What do you guys didn't like about this movie?
What do you guys didn't like about this movie?
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no ripley desu
everything about is was absolute ass
the commentary is kino though
it was shit
no qt
It wasn't 20 minutes longer.
It was a decent film.
Only Prometheus brainlets didn't like it.
kill yourself nigger poster
It killed Shaw off, and that was a step in the right direction.
newfag detected
I don't get it. Why am I a nigger poster? Life isn't being kind with you?
How it should have been?
Spotted one.
It shit all over the originals, ruined David's character and just was a "meh" film in general.
Daniels was cute as fuck, though. Fite me. Short haired brunettes are hot.
There are valid criticisms of it, but it's still a good film.
If someone's criticisms of it include "muh Shaw" or anything about "we needed more Engineers/we needed answers about the Engineers/we needed to see the Engineer homeworld" then they are a brainlet with no understanding of what made the Alien universe good.
It was more in line with the originals, unless you mean in the general way the Prometheus-verse has shit on them.
Also, the twist was the worst ever. Made M Night's look brilliant.
I loved what they did to David. I'll watch Prometheus again just to appreciate the full extent of it.
>It was more in line with the originals
It was more in line with Alien vs Predator 2 than the originals
This. The development of David's character actually makes Prometheus worth watching again.
>Wanting the answers the director promised makes one a brainlet
user, I agree on it's own, it's not awful, but please think before you strawman.
>the director promises to shit on a bowl and feed it to you
>decline his offer
>"user, please think before you refuse it's what the director promised"
>"lol, I'm evil now!"
The problem is that in Prometheus, David was considered the best part. So Scott pulled what George Lucas did with Boba Fett and Anakin by making him more important than he needed to be.
>it's still a good film.
It's not at all.
Are you retarded? Genuinely curious
No. That's not what I said. Scott promised answers, even if we didn't want them(trust me, I'd be happy he didn't I was happy not knowing that Engineers really looked like Dr Manhattan). Scott should have at least finished what he started, instead of being a little bitch.
>ok they have made good use of the "retarded crew" trope in prometheus, surely they wont use a crew of retards again
retarded writing
>I'm not down with humanity, therefore I'm evil
That's not correct. He wanted perfection and humanity was in his way. It's not the same as being evil. To want perfection is to be good.
Alien:Covenant is easily the most Alien-like of all the sequels. Not because people believe Fox forced Ridley to copy himself and play it safe or whatever, but because Covenant is clearly Ridley wanting to reimagine Alien, as a synthesis of all the interesting bits from the subsequent films. There are lots of callbacks and recontextualisation, the first act especially is a recreation of Prometheus' first act except everything is 'off' in an ominous way.
>He wanted perfection
What does that even mean?
>If I can't understand it, it must be brilliant!
Brilliance doesn't come from confusing normies, it comes from making sense of the world.
fuck off tumblr
If you don't understand something, the most likely explanation is always that you're stupid or too lazy to make the effort.
What does he mean when he says he wants perfection? Answer me
David was the best thing in it... not to mention the ending shits on the entire franchise for it's usually predictable endings. If they follow through with that closer, David can bring down an entire craft of Xenomorphs to attack and control.
Movie as a whole? 6/10 but it's much more original than TLJ or any of the post-Cameron Alien flicks.
How does asking someone to finish what they started a Tumblr thing? I didn't ask for pronouns or something else stupid.
>slips on blood
just fucking admit only the first 2 Alien movies are good, everything else, especially OP is complete garbage
>there's an intelligence to the dust
Aliens are perfection. I don't know why, but that's what David means.
>not to mention the ending shits on the entire franchise for it's usually predictable endings
? Alien 3 was the same
> I don't know why
Enough said
you're not fooling me tumblr
Scott is just a fucking hack
It needed more Swamp Thing.
This was a sci-fi Elseworlds Anton Arcane origin story, right?
They should have been on the planet for 30 min tops, then the rest of the movie should have been alien movie + David, on the space ship.
It was not a good sequel to Prometheus, nor was it an Alien movie. It was something in between and the only redeeming factor was David
I could have wrote: "Aliens are perfection. That's David means.". What would be your excuse then?
>ruined David's character
From a droid with a god complex to a droid with an even bigger god complex?
whole crew acting like retards
basically everything
I don't actually remember if he has a line like that, but David's deal was that he thought of himself as superior to the people that created him. He has a point, since his physical and mental performance exceeds that of a human, but his attitude also stems from how poorly humans thought of him, and how he was designated as a slave since birth. His aspiration to replace humanity with an alien race of his own design is in part spiteful, his judgment is not as much objective as it is colored by his feelings. That renders his idea of perfection questionable at best.
Sup Forums is full of brainlet Cameron fans, they didn't like it because it wasn't Aliens, just as they've said every film in the franchise except Aliens is bad, though some will claim to like the original because they have enough brain cells to know saying otherwise outs them as a pleb.
