An anti-white crack forms in the Trump facade

So Eric Trump decided to call for David Duke to be shot. David Duke has NEVER advocated violence, and CONSISTENTLY advocated against white genocide for decades. Duke never attacked Trump, not once. If a Leftist called for Trump to be shot, or even for Duke to be shot, we'd be screaming for blood. So where is your outrage that this slimy little shit is punching Right?

Trump is a "civic" nationalist, not a white nationalist, or even provably pro-white, not truly. We always knew, he was just a means to an end, just a maneuver on a much broader chessboard. We could overlook certain things, giving him considerable latitude to do whatever he needed to do to win -- and he likely will -- but don't get lulled into complacency. If Trump or anyone working for him begins to turn against pro-whites, don't be a fool and remain loyal to anything that proves to be anti-white.

If Trump turns on us, we need to be prepared, now more than ever before.

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Duke is a CIA plant to discredit right wing movements

And you think endorsing Duke would help the movement?

Duke deserves a bullet.

>all the usual proxies appear

>this guy asks a genuine question

>hurr le proxy shills

>muh proxies
>you are paid to have a different opinion!

Trump has never been this white nationalist hero you idiot. He's not going to kill all niggers and boot out every mexican.

I do agree Eric is a fuckhead for saying Duke deserves a bullet. How dare someone speak out against the genocide of whites.

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