Can soyboys be stopped at this point, or are they an unstoppable trend?
Can soyboys be stopped at this point, or are they an unstoppable trend?
The future is black muslim trans females. Deal with it whitey.
>this guy makes money off being a faggot while OP does it for free
Soyboys are the end result of evolution. The ideal lifeform.
That's just a video od exaggerated reactions for a monetized youtube video with ads.
Soyboys seize to exist in a few years when that girl whom they are trying to impress with virtue signaling and mimicking said girls' tastes, graduates and moves on and these dudes become bitter since they are no longer needed orbiting allies.
video games and comics are for little kids
no self respecting adult woman would cater to someone who indulges in childish hobbies like those
webm is still funny, but disappointed with the lack of edits
someone cut a BLACKED scene into the box
The lives of the last men are pacifist and comfortable. There is no longer a distinction between ruler and ruled, strong over weak or supreme over the mediocre. Social conflict and challenges are minimized. Every individual lives equally and in "superficial" harmony. There are no original or flourishing social trends and ideas. Individuality and creativity are suppressed.
Nietzsche warned that the society of the last man could be too barren and decadent to support the growth of healthy human life or great individuals. The last man is only possible by mankind having bred an apathetic person or ethnic group who are unable to dream, who are unwilling to take risks, and simply earn their living and keep warm. The society of the last man is antithetical to Nietzsche's theoretical will to power, the main driving force and ambition behind human nature, according to Nietzsche, as well as all other life in the universe.
everyone i know in a relationship plays fortnite, this might be b/c uni tho
I am convinced half of these reactions are all pre recorded
>self respecting adult woman
sweetie, those dont even exist
Where's the youtube link?
>disappointed with the lack of edits
Are you telling me there aren't any? A 9/11 edit would be bretty gud, I think.
there is one but I don't have it
Oh good, he's not a popular Youtuber. Video has under 200k views.
I honestly see these people as the equivalent of current time slaves.
They are basically bread like dogs, to be docile puppies even after growing up to better serve their media overlords.
>bread like dogs
Do Soyboys have any integrity or personality to themselves? I despise the fact they feel the need to feel like a quicker outsider by referencing some 80's pop culture shit and they are always seen wearing some t-shirt related to video games or Star Wars.
>I'm disappointed that I haven't seen a black cock yet
Get the fuck out, virgin
Why i never see these on asians when they are completely made of soy?
They are so soy they've reached a state of enlightenment.
>says the "adult" on an anime image board
Because they believe in stuff like honor and dignity (not all, but still
more than whites these days)
It's hilarious how the overcompensating faggots think anyone would buy their crap
Already been done matey
>that capt. america shirt
Top Soi
Unironically this. Video games and unironically watching cape shit is soycore.
Not gonna lie
I was a big fan of spider man, also iron man 1.
Even spider man 2 was okay but that was all I could handle. I had seen enough.
That fad ended for me a long time ago, I never thought these movies would become their own genre and still be around. I overestimated humanity, I actually thought they were better than this
>Even spider man 2 was okay
Even? It's widely considered one of the best ever, and even capeshit hater Roger Ebert named it one of his top 10 favourite films of that year. Fuck capeshit, that film is a good movie period.
Why do the exaggerated reaction videos get so many views?
Is it some sort of inside joke, or do people honestly enjoy watching shit like this?
Maby i'm dead inside, but i've never got the point of watching a video of someones reaction to something.
Another "daily" reminder
>"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control."
- Simon Pegg
>"A sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times? I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities"
- Alec Guinness
>"I don't think they are making [comic book movies] an elevated art form, I think it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape.. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core. "
- David Cronenberg
>"I don't want to see or make films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me."
- William Friedkin
>“They have been poison, this cultural genocide, Because the audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human.”
- Alejandro González Iñárritu
>"Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire... this religion... It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States."
- Alejandro Jodorowsky
is this just an act for the youtube money? i legit can't imagine reacting in this way for anything but maybe im just a jaded misanthrope
>Mfw reaction videos of people reacting to listening to new music gets almost a million views
Holy fuck this generation is so far gone thanks to smartphones and social media
Last time I looked at anything like that was when a bunch of gas lines exploded a few blocks from my house years and years ago.
The explosion felt like a fucking nuke had went off, and that shit burned for a day and a half till the whole sky was blacked out by smoke and fire, like a portal to hell was opening. It was the most surreal shit i've ever seen
Welcome to old age
children. That's always the answer to this question.
i reacted this way when i was excited for fictional media when i was 12 or under
i'm sure there are grown men who do it
Well, he's exaggerating for views. YouTube money is how badly you want to publicly embarrass yourself for shekels. The older their account is, the farther (video challenges, clickbait, retarded thumbnails for videos, dying hair unnatural colors, sponsored videos) they have to go. When you realize the dumb shit you have to do for even 10 dollars a video, you are better off bumming for change on the corner or I don't know, getting a real job.
The absolute nonsense is these people have the balls to call themselves content creator for stalling a 3 minute video into 10 minutes to get their checks.
And half of them are probably retards from here.
god this meme still makes me laugh
>getting ironic clicks from seething virgins
Seems like this market has a lot of untapped potential
this video made me realise why everyone hates white men.
Why do normies enjoy this? I just don't understand.
wakakozake is great.
anyone have the edit?
I'm not sure what's sadder: a young child that wants to find their favorite character and accidentally stumbles upon shit like Elsa and Spider-man. Or the pre-teens who watch streamers and other facecam videos because they want a friend.
This is just another evolution of men failing to be men. Inherently there is nothing wrong with enjoying mindless entertainment. When this mindless entertainment, however, consumes a person entirely that is when the rope should be drawn.
For instance during the late 90's and early 2000's and to an extent all the way through the 2010's "rap culture" was quite popular and you would even have white males dressing and acting like niggers. No one took them seriously and they never grew up.
Much like the case for this shit. No one has the right to judge someone if they enjoy mindless movies about superheros, much akin to no one judging someone owning a Dr. Dre CD but when said male becomes a nigger that is when they should be criticized the hardest and shamed for their idiocy.
>giant fishhook descends from the sky and grabs his gaping mouth, pulling him into the bucket of an alien fisherman
>"Father can we devour him now?"
>"Not yet son, we need to unsoy and filet him first
what do you call this disease?
It's all our fault. Watching that guy with glasses empowered them. They multiplied and their voices became stonger.