This was even worse than prometheus
>It shit all over the originals
>the ending shits on the entire franchise
Why is this phrase the calling card of the retards?
>Literally the entire plot just doesn't happen if the people on the spaceship just take the most basic, elementary safety precautions
Seriously how the fuck does a movie like this even come out? Did they just not edit it at all? Did nobody just say "hey, think really doesn't make any sense"? It happened with Prometheus too, every character is consistently retarded and has to do completely contrived and dangerous bullshit that makes absolutely no sense in order to advance the plot.
Holy fuck this is amazing.
Aliens aren't perfect in any perceptible way. They are stupid predatory animals. They are dangerous, but not ridiculously so. They are ugly, awkward creatures.
Is this a good movie to watch if you just want to watch a dumb flick
dude just turn off your brain lamo
The same is true of Alien, Aliens and Alien: Resurrection. Hell, 99% of horror movies in general. You opinion is banal and your fake outrage unconvincing.
>it happened with Prometheus too
Damon Lindelof made it much worse than it should have been
fucking this
the whole "plot" is aborted had anyone just suggested to take the most basic health precautions
maybe you're just baiting but he means
at least prometheus looked nice
they're perfect in the way a shark is perfect
No? At what point in Alien for example does the crew do anything that isn't believably sensible from their own understanding of circumstances at that particular point?
Where in Alien or Aliens is there anything as egregious as the biologist who was freaking out about potentially dangerous alien organisms two scenes ago randomly deciding to go up and touch a clearly aggressive dangerous alien organism, or a geologist with a 3d holographic map getting lost in a circular cave? Where does anyone ever go out into an unknown alien biosphere with no protective equipment?
The entire plot of Alien: Covenant would have never happened if they'd just waited until the Storm passed before landing, closed the door on their landing craft behind them, and worn sealed suits.
It was really fucking dumb. But my Dad and I had a fun watching it. It's a theme park ride, nothing else. Enjoy the ride. inb4 "dude just turn your brain off lol inb4 you can't inb4
How about when John Hurt stuck his face in an egg just like happened in Covenant except without everyone calling him a retard for it
>clearly aggressive dangerous alien organism
You're assuming the characters in Covenant know what you have learned from watching these films, it was just a worm.
>if they'd just waited until the Storm passed
>"How long the storms usually last?"
>"Days. Weeks. Months. But do keep at it.. Best of luck."
>How about when John Hurt stuck his face in an egg
While he was wearing protective equipment, after they'd scanned the area and found no signs of life. The space trucker, a blue collar Joe Schmoe observes better practices than the highly qualified, highly educated crews of Covenant and Prometheus.
My problem isn't that bad things happen, but that they are clearly preventable. You can easily write a way for things to go wrong in Covenant without making the characters all complete retards.
You can't write a character who is smarter than yourself, if you're that dumb.
>it was just a worm.
It was a six for long Alien Cobra that was acting exactly like a Cobra on earth. Humans have hardwired instincts to nope the fuck out when encountering things like that, and he was a fucking biologist, one of the most qualified in the world according to the movie itself, he should have known better.
you can, it just ends up being like the new sherlock series
i liked it a lot more than prometheus, one of those instances of a sequel being better than the original
i felt that billy crudup was severely underutilized because his performance was so good, he should have been the main character breaking tradition of the strong female protagonist
I thought it was as bad as prometheus, it was the equivalent of watching Scott catch Fassbender's loads on his tongue for 2 hours.
shark nonce
the movie was alright until the xenomorph shows up, everything afterward is just a lame alien remake
I don't get why ridley won't just make his own sci fi series without the xenomorph
Wow. That's even dumber.
Then explain how I'm Tumblr? Or do you think calling people names proves you're point?
Every character was 100% retarded and defied all logic and sense.
Daniels was pretty hot, desu.
True. If you wanted better, let them be able to use weaponry.
I like the movies but fucking hate that the biologist is the one to have no problem getting close to a clearly aggressive alien creature
It's one of those movies where everyone's an idiot.
He was trying to be a big man and calm down his buttbuddy by asserting dominance over the alien manifestation of their homosexual tension.
Wait, was he gay?
the movie
I like your honesty, user. Very nice.
because the only thing that moved the plot forward was everybody on the ship acting like a fucking retard
It's an entertaining film but I was hoping for a true sequel to Prometheus, which sadly probably won't happen now.
her tits a disaster
But her arms are perfect. Although Daniels was hotter.
>I love Beavis and Butthead
All is forgiven, Ridley.
i guess
fakey CGI aliens that moved too fast to be believable (esp first contact in the wheat fields)
weak sounding CG gunfire that went brrt brrt brrt
hollywood cliches like that shower scene
ridley's half baked David story that needed more screen time to sink in
inconsistent xenomorph maturity time/ development (tiny fully formed xeno that burst from chest)
So does Patrick Stewart.
Elba's character literally cracks a joke about them having sex, and the alien worm attack is placed right after two scenes about other characters having sex.