What films and shows do femanons like?
What films and shows do femanons like?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ones with black guys
I like stardust
Mad Men
Downton Abbey
The Knick
Drive and BR2049
femanons in Sup Forums are redpilled enough
I was watching the Crown recently, pretty comfy
Shows with big casts about relatable characters having relationship problems. Like a friend simulator but with a lot of gossip fuel.
Walking dead
Reddit is that way ma'am
The most recent series I've really been into was the new season of American Crime Story
blacked.com kinos
It depends on the characters and the plot although honestly I tend to get bored of shows easily
>Mad Men
A lot of the writers were women so it makes sense.
Lol I don’t know about that femanon but I don’t watch shows because it’s written bt a woman, as long as it’s good I don’t care who the writer is
My ex once told me she was into Peaky Blinders, which is why I've never watched it myself.
She was way too basic to like anything truly good
Fantasy dramas for children
>Harry Potter
anything with lots of intrigue and personal drama
>Grey's Anatomy
>Brothers & Sisters
>This Is Us
>Mad Men
>Downton Abbey
>The Crown
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Tim Burton films
The Office
tumblr trash (dr who, sherlock, supernatural, etc.)
I honestly can’t stand relationship drama in western shows, which is why I hated most teen shows on CW.
What’s the appeal of shows like Dr. Who and Supernatural?
Anything with a black hunk
where do I meet girls who care about tv and film gals?
literally anywhere. What do you think women do in their free time besides suck cock? Play video games? Read a book? LMAO
Shows I watch for just for cute boys
>Riverdale (Archie)
>The Walking Dead (Negan. After the first season, I read all that was available of the comic at the time and stuck through the bullshit for years for him)
>girls who care about tv and film
They're either dykes or "women."
Riverdale I watched for both the boys and the plot but when the plot went downhill not even my husbandos could save it
I was like that with TWD but the threads for the past few episodes make me want to catch up
>equating playing videogames with reading a book
>implying girls don't read MUCH MORE than guys anyway
have you ever looked at the gender ratios of English degrees and the primary target audience of YA novels?
They both feature dashing men, and the women can fantasize about the men sweeping them away from their boring lives into crazy adventures
it's the reason that the Tennant years of Doctor Who are so popular - it followed this formula (handsome dashing man sweeps up regular girl from her boring life into adventure) and achieved massive ratings success despite being cheesy as fuck. The BBC wonders why none of the follow-up seasons can match the success, it's because they broke the formula.
>Tenth Doctor: handsome dashing man
>Eleventh Doctor: he looks like a kid
>Twelfth Doctor: he looks like a grandpa
>Thirteenth Doctor: he's a she
If the beeb thinks that the audience that watched Tennant is going to tune in to see FemDoctor, they're in for a rude fucking awakening.
What can be gathered from this thread is that women are complete plebs who only watch TV
Who cares?
and read YA trash apparently
>mfw I like supernatural sherlock and dr who
Am I gay? I get erections from nude women but I can't deny the evidence here.
I don't think women actually like anything.
>Sup Forums is predominantly male
>entire board is shited up with capeshit threads
>women are the plebs
my favorite movie is network but thats a personal thing
Fine then recommend us some good shows and films to watch
based white genocide posters
Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and whatever show the dude they are fucking at the time likes.
not based
Mad Men, the Crown, Narcos, Riverdale (until it went to shit)
Depends on what you want to watch, what you're craving. Can't just watch a movie because "it's good."
What are your favorites then?
What the fuck is this shitty advice? Are you a woman as well? No guy should be talking about "only watch movies that you crave" bullshit.
Not that person, but pathological liar or American history (revolution preferred) kino
You're not gay, you're an emotionally underdeveloped manchild
I really want to watch something super comfy, so maybe some slice of life kino
That's waaaaaaaaaaaaay better, thanks user!
Watching a Wes Anderson movie with a broad will get you laid 100% of the time.
Women who come here are probably autistic and disgusting so they probably just watch the same shit we do.
A Boy and his Dog
>Pathological liar
I guess Maniac and the sequel with Elijah Wood, but I don't know if that's exactly what you meant.
>American history (revolution preferred)
Don't know any good ones about the Revolution , unless you consider "The Patriot" a good movie. Glory is good. My favorite is Broken Arrow, although it's historical-fiction.
Untrue, my sister didn't even look at me.
getting your penies lopped off doesn't make you a woman
Women don't watch films
I like Stardust too. It reminded me of the Princess Bride. Please be my gf.
This thread is now about essential mankino that women will never understand
Pic related
Clerks is comfy. A Man Called Ove too, but it has its dramatic moments.
Yi Yi by Edward Yang is a perfect slice of life film.
>ITT: scenes that women will never understand
You talk like a fag and your shits all retatded
You mean Jewish
Is that the CN tower in the back?
Thanks :)
This. Donnie Darko as well.
>Tennant Years: handsome dashing man sweeps up regular girl from her boring life into adventure
>massive success
>all other doctors break this formula
>no other doctor reaches the same level of success
The pussy-power female nu-who is going to be an abysmal flop, isn’t it?
never watched dr who despite being a bong but supernatural is actually pretty comfy because you get to watch characters being bros with each other
my last girlfriend fucking loved stargate, and she was very basic, it made no sense. also they love british shows, comedys drama etc, most of them anyway.
How could it not be a personal thing? Its your favourite movie you absolute brainlet. The real question is, are women missing the part of their brain responsible for humour/abstract thought?
Stargate isn't really anything deep
What do you mean?
Trying to watch Oldboy with my ex was a torturous experience. I'm hoping it was because she couldn't read instead of being a complete pleb .
I know one chick who likes Call me by your name, danish girl, philadelphia (see patern?) and hates marvel flicks.
Anyone who asks "what's your favorite movie" is a complete brainlet.
Say what you're referring to? Which but if what I said? Goddammit Woman!
My wife watches foreign detective dramas on our local PBS station. Pic related is kino.
why are there so many toasties on my guy board? I was wondering where the fish smell was coming from
>good movies about the revolution
Drums Along The Mohawk. they do tend to be scarce. i have The Patriot director's cut but haven't watched yet
Toasties as in toasty marshmellows?
Go ask Sup Forums and find out.
Or good shows. I know John Adams is well regarded, but I'd like to read the book it was based off of before giving it a rewatch. Couldn't get into Turn
Holy shit, I watched one of these like a year ago and I've been trying to remember its name ever since. It had some wild Eyes Wide Shut-esque shit going on and was really fucking good.
British period dramas
All the generals are mostly women. What sane man would post in a Reylo, The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones thread?
My friends gf likes to watch stuff like the voice and ncis shit
Anything bad.
Traps aren't femanons btw fucking fags
W-what? Is this true?
Not if you're a stutterposting anime loser
gossip girl?
Has anyone actually met a woman with good taste? Even the ones I’ve met that are “into film” just like entry level stuff like Nolan or Wes Anderson
No. I took an introductory film class in college with around 80 people and every single woman there was a complete pleb. The men were plebs too, for the most part, but a few had good taste.
I chalk it up to women in general not caring about film as much as men. Look at this thread: most of the responses were about TV shows, even though Sup Forums is a more film oriented board in general.
You can see it in the industry too. There's a larger share of female writers in TV than in film.
Anyone who like tv more than film is a pleb. Sopranos, the Wire, and Twin Peaks The Return are literally the only good shows that exist. People just like tv more because it’s they’re easier to half-watch. They can be on their phones for most of it then pay attention when something big happens and then they can tweet about it. That’s why everyone loves GOT