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uh oh!
A yet another proof of americans being as braindead as chinks.
If it weren't for Europe we would have nothing but Disney and Marvel flicks all year round
Reminder that this is Review Screw
Reminder that your soy flick is a blatant recreation of the movie it’s desperately trying to emulate, right down to its ending scene.
>Driver died
retarded detected
>h-he didn’t die
there's literally a Drive 2 book dummie, not only that but both movies don't end the same, K dies and Driver drives on.
Cinèmá is doomed
>Bro, he drove a car and the one part had him laying down, it's such a ripoff
neither of them died
>BR is Sup Forums movie
>fails miserably
>BP is Sup Forums archnemisis
>suceeds remarkably
everything Sup Forums loves is doomed to fail and everything Sup Forums hates is doomed to succeed, except for Trump
Women don't get it
Coloreds don't get it
Boomers don't get it
fucking kek
Ryan gosling is in both movies? No shit you fucking retard
There’s no correlation between a cinematic adaption and it’s boring ass book.
K died, tears in the rain pretty much confirms it, and his story has nowhere to go now
Sup Forums on suicide watch
What about the fact that Refn said "The character of The Driver might return in another film. We’re playing with that idea. We’ll see what happens,"
>All those Reddit communities
>Fucking Call of Duty and Star Wars
Go play your call of duty games you literal manchild
fucking hell, how can one be so pathetic
Fuck this ogf ripoff and fuck goose for stealing cinematic queues from refn
>the absolute state of american audience
Based twitter shitkins
>good images
>shitty disney tier script
Blade Runner 2049 was so shit, honestly.
>le secret resistance mooviment
>le evil corporate boogiemens
I thought I was watching some sunday afternoon open tv movie, but one that had a very big budget for the visual parts.
I felt intellectually offended.
it's like a living parody
what’s the problem here, he’s right
I feel intellectually offended reading this post
>>le secret resistance mooviment
>>le evil corporate boogiemens
Both of those take up maybe 10 minutes of an almost 3 hour long runtime, not much of an argument there.
And both are portrayed as bad wanting to use K just as a tool for their own goals, which is why K denies both Wallace and the rebellion at the end and follows his own individual decision
Did you even watch the movie ?
>le secret resistance mooviment
>le evil corporate boogiemens
imagine actually thinking the film is remotely about either of these
just go talk to your call of duty waiting lobby you playstation manchild review screw, you're not fooling anyone
that's not even the ending scene
>Thinks Marvel shit is better than Raimi's movies
Guaranteed (you)s
>a literal video game playing game of thrones/starshit watching redditor thinks his opinion matters at all
It's funny how he's been exposed yet keeps going
Then you have a br2049 mong that gets exposed(webm related) and he does everything to cover up his tracks even though he's just ad bad as him
He’s right about Star Wars though
>retarded detected
>this is the anti BR2049 spammer
All of star wars is shlock shit for manchildren. As Alec Guinness himself has said it's "fairy-tale rubbish", even your precious OT
The guy you're replying to is probably another Sup Forumsedditor that joined Sup Forums in the 2010s and now thinks the cartoon that made him feel like an adult should be live action, but as an exact copy of the cartoon he watched so he can post it all over facebook
Exactly. If you want to make huge money from the american box office, it needs to be a movie that caters to the taste of the majority or is cast like the majority. Just look at the success of the Fast and Furious franchise, Black Panther and Coco. Business 101.
Jesus christ, how embarrassing.
What exactly did they expose on me? I’m failing to realize what I’m supposed to be hiding, especially considering that those are public social media accounts. That screencap is only tangible if you’re an elitist loser that perpetuates make believe pseudo-intellectual sensibilities. Everytime it’s posted I laugh because it’s the work of a massive fan.
Fuck ... she’s so damn cute
Pathetic samefag
>Review Screw is a marvel shill
I fucking knew it, no one likes videogames so much without being addicted to the cinematic equivalent of Call of Duty. No wonder he hated Blade Runner 2049
That you're a redditor that joined a few months after them
Hang yourself.
Use your fucking script so we can filter you and stop replying to yourself, anti-art redditor
>marvel shill
But he made those images you spam about them with the text and image
>anti-art redditor
Why are you using phrases that have been used against you when you promote pleb shit, tourist??
Lmao is this a joke? It's been common knowledge that you're that mongoloid who spammed those anti-2049 threads 30+ times a day, yet
>You're a literal redditor
>You love videogames, especially call of Duty
>You're an actual Marvel shill
>You're a Nolanite
>You love Star Wars
>You think Garbage like Ghost in the Shell and Fantastic Four are underrated classics
It's almost too ironic to believe
Dude it's over, you got exposed. No going back after this. Have dignity, use your script and stop talking about art movies, or just fuck off back to r*ddit
>What exactly did they expose on me?
For being a video game playing, game of thrones/starshit/capeshit watching literal redditor.
You are literally the embodiment of every numale/manchild buzzword that get's thrown around here to the point of me thinking that you are doing it all as a parody.
