.

>DVDs, digital, and reruns don't exist.

She was spergging over nuppg because she and the other two were turned down for the times they've played for years and were known as those characters. They were insultingly snubbed for the role they were widely known for. It was fairly and understandably fucked.

>okay guys we cant use any of our old voice actors except for Tara Strong because canadian voice acting standards lol
>Okay let's make a virtually identical character to the one Tara Strong voiced
>and also have Tara Strong voice him

No, the reason she's successful is because she was an attractive young woman with large tits and dick sucking lips living in Canada (Which was the epicenter of cheap no-name actors and actresses who would work for peanuts at the time) during the early 90's, that was lucky enough to befriend several key people before they themselves made it big. People who would go on to keep Tara employed for nearly two decades until she no longer needed them.

she likes giving people the business

I'm really glad the west doesn't have the same worship culture of VAs that Japan has.

>the art style is ugly as fuck
>characters are obnoxious non-funny hyperactive retards
Thank you TTG for starting this trend.


At least with unikitty, it makes sense. She's a hyper-active retard.

She's based off of this guy, so what did you expect?

>Telling a jewish person to give other people a chance to make money.



here is your answer

is so wrapped up in voice actor worship, they delude themselves into believing that meeting the voice actors is the same as literally talking to the characters.

>Best pone
In what world? She's boring as shit now.

MLP is western moe and an outlier anyhow

kys this show is garbage

She doesn't get boring from merely ceasing to be a sarcastic bitch after gettin wings

Starfire the Cat.

Yeah, she is a bitch in the cartoon.

Just watched the Halloween episode. It was okay. Young kids might enjoy it. There's not really anything too interesting going on, pretty standard jokes and characters. The theme song is the best about the whole show as it is of now to be honest.


>best pone’s voice
Ashleigh Ball?

It's super annoying though. It's called voice ACTING for a reason. The whole point of acting is to act out a role that is NOT yourself.


I had to lean back from my screen.