So i'm a black guy who went to Austria

So i'm a black guy who went to Austria

As soon as i get there i match +15 girls on Tinder (4/10 to 9/10), when i walk in the streets (like Mariahilfestrasse) girls keep giving me looks, when i go to a party about 60 percent of the girl keep looking at me smirking... One thing led to another i managed to fuck one 9/10 kiss a 8/10 and hang out with her my entire trip and fuck one 4/10 on my last day there.

I'm not used to being this popular in my home country (i come from another Yurop country)

But i'm gonna ask you this white fellas: how are we not supposed to fuck your girls if they want our dicks? i Mean i wasnt even trying, i just grabbed the pussy

>mfw leaving the country

lol what is a 9/10 for black standards? Like around a normal 6/10 for humans?

You're operating on a whole 'nother level here Frenchie.

Yup. Fat chicks and uggos, and those that are the turbo-est of sluts.

>pic or didnt happened

Good looking white guys slam WAY more pussy then good looking black guys

in 99% of cases only fat white chicks like black guys

also inb4 croatia no black people hurr durr
i live in australia

I'm a white guy and I went to Austria and I fucked 2 girls in the first week in Vienna and was not even trying very hard.

Girls are sluts m8. Simple is that.


It was a blonde with green eyes, and a brunette with blue eyes

One was doing gymnastic and the other one is a model

i dont disagree i'm jealous actually so i dont understand why white people are so mad when they see a mixed couple

no pics sorry, you'll find my insta and fb with it, believe it or not, your choice

doubt this is true, but if it is...