I mean the only thing that's left is a post of "yeah I enjoy drinking soy so what"
I agree with you that BR49 is soy as fuck but you got blown out mate
>y-y-ou're him again
He's clearly proven that he doesn't care if you know who he is. Now answer my question you fucking pleb parasite
Why are you using phrases that have been used against you when you promote pleb shit
And the biggest question you still have yet to answer
Why weren't you on this board before 2014?
Imagine being this narcissisticly unaware of your stupidity.
Ana got it, enough to play the role at least, thanks to her Hispanic upbringing.
Why are you still using phrases that have been user against you
Stop using real Sup Forums language when you're not a local, capeshitter
>And the biggest question you still have yet to answer. Why weren't you on this board before 2014?
Aaaand the Lav Diaz guy shows up. Get new material please
>muh box office
You are literal cancer
Why do you give tripfags attention? This just feeds into their unwarranted self-importance.
Once again the parasite that only joined Sup Forums after 2015 ignores the questions
Watch as he replies again without answering them but with his own question. Remember these are the people who try to claim they're like the Drive posters of years ago, the ones who claimed this movie was for the "autists" whilst hating them
What “common knowledge”? You mean your make believe gaslighting campaign? You can go into the archive and see if I spammed anything, easier considering there’s a trip to search for.
I have the whole board saying “dishonest. I literally killed your shitty neon blade triathlon movie.
Imagine being so pathetic you tripfag on an anonymous imageboard because simple (You)s aren't enough to satiate your lust for attention.
Because you're him, here is the proof. Now will you leave, you fucking videogame playing redditor?
It impress me how the rock turned a movie doomed to flop into a huge blockbuster
Dishonest was a buzzword that started with the release of La La Land about Chazelle you dumb twitter tourist newfaggot, no go play with your playstation and shove that iphone up your ass.
>I have the whole board saying “dishonest
No that was an anti emma stone happa who still cries about Sup Forums to this day on ghost.
So he uses the same language as me? Just like where you use the same language as me and many others Are you him trying to keep discussion about yourself going then?
idk why Sup Forums thinks BR 2049 isn't an SJW movie. It failed because no one likes SJW shit,
>I have the whole board saying “dishonest.
It was used for an entire year before you even came to this site my dear call of duty friend
>I literally killed your shitty neon blade triathlon movie.
It's still loved by the majority, as evident by the poll, Sup Forums oscar poll or just basic ass threads like these
The only thing your spam has done is to expose you which resulted in making any of your opinion immediately worthless and laughable
>a single scene is similar
>"blatant recreation of the movie it's desperately trying to emulate"
Kek. By the way, Drive's ending is eerily similar to Thief's ending. Refn is an excellent filmmaker but he isn't as original as you think he is. A ton of his trademarks are directly taken from Michael Mann.
I made that initial La La Land post using the term “dishonest”, and I resurrected the word with the release of 2049. Don’t call me a tourist, I’m responsible for almost 60% of contemporary Sup Forums culture. Show some respect you fucking pseuds.
How the hell is it SJW?
>Are you him trying to keep discussion about yourself going then?
You're mentally ill, Review Screw. All those videogames and capeshit movies have rotten your brain. See what you're reduced to, box office threads about oscar winning movies while shilling Black Lives Matter propaganda superhero movies. You don't have to live like this, RS. Killing yourself would set you free
>"SJW shit"
The literal opposite. Almost every single major SJW site made an article against the film
Add to that the entirety of SJW twitter crying and whining against the film
It's a movie for gays
1. Blade Runner 2049
2. Get out
3. Shape of Water
4.Phantom Thread
5. Florida Project
8.Call me by your name
9. Logan
10. Three bilboards
This shows why it's fanbase on Sup Forums(not real Sup Forums users) are like women
Look at that. As predicted in all my previous posts the outsider does it. He even goes back to trying to call him me
This is the only tactic by nonlocals threatened by the tastemakers. These are the people who think Sup Forums only became a board in the last few years after it went mainstream through memes and star wars 7
>"Show some respect"
>literally plays video games and watches capeshit while phoneposting from his iphone
lmao go argue about the latest Battlefront update or whatever you dumb kiddo
>I’m responsible for almost 60% of contemporary Sup Forums culture.
I don't know what's worse, deluding yourself into thinking you're the God of Sup Forums or being proud that you've had an influence on a shitty film/television board that cares more about capeshit and Sup Forums shitflinging than film as an artform. I'm sure your family is deeply ashamed of you.
>Strong female characters out the ass.
>The stronk female badass literally says "Im stronger than you" to gosling.
>Female characters ordering their male slaves around.
>Conveniently sets up the sequel to have a female lead.
>or being proud that you've had an influence on a shitty film/television board that cares more about capeshit and Sup Forums shitflinging than film as an artform
Whats your KG account?
Homecoming is a way better Spider-Man film than Raimi's fan fiction. I'm not disagreeing they're good films, but they get so much about Spider-Man wrong.
>deadpool fan from australia
Actually nevermind. You're not on there because you don't watch actual art
You're not just a tripfag, but an unusually retarded one. Stop posting and kill yourself already.
imagine thinking that an inferior dishonest cash in sequel is one of the best movies ever made
I’m a woman and I got it.
I like good movies
But I've already proven you're Review Screw, Review Screw. Here read this It's over