Who was better?

Who was better?

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the kike

Hershlag > Felicity > Carrie > Emilia > Daisy


the one that doesn't fuck niggers on screen



Hershlag > Carrie >>> rabbit bong >>>>>>> dog shit >>>>> xeno bong >>>>>>>>> fatass womanlet caterpillar-eyebrow bong

Daisy is the closest we will get to a siren in real life
>fucking god tier face
>starts smiling
>turns into a face eating monster in less than a second

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>>fucking god tier face

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>god tier face

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To bad she is famous, she would make a perfect prostitute.

prostitutes aren't supposed to be beautiful

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Well Herschlag is actually an actress who can act, so this isn't really a fair comparison

>who can act

They all give me that look.

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>left: the most beautiful woman in the world at her prime
>right: barren xeno looking bongoloid

How can two people look so similar but have such a high disparity in levels of attractiveness

Portman. Portman forever.

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/thread unironically

Carrie Fisher is the only woman in Star Wars that has any value

Hershlag, don't be retarded.

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Is that supposed to be Neta?

Both are beautiful but i think Daisy is the better actress.

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daisy of course

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>i think Daisy is the better actress.

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my dick almost exploded watching song to song

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Post the images in which Carrie Fisher, Natalie Portman, Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, and Emilia Clarke look their best.

she always looks her best to be fair.

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its not even close user.

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Hershlag > Carrie > Felicity = Emilia > Daisy
Felicity's teeth are too big

is that portman or ridley?

>Felicity's teeth are too big
she's gorgeous though.

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Daisy, no question. I want her to look up at me with those giant teeth showing while smiling. She jerks me off and I cum all over her teeth

she is very pretty, but Daisy will remain my fav

Daisy dont rate

get out

The barren Daisy vs the fertile Hershlag

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>better actress

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Daisy haters be warned, this is a Daisy board now. meanies not welcome.

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The jew

>Newfags being newfags

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this but viceversa

>ever being invited to Cannes

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didn't know sorry

it could happen user

looks very nice.

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Left killed Star Wars, right saved it

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uhhh women don't need to act

this really sucked
the concept is solid but the execution was terrible
not one of those lines were funny
not a single one

I don't think rows with 2x15lbs weights will do anything no matter how week you are

this but no

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>no matter how week you are

Reminder that ANYBODY who says they find Daisy attractive is being paid to lie on the internet

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no i'm not. i wish i was getting paid. i genuinely find her pretty. people are so mean to her.

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people can have different tastes in women user

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I think she's cute user, and I hate the sequels.
Her smile makes me laugh

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Nice try mouseketeers

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>Hershlag > Felicity > Carrie >>>>>>>>>>>> Emilia = Daisy

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what are you getting at user?

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They're just mean to her fans, son. Daisy feels none of the pain.

pliss dun crie

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I like Daisy but that midriff is the GOAT

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daisyshills begone

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she deleted her social media because of meanies. poor lass. undeserved hate.

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I've never found Carrie Fisher attractive under any circumstances. But Leia's a good character which puts her miles above the rest. Hershlag's jewish succubus charisma kinda makes Padme work. The rest are DOA

>steals your heart

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>steals you pizza

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Sup Forums will eternally be a /Hershlag/ zone

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as long as I'm alive

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That's the only flattering picture of Daisy in existence.

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*cuties your path*

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Friendly reminder that Daisy got her part in Star Wars by sucking off JJ on a boat