Reminder Trump has ensured Asians vote Democratic forever

Reminder Trump has ensured Asians vote Democratic forever.

pick one

Why did you lose the support of the rooftop Koreans you literally had one job.

pick one faggot

Yeah, it's totally Trump's fault these yellow immigrants vote for the implicitly anti-white party.

>Yeah, it's totally Trump's fault these yellow immigrants vote for the implicitly anti-white party.

Republicans brought it on themselves for attacking non-whites

>fucking niggers, spics, gooks, I wish I could genocide them all

Also Asians are the most educated and wealthiest group in America, along with Jewish Americans, and they vote Democrat, because Democrats are the party of science and tolerance.

>the minority cries out in pain as he strikes you

To be fair, the composition of the 'Asian vote' has probably changed since 1992

>mostly wealthy, hard-working upper-class Chinese, Japanese and Koreans
>modern day
>poorer, USA lets in whoever the fuck, more South-Asian yellow niggers

>Expecting the Asians to not like the dems sabotaging this country.

You don't help your opposition when they're making mistakes